Kate Hastings Show



The Kate Hastings Show is a platform of transformation and community. A place of specialized knowledge, communication, unity, open conversations about health, wellness,lifestyle and people of their expertise.


  • Beauty is in the Mind of the Beholder, Who Sets the Standards?

    19/07/2021 Duração: 41min

    We live in a world full of beauty standards defined by external factors like the media and society. Have you ever stopped to think what beauty standards you are personally following and why?  Realizing there is a subconscious programing, that we were either born into or inherited by our external environments that shaped our thinking. Why are we following a standards that have nothing to do with our personal beliefs, values and level of standards?  How can you truly be happy by living and viewing beauty through a collective standard? Think about it....  I believe when you begin to question, de-program and re-program yourself to your own definition of what beauty is, you can reduce the amount of suffering and the limited views we've constructed towards this false sense of reality.  The beauty industry is a multi-billion dollar industry that counts on our weak minds, insecurities and drives us to distort ourselves to fit into some image of ‘perfection’ that will never be attainable.  Tune in! @coachkate1 

  • The path not paved

    12/07/2021 Duração: 53min

      I love speaking in metaphors and this episode is all about when you choose to pave your own path in life.  We are all on this journey called life, right? Every day we are working towards something and there is a path to that goal. The path others expect of us, or the path you know that’s driven from your internal GPS.   When you see roadblocks do you see a STOP signs or opportunities?   When you have to make a detour do you use it to your advantage or keep going in the wrong direction? Have you ignored your check engine light that’s been on for the last 100 mile?   You can’t fill your tank up half way and expect to go the distance.

  • Are you motivated or are you driven?

    05/07/2021 Duração: 29min

    Most motivation crumples under any test of hardship or adversity. Motivation is unreliable due the fact it relies mostly on emotions and external forces generating it. Motivation makes you feel like you can do something for the time being. While being driven keeps you in the game for the long run. Being driven is different. It’s an obsession that consumes you to act regardless of your circumstances or feelings. It’s a pull not a push. It’s choosing something outside of how you feel due to the fact you see the larger picture. Drive can’t be bought or sold. It means that even after you’ve arrived at your destination, you still won’t stop….. ever.    

  • Through action, you build belief

    28/06/2021 Duração: 20min

    By challenging your current beliefs through action, will you begin to conquer your limiting beliefs. I think how anyone got from point A – to B wasn’t by thinking alone, it was by taking action. Or else we would all close our eyes and be millionaires with a 6 pack by now. How do you build confidence? You do things that require you to be confident.… and eventually you become that.  Of course, the mental aspect is just as important but where most people get stopped is in their minds. So it only goes that far…. The solution to that roadblock is getting beyond the mind and how do you do that? Action...

  • "It's just what I do"

    20/06/2021 Duração: 12min

    The way to building lasting habits is focusing on creating a new identity first rather than the goal. Your current behaviors, belief system and mindsets are a reflection of your current identity. What you do now is a mirror image of the type of person you believe that you are, consciously or subconsciously. To transform your behavior for good, you need to start believing new things about yourself and what's possible for you. “I want to lose weight”  “I want to lose 20 pounds”  These goals are centered around our performance or our appearance. Performance and appearance goals are great to strive towards , but they aren’t the same as habits. 

  • Post Ayahuasca

    14/06/2021 Duração: 38min

    Here in this podcast I share my life after Ayahuasca. Its been 90 days since I've gotten back from Peru and the trip truly begins when you get home.  Ayahuasca, although miraculous, is not a cure. She does not prevent us from having to face what we have avoided until we sit with her. She can only open the door. We still have to walk through it. Tune in to how I've been walking through the doors that have been opened for me and the ups and downs after Ayahuasca. My overall experience was life-changing and profound.  It was when returning to “real” life that I was  faced with what the plant showed me and for the healing to integrate I must become more conscious and make different choices daily. Creating new patterns of behavior and new ways of being is vital and it’s not easy lol Everyone’s experience is different I’m here to share my personal experience.  Nothing could be more beautiful & difficult, more terrifying, more mind-blowingly challenging than facing our own demons and shadows; the subconscious tr

  • How are your needs met?

    06/06/2021 Duração: 27min

    Once we are more in touch with our needs and values, we can actively align our lives to honor our values and meet our needs, using them to guide our behavior so that we are able to live more fulfilling and meaningful lives. Simply taking a moment to ask yourself what they are ?   So ask yourself: What are my needs? What are my personal prerequisites for happiness? Not what the commercials or your friends are telling you. What is your soul telling you? Do you need more creativity, passion, fun? More time in nature? Less stress? Once you’ve started discovering what your needs are, check in with yourself often. Are your needs being met right now? If not, how can you make that happen?

  • How do you handle failure?

    30/05/2021 Duração: 33min

    How do you handle failure? It is human to fail. It is human to make mistakes. So why do we shame and avoid it? Knowing how you handle failure is just as important as reaching success. Get clear about what you consider to be success first, and make sure that it’s your concept, not your what your friends and family think success is. Failing is life’s way of showing you that you need to improve, grow and shift your approach. But keep your goal and aim the same. It’s not about how big or small the failure is but how you react, respond, and process the result. Trying to minimize your feelings or distract yourself can be counter-productive in the longer term. One reason why some people find failure devastating is that their identity is tied up in succeeding. They view the failure as who they versus an external result.

  • Excuses

    23/05/2021 Duração: 26min

    Find an excuse to win, not to loose. The distance between where you are right now and where you really want to go can be measured by the amount of excuses you make or don’t make. Our brains are wired to keep us safe, and making excuses sounds rational to keep us out of harms way. Thank goodness we have the instinct to avoid dangerous situations, but it also keep most people from not really going after what they want. A tiger chasing you and you opening a new business, the same alert goes off in our brain. People say things like… I’ll stay in my 9-5 job because I have health insurance. Meanwhile your health is deteriorating because you hate what you do. But you convince yourself it’s safer to stay, because of the security, and pursuing your purpose then feels unsafe. God didn’t created humans to only live for health insurance. Making excuses is a habit. One excuse creates a landslide of more excuses.  This is the power of repetition. You don’t become unhealthy overnight. Just like you don’t become successfu

  • Change your story, change your life

    15/05/2021 Duração: 50min

    Wouldn’t you like to stop negative thinking? I know it’s unpredictable and hard to control the thoughts that pop into our head. It’s easy for people to say, “think positive” don’t be a negative Nancy, do your affirmations and all will be well…. No one said ever! Then you feel bad for thinking negatively and the vicious circle continues. I believe it’s more than negative thinking, it’s a daily story you identify with. When I was little they diagnosed me with multiple learning disabilities

  • Choose your struggles

    09/05/2021 Duração: 25min

    Choose your struggles rather than letting them choose you. Everyone’s got struggles. We assume we should struggle less, but we actually need to reframe that. We need to struggle better. Life is about choosing which problem, which struggle is worth it, and then going for it. Most people only know what to do when things are going good, not necessarily when shit hits the fan. The people who are most resilient and handle struggle the best actually go further in achieving their goals. When you keep hitting a wall you build upon it to see higher, not as a roadblock. When you choose to struggle for something that’s meaningful and hard it becomes a personal gain. There’s no easy way to know what struggle to choose you just have to start somewhere. Getting used to struggle has practical benefits, too. In any goal, you are going to run into setbacks, failures and disappointments. And having the skills to be able to deal with that struggle effectively will keep you on the path moving forward.

  • The winning/losing formula?

    29/04/2021 Duração: 54min

    Wouldn’t it be nice if we were just automatically born with our winning formula fully operating and functioning as adults…?  The winning formula for self-love, great relationships, money, mindset, health, career etc. Doing the right things, experiencing continuous progress, having the characteristic of being driven, disciplined and motivated. Wouldn’t that be nice…. Well, that’s not reality.

  • I'll start tomorrow"

    19/04/2021 Duração: 21min

    Nobody feels like a champ about who they are 100% of the time... “Ill do it when I’m feeling healthy” “I’ll start tomorrow” “When I have the money” “I’ll start after the weekend” How many times have you heard this? How many times have you said it to yourself? It’s easy to forget that we don't have endless "tomorrows". Days become weeks… Weeks become months… Months become years… And there you are... still the same person mentally & physically when you first said the excuse. If you keep putting off the things you need to do for yourself and health… You'll never become that version of yourself you've always dreamed of. The game is to become aware... Understand why you feel that way... And work to improve the areas you aren't satisfied with. Attack, burn, and destroy those parts. Don't just accept your shortcomings as if there is something wrong with you... There are things messed up with all of us... But you need to understand this... Your life/health is an ongoing project.... A marathon... Start takin

  • "The trip within"

    04/04/2021 Duração: 01h21min

    This is a podcast dedicated to my self healing journey in Peru drinking Ayahuasca. @coachkate1

  • Why Ayahuasca?

    30/03/2021 Duração: 44min

    Why did I choose to do ayahuasca in Peru?? Check this podcast I talk about what triggered me to go and the challenges I faced going there!  @coachkate1 

  • Face everything with purpose

    02/02/2021 Duração: 31min

      Understanding your automatic ways of facing the good, happy, sad and bad can be a game changer. When you face anything with purpose and intention you will have leverage and empowerment. Not falling to the actions and reactions of your unconscious thoughts behaviors and emotions will better help you face yourself and circumstances. A lot of times we react and face things like they will be forever but in reality, it’s just adapting to the tempory environment feelings emotions and circumstance enough to get you by with ease and grace. But what about not just getting by but coming prepared and facing life and situations with balls, courage and intelligence. Check out this podcast !  

  • Participation Trophy Mentality

    19/01/2021 Duração: 26min

    You don’t get an award for just showing up for yourself in life, it’s what we are created to do. But why is it so hard ? I’ve come up with this concept and mentality to help shift the mindset to showing up for yourself is just who you are nothing special to “deserve” a reward. Eating healthy and being able to exercise is a privilege not an action to take in order to get. 

  • Advantage of Adversity

    05/01/2021 Duração: 28min

    ADVANTAGES OF ADVERSITY It can make us vulnerable, expose our weaknesses and set us up for failure. But even more frightening is what happens when we choose to avoid adversity. Without adversity we cannot learn, we cannot grow and we cannot find out what our true limitations are. Choosing to rise to the challenge of adversity is not easy, but it can be done. If you break up the huge challenge that you are taking on into small, manageable chunks, you will find the process less overwhelming. You will gain confidence with each step you take towards your goal. Then, eventually, you may just make your own masterpiece.

  • Risk it all or fail to win

    01/01/2021 Duração: 27min

    Whether you do something and fail, or you choose to avoid it out of fear of failure you lose either way. So why not take a chance? What I’ve learned over the years is more people would prefer to stay in a known hell than to take a chance and risk going after what they really want in life.  

  • Rise to your resistance & conquer it

    17/12/2020 Duração: 46min

    The change you’re most resisting holds the key to unlocking your transformation. What Is “Resistance” Anyway? Resistance is a psychological reaction to change. It’s like a self-protection mechanism where we oppose the change or struggle against our desired behavior modification.   Resistance means that, despite being highly motivated with the best intentions, we fight that change at a psychological level. Listen to this podcast about loving, overcoming and beating resistance!

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