Life Of A Catholic Librarian



Faith, books, and everything in-between...


  • Tea Time with Tiffany #108 - Back to School, and Scentsy talk!


    Hello all! And welcome to a Back to School themed episode of:Today I talk back-to-school, and fall Scentsy shenanigans! Plus, I finally reveal my Rhinebeck sweater, and what the heck that is. Join me!**To subscribe to the audio version of Tea Time with Tiffany, just search for it in iTunes or use this link to subscribe via Feedburner in your podcatcher of choice. Intro music is "Feelin' Good" from http://www.purple-planet.comItems mentioned in this episode:My Scentsy website. Just send me an email if you'd like to join the Facebook group! On My Bookshelf: Amish Quilt Shop series. Murder Plainly Read (Book 4), and Murder Handcrafted (Book 5). Creative Commons: My Rhinebeck sweater, Opposite Pole, by Joji Locatelli. Yarn is Knit Picks' Wool of the Andes. My sweater specifically is in the Aurora Heather colorway. :) Link to the NY Sheep and Wool Festival!Prayer Corner: Novena to St. Maximilian Kolbe! Watch for my piece about him on Catholic Mom, this coming Monday 8/14.  What are you working on this weekend

  • Tea Time for Advent 2017 - Episode 3!


    We're getting closer to Gaudete/rose candle Sunday! It's our third installment in our weekly series for Advent:Today I gab about how our Advent is going, Christmas baking and traditions, and of course lots of book club talk. Join me!**To subscribe to the audio version of Tea Time with Tiffany, just search for it in iTunes or use this link to subscribe via Feedburner in your podcatcher of choice. Intro music is "Feelin' Good" from http://www.purple-planet.comItems mentioned in this episode: The Christmas Quilt, our Advent choice for book club. The first book in the Elm Creek Quilts series is The Quilter's Apprentice, and here is a search for the series in Amazon so that you can purchase others if you'd like to read more! From the author's website, here is some fantastic information about the order of books in the series: The Elm Creek Quilts novels are a series of books written by Jennifer Chiaverini. The series includes twenty novels, one short story available as a e-book, and a reader's gui

  • Tea Time for Advent 2017 - Episode 4!


    Wow, that went fast! It's our final episode for Advent 2017!Today I gab about the missing 4th Sunday of Advent :0, how it's suddenly a dance gig bonanza for New Year's Eve, and of course the conclusion of our Advent 2017 Book Club!**To subscribe to the audio version of Tea Time with Tiffany, just search for it in iTunes or use this link to subscribe via Feedburner in your podcatcher of choice. Intro music is "Feelin' Good" from http://www.purple-planet.comItems mentioned in this episode: Author's web page with the chronology of the Elm Creek Quilts series.The New Year's QuiltWhat are you thoughts on Chapters 4 and 5?! What would you like to see in 2018 on the blog and on the podcast?

  • Tea Time for Lent/Easter 2018 - Episode 7! Triduum recap...


    So, we had a bit of a production delay ;-) and thus have a combined Lent/Easter edition of...Today I chat about my Triduum, 2018 edition, Henry and the marathon altar serving, and the poignancy of the Easter vigil mass. Join me!**To subscribe to the audio version of Tea Time with Tiffany, just search for it in iTunes or use this link to subscribe in your podcast app of choice. Intro music is "Feelin' Good" from  Happy Easter everybody! How was your Triduum and Easter weekend? I'd love to hear from you!

  • Tea Time for Lent 2018 - Episode 6! Contemplating the Holy Week liturgies...


    I get all into liturgy nerd mode on our late-Lent edition of:I wax nostalgic a bit today about my cradle Catholic years with Lent and Easter, but having never experienced the Triduum liturgies until just a few years ago. We linger over Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil, and the meaning behind those liturgies. To be continued last week since I got so into this! **To subscribe to the audio version of Tea Time with Tiffany, just search for it in iTunes or use this link to subscribe in your podcast app of choice. Intro music is "Feelin' Good" from  What are your experiences with the Holy Week liturgies? Did you participate in them as a child, or only as an adult like me? I would love to hear from you!

  • Tea Time for Lent 2018 - Episode 5! On Almsgiving...


    We've come to the end of the 4th week of Lent, and another Lenten edition of...Today we wrap up the final installment in our sub-series on the 3 pillars of Lent, and discuss almsgiving! This includes giving of our time, talent and treasure, particularly during the Lenten season. I manage to weave in introvertism and an upcoming Catholic Mom book club. ;-) I hope you'll join me!**To subscribe to the audio version of Tea Time with Tiffany, just search for it in iTunes or use this link to subscribe in your podcast app of choice. Intro music is "Feelin' Good" from Items mentioned in this episode:USCCB page on almsgivingCatholic Mom "Waiting with Purpose" Book ClubHow is your Lent going, dear listener? What are your thoughts on almsgiving during the Lenten season? I'd love to hear from you!

  • Tea Time for Lent 2018 - Episode 4! On Fasting...


    We're in the middle of a short series this Lent, as we podcast our way through to Holy Week...I'm in the middle of a trio of episodes on the 3 pillars of Lent: prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Our episode today focuses on fasting. How does this work in the daily life of your average married, work outside of the home mom, who is all rushy rushy on a regular basis? We reflect a bit on how fasting involves more that just abstaining from food between meals. Join me!**To subscribe to the audio version of Tea Time with Tiffany, just search for it in iTunes or use this link to subscribe in your podcast app of choice. Intro music is "Feelin' Good" from Items mentioned in this episode:USCCB reflection on fastingHow has fasting played a part in your Lent this year? I'd love to hear from you!

  • Tea Time for Lent 2018 - Episode 3! On prayer...


    We're going to start examining the 3 pillars of Lent, horray! Join me for another special Lenten edition of:We're talking Lenten pillars for the next 3 weeks, and today we're starting with prayer. Scripture, prayer postures, structured vs. more informal prayer, we cover it all! **To subscribe to the audio version of Tea Time with Tiffany, just search for it in iTunes or use this link to subscribe in your podcast app of choice. Intro music is "Feelin' Good" from Items mentioned in this episode: USCCB page on LentCatholic Journaling BibleBlog that I mentioned re: transferring things to the journaling Bible How are you employing prayer this Lent? I'd love to hear from you!

  • Tea Time for Lent 2018 - Episode 2! Resolution Time!


    I'm back with another short episode of the Tea Time podcast for the first full week of Lent!Today we chat about Lenten resolutions. What are mine? How are they going? What are yours? Is it possible to get back on the bandwagon after falling off? I'd love to hear from you!*I said Magnificat Advent Companion in the recording, when I obviously meant the Magnificat Lenten Companion! **To subscribe to the audio version of Tea Time with Tiffany, just search for it in iTunes or use this link to subscribe in your podcast app of choice. Intro music is "Feelin' Good" from  Comment below on all things Lenten resolutions!

  • Tea Time for Lent 2018 - Episode 1! Musings on Ash Wednesday and starting Lent off strong...


    Hey looky, a SURPRISE! I was inspired this week, and so have the first episode in a Lenten series to share with you:These are going to be *short*, 9ish minute vignettes that I share each Friday during Lent on a Lenten theme or my own Lenten experience. This week I talk about Ash Wednesday, and my attitude of starting Lent off strong. I hope that you'll join me!**To subscribe to the audio version of Tea Time with Tiffany, just search for it in iTunes or use this link to subscribe in your podcast app of choice. Intro music is "Feelin' Good" from How was your Ash Wednesday, dear listener? I'd love to hear from you!

  • Tea Time for Advent 2017 - episode 1!


    Well HELLO there! I feel like it's been awhile, though it's not like I've been away from the blog for any length of time. :0 But Tea Time is back in it's seasonal format, and here we are at episode 1 for Advent 2015!*streamers*Today we talk about the format for Tea Time going forward and the seasonal way it will be produced for the foreseeable future (lots of catching up and what's happening, a Catholic tidbit, and then seasonal specials), before moving into our Advent Book Club! Horray! There will be a new Tea Time each week for the next 4 weeks.CAVEAT: The audio quality this week is very poor, I'm so sorry about that! Being out of practice, I did not properly record the audio while I recorded live, and thus had to go back and capture it from the video, which leads to ca ca in terms of audio. It's something at least for those of you who prefer to listen rather than watch the video. There are also a couple of wonky spots where I had to edit out notification noises that I did not anticipate. *collapses* Next w

  • Tea Time for Advent 2017 - Episode 2!


    Virtual high five everybody! I'm back for a second week in our Advent Tea Time series!Today in What's Happening, I talk about Christmas gift buying progress (*snort* it's not going all that well), and lots of dance news. We review the Blessed is She Advent Journal, before moving into our book club chat for chapter 2 of The Christmas Quilt! I thought this chapter was much more emotional than chapter 1.**To subscribe to the audio version of Tea Time with Tiffany, just search for it in iTunes or use this link to subscribe via Feedburner in your podcatcher of choice. Intro music is "Feelin' Good" from http://www.purple-planet.comItems mentioned in this episode:Blessed is She Advent Journal (in digital download form).The Christmas Quilt (our Advent 2017 book club selection).Book Club schedule (next week we are reading Chapter 3, which is a bit longer than the previous chapters).The Quilter's Homecoming (Elm Creek Quilts Book 10, this is the installment with Elizabeth's story after she moves to California with her

  • Tea Time #113 - Good changes afoot!


    It's an important transitory edition of:It's no mystery, I just discuss it in a lot more depth in the podcast itself: Tea Time is moving to a seasonal format. I will need to take short hiatuses throughout the year, and this made sense to me to break it up into seasons such that the podcast will STAY a weekly podcast when it is running. The alternative was to have it go to bimonthly or monthly, which just didn't seem to fit with the theme of the show very well. The show will return for a late Ordinary Time/Advent season in early November. Until then, I chat about all of the changes, and my fun plans for the blog AND podcast in this new seasonal structure. Join me, and chime in with your ideas!**To subscribe to the audio version of Tea Time with Tiffany, just search for it in iTunes or use this link to subscribe via Feedburner in your podcatcher of choice. Intro music is "Feelin' Good" from http://www.purple-planet.comItems mentioned in this episode:New Facebook group I would REALLY love for you all to joi

  • Tea Time #112 - Spiritual journeys amidst the hectic everyday...


    It's a cathartic edition this week of:Today I talk more about my spiritual crisis relating to my job, how I am managing it, and why the podcast may not be weekly anymore. :-\ But hope springs eternal, and I have ideas for other ways we can connect during the week and offer each other prayer support. Join me!**To subscribe to the audio version of Tea Time with Tiffany, just search for it in iTunes or use this link to subscribe via Feedburner in your podcatcher of choice. Intro music is "Feelin' Good" from http://www.purple-planet.comItems mentioned in this episode:My heart-to-heart post from earlier this week On My Bookshelf - Super Girls and Halos: My Companions on the Quest for Truth, Justice and Heroic Virtue, by Maria JohnsonPrayer Corner - The rosary. I am currently obsessed with my St. Teresa of Calcutta rosary. :) Allison's rosary shop, if you'd like to message her to request a custom St. Teresa rosary!Creative Commons - I finished the Rhinebeck sweater! Not the greatest photos, but I'll have Mike

  • Tea Time with Tiffany #111 - "what day is it?!" Beginning of semester exhaustion...


    TGIF everyone, and BOY do I really mean it this week :0 for a new installment of:Today we talk about the back to teaching grind, how the 30 day prayer challenge is going, lots of creativity flowing, and bunches more. Join me! (I even look exhausted in this screenshot, don't I? :0)**To subscribe to the audio version of Tea Time with Tiffany, just search for it in iTunes or use this link to subscribe via Feedburner in your podcatcher of choice. Intro music is "Feelin' Good" from http://www.purple-planet.comItems mentioned in this episode:Weekend dance post On My Bookshelf - Murder Wears Mittens (Seaside Knitters Society), by Sally Goldenbaum.Prayer Corner - I've been working on praying at least 1 office of the Liturgy of the Hours each day with my Divine Office app. Creative Commons - I'm on the 2nd sleeve of my Rhinebeck sweater! But also, a Beachcomber Shawl in a fall-inspired colorway.  This is the yarn base I'm using, though the colorways I chose are no longer available. It's *divine*, and the dyer is

  • Tea Time with Tiffany #110 - STRESS


    How's that for a relaxing title this month? ;-)Today I talk about the semester starting, and how I'm finding it just a wee bit stressful. Prayer strategies, more dance gigs, fun books coming out this fall, and more!**To subscribe to the audio version of Tea Time with Tiffany, just search for it in iTunes or use this link to subscribe via Feedburner in your podcatcher of choice. Intro music is "Feelin' Good" from http://www.purple-planet.comItems mentioned in this episode:On My Bookshelf - Same author as my Amish Quilt Shop Mysteries (just under a pseudonym), is a new series, Assaulted Caramel (An Amish Candy Shop Mystery). Prayer Corner - I'm starting a 30 day Evening and Night Prayer challenge beginning Monday, 8/28. Would you like to join in?Creative Commons - I started the sleeves on my Rhinebeck sweater! It's a miracle!Are you going to pray along for the prayer challenge? Have any new book recommendations? Planning for Advent already the way that I am? ;-) Do write in!

  • Tea Time with Tiffany #109 - How to *not* feel overwhelmed...


    It's an organization-focused episode this week of:Had a little bit of a technical mishap today, and the audio didn't record on my video. 😡 So no video this week, but I do have the separate audio for the podcast feed, so that's all we have this week, sorry about that! I put lipstick on and everything. :0This week we talk about strategies for evading that sense of being overwhelmed as we segue into Back-to-School season full force! **To subscribe to the audio version of Tea Time with Tiffany, just search for it in iTunes or use this link to subscribe via Feedburner in your podcatcher of choice. Intro music is "Feelin' Good" from http://www.purple-planet.comItems mentioned in this episode:Blessed is She Liturgical Calendar PlannerCatholic Mom piece on St. Maximilian Kolbe On My Bookshelf:  The King's Prey: Saint Dymphna of Ireland (God's Forgotten Friends: Lives of Little Known Saints), by Susan PeekSheepish: Two Friends, Fifty Sheep, and Enough Wool to to Save the Planet, by Catherine Friend. Praye

  • Tea Time with Tiffany #107 - The epic dancing weekend, & morning offerings!


    Happy Friday everyone, and welcome to our early August edition of:Today I address the EPIC dancing weekend I had, more about performance jitters, a new trilogy from my favorite secular author who specializes in suspense set in Montana, the joy of Morning Offering prayers, and the Downton Abbey shawl is coming along!**To subscribe to the audio version of Tea Time with Tiffany, just search for it in iTunes or use this link to subscribe via Feedburner in your podcatcher of choice. Intro music is "Feelin' Good" from http://www.purple-planet.comItems mentioned in this episode:Highlights from last weekend's epic dance performancesOn my Bookshelf: Dark Horse (Whitehorse, Montana: The McGraw Kidnapping), by BJ Daniels.Prayer Corner: Morning Offerings. Creative Commons: The Downton Abbey shawl I will be gifting is coming right along!Needs lots of blocking when it's done, but coming along nicely!What have you been working on this summer? Are you looking forward to back-to-school season? Any Advent book club suggestions

  • Tea Time with Tiffany #106 - Battling nerves & exciting book club plans...


    Happy Friday everyone, and welcome to our late July edition of:Today I talk about performance jitters, the height of the summer festival season, and plans for future book clubs. Join me!**To subscribe to the audio version of Tea Time with Tiffany, just search for it in iTunes or use this link to subscribe via Feedburner in your podcatcher of choice. Intro music is "Feelin' Good" from http://www.purple-planet.comItems mentioned in this episode:This week's amusing dance adventures post On my Bookshelf: Summer equestrian theme - Sabotage (Love Inspired Suspense), by Kit WilkinsonThe next 2 books in the Living Water trilogy for Lenten/Easter book club 2018 - The Thief (on sale right now for $4.99 for Kindle), and The Tomb.Prayer Corner: St. Maximillian Kolbe novenaCreative Commons:  Downton Abbey crocheted shawl. Pattern is Happily at the Abbey, and the yarn is Knit Picks' Stroll Hand Painted.Original finished shawl (colorway is the discontinued Hayride):Newly started shawl in different colorway for Ire

  • Tea Time with Tiffany #105 - Spotlight on St. Kateri!


    Hello everyone, and welcome to a St. Kateri themed edition of:Today I include the first installment in our Church Triumphant series: St. Kateri Tekakwitha! I also update you all on my summer dancing nerves and foibles, planning for fall teaching, kid updates, and summer family fun. Join me!**To subscribe to the audio version of Tea Time with Tiffany, just search for it in iTunes or use this link to subscribe via Feedburner in your podcatcher of choice. Intro music is "Feelin' Good" from http://www.purple-planet.comItems mentioned in this episode:What's on my Bookshelf - A Book of Saints for Catholic Moms The Church Triumphant - Focus on St. Kateri Tekakwitha!  My family's St. Kateri faith story Tekakwitha Conference  Video of the St. Kateri chaplet. Audio is on my Chaplets page! How is your week wrapping up? Do you have a devotion to St. Kateri? I'd love to hear all about it! 

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