First Baptist Church - Madison, Wi

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 3:46:20
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Sermons from First Baptist Church, Madison, WI, a Christian church that celebrates a progressive faith. Rev. Mark Clinger, pastor


  • The Spirit of Inclusion

    23/05/2021 Duração: 18min

    Pastor Tim tells the story of Pentecost, which is considered to be a story about the birth and unity of the Church.  The big takeaway of this story: God created a new identity of unity through the Holy Spirit.  The emphasis here is on new, not a unity that expects assimilation or places limits on outward expressions of diversity. Pentecost is a celebration of God's spirit of inclusion, of equity, of equality. The sermon text is Acts 2:1-21; the reading of the scripture is included in the podcast. The Rev. Tim Schaefer, pastor, preaching.

  • Set Apart for a Purpose

    16/05/2021 Duração: 16min

    Pastor Tim preaches on how the church is set apart for a special purpose; our job as a church, as a community, as followers of Jesus, is to be that community where people are made to feel that they belong, to be that community that models the ministry of Jesus. The sermon text is John 17:6-19; the reading of the scripture is included in the podcast. The Rev. Tim Schaefer, pastor, preaching.

  • The Power of Love

    10/05/2021 Duração: 13min

    Pastor Tim comments on Jesus' preaching on love. What kind of love is Jesus talking about?  The English language has a limited lexicon for love, but the ancient Greek had many words for love. In each case in this scripture, the Greek word agape is used for love. Agape is an altruistic love, a selfless love; it is a love that requires faithfulness, commitment, even sacrifice.  Jesus is telling us to agape love each other, to sacrifice for each other. This is how we support each other and model the love of Jesus.  What does agape love look like to you? How do you show agape? The sermon text is John 15:9-17; the reading of the scripture in included in the podcast. The Rev. Tim Schaefer, pastor, preaching.

  • The Conversion of Philip

    03/05/2021 Duração: 21min

    Pastor Tim preaches about the story of Philip baptizing the Ethiop1an eunuch. The Ethiopian eunuch in today's scripture is a sexual minority, a gender minority, an ethic minority, and a racial minority; he represents the ultimate outsider. What keeps the eunuch from being baptized? The Holy Spirit leads Philip to realize that nothing keeps the eunuch from being baptized. In this story we learn that God's plan includes all types of people; the Christian faith community is open to all.  But the question remains, how will we be Philip to the Ethiopian eunuchs in our midst? How will we practice this new form of evangelism?  The sermon text is Acts 8:26-40; the reading of the scripture is included in the podcast. The Rev. Tim Schaefer, pastor, preaching.

  • Are We Sheep or Shepherds?

    26/04/2021 Duração: 15min

    Pastor Tim preaches on the story of the Good Shepherd, where Jesus is modeling the way for us to be in relationship with each other, how we should care for each other, to protect, and to support each other. In this story we tend to identify ourselves with the sheep and Jesus is the good shepherd. But the story also invites us to identify with the good shepherd.  When we lead and comfort other people, when we advocate for social justice, when we stand up for each other, we are like the good shepherd. The sermon text is John 10:11-18; the reading of the scripture is included in the podcast. The Rev. Tim Schaefer, pastor, preaching.

  • I Can't Breathe

    19/04/2021 Duração: 20min

    In Genesis we learn that God has given us dominion over the earth. Our history tells us that we have interpreted dominion as synonymous with domination; humankind's domination of creation has resulted in degradation of the environment to the  point where creation cries out "I can't breathe."  We even dominate each other; domination permeates our culture. Pastor Tim suggests a better interpretation of the Genesis story is that, being created in God's image, we are called to be partners with God and to be caretakers of God's creation. The sermon text is Genesis 1:24-31; the reading of the scripture is included in the podcast. The Rev. Tim Schaefer, pastor, preaching.

  • Thomas, the Questioner

    12/04/2021 Duração: 18min

    Pastor Tim preaches on the story of the "Doubting Thomas", and offers an alternative explanation of the disciple Thomas. Thomas has the courage to ask questions before believing or disbelieving that Jesus was resurrected. The beauty of the Thomas story is that it gives us permission to question  - to question God, to question our faith, to question our relationship with Jesus. The Thomas story is also a challenge to be open to the questions asked by others. The sermon text is John 20:19-31; the reading of the scripture is included in the podcast. The Rev. Tim Schaefer, pastor, preaching.

  • Come As You Are

    05/04/2021 Duração: 15min

    Upon learning of the empty tomb and the resurrection of Jesus, the disciples had different reactions. Today's scripture suggests that there is not just one way to react to the empty tomb.  Each of us comes to Easter from different places in our faith journey, and with different live experiences. Pastor Tim asserts that this is O.K. Regardless of how we come to Easter, Jesus invites each one of us to come as we are and to find hope, transformation, and new life. The sermon text is John 20: 1-18; the reading of the scripture is included in the podcast. The Rev. Tim Schaefer, pastor, preaching.

  • Where Joy and Sorrow Meet

    29/03/2021 Duração: 17min

    On this Palm Sunday, Pastor Tim preaches on two contrasting stories - the Palm text which features the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem and the Passion text which foreshadows the crucifixion of Jesus and the final days of Jesus' life.  As Christians we are called to deal with the good and the bad. We can't have the Palm Sunday experience without the Passion Sunday experience; we can't have the resurrection without the crucifixion.  The two are inextricably linked. Two important lessons for us as a community of faith - first, we should appreciate both the good and the bad in life - the highs and the lows. Second, we have to focus simultaneously on personal acts of kindness towards each other and public care for those who are struggling. As Christians we have to learn to live in that space of tension where joy and sorrow meet. The sermon text is Mark 11:1-11; the reading of the scripture is included in the podcast. The Rev. Tim schaefer, pastor, preaching.

  • "Whoever Serves Me"

    22/03/2021 Duração: 17min

    At the end of Jesus' public ministry, some Greeks asked to see Jesus. Jesus replied, "Whoever serves me must follow me". Pastor Tim uses this story to talk about what it means to be a disciple of Jesus, and to welcome those who want to serve Jesus alongside us. The sermon text is John 12:20-33; the reading of the scripture is included in the podcast. The Rev. Tim Schaefer, pastor, preaching.

  • Look Up and Live

    14/03/2021 Duração: 14min

    Pastor Tim preaches on the story of the Israelites, after their escape from Egypt, encountering deadly snakes on the way to the promised land. God tells Moses to put a bronze snake on a pole and to instruct the Israelites to look at the bronze snake if they are bitten by a snake. The Israelites face danger all around them. God does not take away the threats, but He provides a beacon of hope. Pastor Tim's message: Don't become so focused with the threats on the ground that you are overcome with your situation.  Instead, look up and deal with the very thing that is troubling you. The sermon text is Numbers 21:4-9; the reading of the scripture is included in the podcast. The Rev. Tim Schaefer, pastor, preaching.

  • Love God, Love Neighbor

    11/03/2021 Duração: 20min

    Pastor Tim proposes his updated "ten commandments" for the 21st century. The sermon text is Exodus 20:1-17; the reading of the scripture is included in the podcast. The Rev. Tim Schaefer, pastor, preaching.

  • "Take Up Your Cross and Follow Me"

    28/02/2021 Duração: 16min

    Jesus tells those who would follow him to, "Deny yourself, take up your cross and follow me". Pastor Tim asks us to consider what that means to each us individually, and as a church, in the 21st century. The sermon text is Mark 8:31-38; the reading of the scripture is included in the podcast. The Rev. Tim Schaefer, pastor, preaching.