Recovered Podcast - The Unofficial Alcoholics Anonymous Aa Recovery Podcast For The Alcoholic Addict And Al-anon



This is the podcast where life is seen through a 12 step recovery lens. This is a podcast about men and women who have recovered from a seemingly hopeless state of mind and body. We have discovered a solution, we have a way out. We have leaned how to live sober and happy. Join us on this journey called life.Email -


  • People Pleasing - Recovered 1390

    08/06/2024 Duração: 57min

    To skip the intro, tap 3:25   People pleasing can be harmful for those in recovery, as it often stems from a deep-seated need for approval and acceptance. This behavior can lead individuals to prioritize others' needs and expectations over their own, jeopardizing their sobriety and personal well-being. In recovery, establishing healthy boundaries is important for maintaining sobriety, yet people pleasers may struggle to assert these boundaries, fearing rejection or conflict. The constant pressure to please others can create significant stress and anxiety, which are detrimental to emotional stability. Tonight, we talk about People Pleasing. This week,  Chris, Chance, Falisha, Nicole, Breanne, Joel, Martin, Ginger, Becky, Kim, Shelly, Jim, Shez, Vicki, Rebekah, Jinifer, Dana, Bryan, Tonja, Jean, Tony, Sam, Amy They made their Sustaining Partner Donations. For more information, tap   This episode is sponsored by  Michael, Teresa, Audry, Kurt, Gigi, Chris, Helen, McQ, Maryann, Ki

  • Imposter Syndrome - Recovered 1389

    29/05/2024 Duração: 01h12min

    To skip the intro, tap 3:25   Imposter syndrome, the persistent feeling of being a fraud or undeserving of success, can plague individuals as they strive to rebuild their lives. This mindset can undermine self-esteem and make it difficult to fully embrace the progress made. It is recommended to focus on self-acceptance and recognize that recovery is a journey, not a destination. Engaging in regular self-reflection, celebrating small victories, and acknowledging personal growth can help individuals see their worth and the genuine progress they have made. Tonight, we talk about The Imposter Syndrome.   This week,  Chris, Chance, Falisha, Nicole, Breanne, Joel, Martin, Ginger, Becky, Kim, Shelly, Jim, Shez, Vicki, Rebekah, Jinifer, Dana, Bryan, Tonja, Jean, Tony, Sam, Amy They made their Sustaining Partner Donations. For more information, tap   This episode is sponsored by  Michael, Teresa, Audry, Kurt, Gigi, Chris, Helen, McQ, Maryann, Kim They used the donation button found on

  • Coping With Someone Else's Substance Use - Recovered 1388

    22/05/2024 Duração: 01h10min

    Experiencing a friend’s relapse is profoundly challenging and can evoke a complex mix of emotions, including frustration, sadness, and fear. This situation can create an emotional tug-of-war, where you feel torn between your concern for their well-being and the need to protect your own sobriety. The stress and anxiety from worrying about your friend can add difficulty to your own program, making it essential to find effective coping strategies. Tonight, we talk about Coping with Someone Else’s Substance Use.   This week,  Chris, Chance, Falisha, Nicole, Breanne, Joel, Martin, Ginger, Becky, Kim, Shelly, Jim, Shez, Vicki, Rebekah, Jinifer, Dana, Bryan, Tonja, Jean, Tony, Sam, Amy They made their Sustaining Partner Donations. For more information, tap   This episode is sponsored by  Michael, Teresa, Audry, Kurt, Gigi, Chris, Helen, McQ, Maryann, Kim They used the donation button found on our website at Episode Sponsor   Visit our website  

  • Leveling of Pride - Recovered 1387

    16/05/2024 Duração: 01h09min

    Leveling of pride is important as it encourages humility, self-awareness, and a willingness to learn and grow. Pride can often be a barrier to progress, leading individuals to resist feedback, cling to rigid beliefs, or overlook the importance of seeking support from others. By leveling pride, individuals in recovery open themselves up to the possibility of self-reflection, acknowledging their vulnerabilities, and embracing the guidance and wisdom of peers, mentors, and support networks.  Tonight, we talk about the Leveling of Pride. This week,  Virginia, Becky, Kim, Amanda, Shelly, Jim, Schez, Vicki They made their Sustaining Partner Donations. For more information, tap This episode is sponsored by  Gigi, Maryann   They used the donation button found on our website at Episode Sponsor   Visit our website

  • Humility - Recovered 1386

    11/05/2024 Duração: 01h19min

    Individuals who approach their recovery journey with humility are more willing to acknowledge their limitations, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. Rather than succumbing to pride or ego, humility allows individuals to embrace the wisdom and guidance of others, recognizing that they cannot navigate the complexities of recovery alone. By humbly accepting support, feedback, and guidance from peers, mentors, and support networks, individuals in recovery can gain valuable insights, tools, and perspectives that contribute to their sobriety and overall well-being. Tonight, we talk about Humility. This week,  Virginia, Becky, Kim, Amanda, Shelly, Jim, Schez, Vicki They made their Sustaining Partner Donations. For more information, tap This episode is sponsored by  Gigi, Maryann   They used the donation button found on our website at Episode Sponsor   Visit our website

  • Willingness - Recovered 1385

    19/04/2024 Duração: 01h12min

    To skip the intro, tap 3:25   Willingness entails a readiness to embrace new perspectives, adopt healthier behaviors, and embark on the journey toward sobriety with an open heart and mind. Without willingness, individuals may remain stuck in cycles of denial or resistance, unable to fully commit to the process of recovery. However, when coupled with a genuine desire for change, willingness becomes a catalyst for transformation, empowering individuals to overcome obstacles, confront fears, and embrace the challenges of recovery with courage and determination. Tonight, we talk about Willingness. This week,  Virginia, Becky, Kim, Amanda, Shelly, Jim, Schez, Vicki They made their Sustaining Partner Donations. For more information, tap   This episode is sponsored by  Gigi, Maryann   They used the donation button found on our website at Episode Sponsor   Visit our website

  • Integrity - Recovered 1384

    09/04/2024 Duração: 58min

    To skip the intro, tap 3:25   Developing integrity in recovery is important for building trust, accountability, and authenticity in one's journey toward sobriety. Integrity is the compatibility between inner convictions and outward behavior. Integrity entails honesty with self and others about mistakes, acknowledging the impact of our actions, and taking responsibility by making amends. Integrity fosters a sense of self-respect and dignity, empowering individuals to honor their commitments, set healthy boundaries, and cultivate meaningful relationships based on trust and mutual respect. Tonight, we talk about Integrity. This week,  Virginia, Becky, Kim, Amanda, Shelly, Jim, Schez, Vicki They made their Sustaining Partner Donations. For more information, tap   This episode is sponsored by  Gigi, Maryann   They used the donation button found on our website at Episode Sponsor   Visit our website  

  • Courage - Recovered 1383

    04/04/2024 Duração: 55min
  • Surrender - Recovered 1382

    27/03/2024 Duração: 01h12min

    To skip the intro, tap 3:25   Surrender is a fundamental concept in the journey of recovery from addiction, signifying a willingness to relinquish control and accept the reality of one's powerlessness over substances or other’s behaviors. It marks a pivotal moment of recognition, where individuals come to terms with the fact that their attempts to manage or control their addiction have been futile. Surrender does not signify weakness but rather strength, as it requires individuals to confront their vulnerabilities and humbly acknowledge their need for help. By surrendering to reality, individuals open themselves up to the possibility of healing and transformation, paving the way for a new way of living free from the grips of substance abuse.   Tonight, we talk about Surrender   This week,  Jinifer, Rebekah, Bryan, Dana, Tonja, Jean They made their Sustaining Partner Donations. For more information, tap   This episode is sponsored by  Chris They used the donation button found o

  • Hope - Recovered 1381

    21/03/2024 Duração: 01h37s

    To skip the intro, tap 3:25   Hope is not just a desirable aspect but a necessary cornerstone of a recovery program. In the depths of addiction, individuals often feel consumed by despair, powerless to break free from the cycle of substance abuse.  In early recovery, hope provides a beacon of light amidst the darkness, offering the promise of a better tomorrow. It instills the belief that despite past mistakes and present struggles, a life of sobriety and fulfillment is attainable. This hope is not merely wishful thinking but a tangible force that drives individuals to take the necessary steps towards healing and transformation. Tonight, we talk about Hope   This week,  Chance, Sam, Chris, Nicole, Falisha, Beanne, Joel, Martin, Ginger, Jenny, Kim, Becky, Shelly, Amanda, Jim, Schez, Rebekah, Jinifer, Dana, Bryan, Vicki, Tonja, Karen, Jean They made their Sustaining Partner Donations. For more information, tap   This episode is sponsored by  Helen, McQ, Michael, Audrey, Teresa,

  • Step 11 - Recovered 1380

    01/03/2024 Duração: 01h07min

    To skip the intro, tap 3:25   Step 11 in a 12-step recovery program holds significant importance for both straight and LGBTQIA+ individuals as it emphasizes the practice of spiritual principles and mindfulness. Regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, individuals in recovery often struggle with issues of self-acceptance, shame, and spiritual disconnection. Step 11 encourages regular prayer and meditation, fostering a deeper connection with a higher power or spiritual principles that transcend individual differences. For LGBTQIA+ individuals who may have experienced rejection or discrimination from religious or spiritual communities, Step 11 offers an opportunity to explore spirituality on their own terms, free from judgment or prejudice. By embracing spiritual practices that resonate with their authentic selves, LGBTQIA+ individuals can find solace, guidance, and strength in their recovery journey. Tonight, we talk about Step 11    This week,  Tony, Sam, Chance They made their Sustaining Partner

  • Step 10 - Recovered 1379

    24/02/2024 Duração: 01h06min

    To skip the intro, tap 3:25   Step 10 in a recovery program holds immense importance as it emphasizes the practice of ongoing self-reflection and accountability. This step involves a daily inventory of one's thoughts, actions, and behaviors, along with a prompt acknowledgment of any shortcomings or mistakes. By regularly examining their attitudes and conduct, individuals in recovery cultivate a heightened sense of self-awareness and honesty, which are crucial for maintaining sobriety. Step 10 serves as a preventative measure against relapse by enabling individuals to promptly address any resentments, fears, or character defects that may arise, thus preventing them from festering and potentially leading to a return to destructive behaviors. Tonight, we talk about Step 10   This week,  Tony, Sam, Chance They made their Sustaining Partner Donations. For more information, tap   This episode is sponsored by  McQ, Helen, Michael, Audrey, Teresa   They used the donation button found

  • Steps 8 & 9 - Recovered 1378

    14/02/2024 Duração: 01h03min

    To skip the intro, tap 3:25   Steps 8 and 9 hold significant importance in the journey of recovery within Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). Step 8 involves making a list of individuals harmed during one's active addiction and becoming willing to make amends to them. This step fosters accountability and self-reflection, encouraging individuals to confront the consequences of their actions and take responsibility for repairing the harm caused. By identifying those who have been affected by their behavior, individuals in recovery begin to understand the ripple effects of their actions and the importance of seeking reconciliation. Step 8 lays the groundwork for Step 9, which involves making direct amends to those harmed, except when doing so would cause further harm or injury. This step requires humility, courage, and a commitment to personal growth. By actively seeking to make things right with others, individuals in recovery not only address past wrongs but also cultivate integrity, empathy, and a sense of accountabil

  • Challenges - Recovered 1377

    07/02/2024 Duração: 54min

    To skip the intro, tap 3:25   Dealing with challenges in recovery is paramount to achieving sustained sobriety and personal growth. One of the key aspects is the recognition that recovery is not a linear process; setbacks and challenges are inevitable. Facing these difficulties head-on provides individuals with an opportunity for introspection and self-discovery. Through the support of a community that understands the struggles of addiction, people in recovery learn to confront and navigate challenges with resilience. This process fosters emotional strength, self-awareness, and coping mechanisms crucial for maintaining long-term recovery. Tonight, we talk about Challenges in Recovery    This week,  Tonja, Bryan, Dana, Karen, Jean, Tony, Sam, Chris, Chance, Nicole, Falisha, Cristie, Breanne They made their Sustaining Partner Donations. For more information, tap   This episode is sponsored by  Nobody They used the donation button found on our website at Episode Sponsor   Visit

  • Steps 6 & 7 - Recovered 1376

    01/02/2024 Duração: 01h16min

    To skip the intro, tap 3:25   Steps 6 and 7 are crucial stages in a recovery program, guiding individuals on their path to recovery. In Step 6, participants become willing to let go of their character defects—those negative traits or behaviors that hinder personal growth and well-being. This step calls for self-reflection and a genuine desire for change. It requires individuals to confront their shortcomings with honesty and openness, laying the groundwork for personal transformation. Recognizing the need for change and cultivating a willingness to let go of ingrained patterns are essential aspects of Step 6, setting the stage for the subsequent step. Tonight, we talk about steps 6 and 7.   This week,  Tonja, Bryan, Dana, Karen, Jean, Tony, Sam, Chris, Chance, Nicole, Falisha, Cristie, Breanne They made their Sustaining Partner Donations. For more information, tap   This episode is sponsored by  Nobody They used the donation button found on our website at Episode Sponsor   Vi

  • Steps 4 and 5 - Recovered 1375

    24/01/2024 Duração: 01h01min

    To skip the intro, tap 3:25   In the context of recovery, steps 4 and 5 play crucial roles in fostering personal growth, self-awareness, and lasting change. Step 4 involves making a fearless and searching moral inventory of oneself. This introspective process requires individuals to honestly examine their past behaviors, actions, and attitudes, acknowledging both strengths and shortcomings. By confronting the often challenging aspects of one's past, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of the root causes of their struggles, laying the foundation for meaningful transformation. This step is pivotal as it encourages accountability and self-reflection, enabling individuals to identify patterns of behavior that may have contributed to their challenges. Tonight, we talk about steps 4 and 5.   This week,  Tonja, Bryan, Dana, Karen, Jean, Tony, Sam, Chris, Chance, Nicole, Falisha, Cristie, Breanne They made their Sustaining Partner Donations. For more information, tap   This ep

  • Popsicle Sticks - Recovered 1374

    11/01/2024 Duração: 56min

    To skip the intro, tap 3:25   Popsicle Sticks is not a topic but rather a meeting style here in Southeast Michigan.  This show will be presented in the form of a popsicle stick meeting tonight.   A popsicle stick meeting is a meeting where we let our higher power determine what we need to share.  Here in our virtual studio, we have a can full of popsicle sticks.  Each stick has a recovery topic written on it.  We will take turns, randomly picking a stick and then sharing on the chosen topic. Tonight, we do popsicle sticks   This week,  Becky, Kim, Joel, Martin, Shelly, Amanda, Christy, Jim, Schez, Vicki They made their Sustaining Partner Donations. For more information, tap   This episode is sponsored by  Kurt, Brian, Gigi They used the donation button found on our website at Episode Sponsor   Visit our website

  • Step 3 - Recovered 1373

    04/01/2024 Duração: 01h24min

    To skip the intro, tap 3:25   Step 3 marks a critical juncture in the recovery journey, urging individuals to take a decisive step towards surrendering their will and lives to a higher power. This step acknowledges the limitations of self-reliance in the face of addiction and emphasizes the need for a spiritual awakening. It encourages individuals to let go of the illusion of control, recognizing that their personal willpower alone has been insufficient in managing the complexities of alcoholism. By making a conscious decision to turn their lives over to a higher power, individuals embark on a path of humility, acknowledging the need for guidance beyond their own understanding. Tonight, we talk about Step 3   This week,  Jenny, Jinifer, Rebekah, Bryan, Dana, Tonja, Karen, Jean, Tony They made their Sustaining Partner Donations. For more information, tap   This episode is sponsored by  Chris, Brigit, Helen, McQ They used the donation button found on our website at Episode Spo

  • Step 2 - Recovered 1372

    22/12/2023 Duração: 57min

    To skip the intro, tap 3:25   Step 2 holds profound significance as it marks a pivotal shift in perspective and sets the foundation for the transformative journey toward sobriety. Acknowledging a power greater than oneself is crucial as it encourages humility and openness to the idea that recovery requires a force beyond personal willpower. This step emphasizes the importance of surrendering to the reality that overcoming addiction is not a solitary endeavor but a collaborative effort that involves reliance on a higher power, which may take various forms depending on individual beliefs. Tonight, we talk about Step 2   This week,  Sam, Chance, Chris, Falisha, Cristie, Nicole, Joel, Martin, Kim, Becky, Amanda, Shelly, Christy, Jim, Schez, Vicki They made their Sustaining Partner Donations. For more information, tap   This episode is sponsored by  Teresa, Audrey, Michael, Kurt, Gigi They used the donation button found on our website at Episode Sponsor   Visit our website http:/

  • Continued Growth - Recovered 1370

    13/12/2023 Duração: 01h30min

    To skip the intro, tap 3:25   Continued growth is significant in a recovery program as it fosters the ongoing transformation necessary for sustained sobriety and a fulfilling life. Recovery is not merely about abstaining from substances; it is a holistic process of self-discovery and personal development. Embracing the culture of continuous growth allows individuals to address the root causes of their ongoing shortcomings. Through applying the 12-step principles, individuals in recovery learn to confront challenges with resilience and develop coping skills that go beyond the immediate goal of abstaining, extending into building a purposeful and meaningful life in sobriety. Tonight, we talk about Continued Growth.   This week,  Jenny, Jinifer, Rebekah, Bryan, Dana, Tonja, Karen They made their Sustaining Partner Donations. For more information, tap   This episode is sponsored by  Nobody They used the donation button found on our website at Episode Sponsor   Visit our website h

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