Mayan Astrology Forecast



Mayan Calendar Astrology Forecasts every thirteen days.


  • October 3 - 15 Forecast

    05/10/2015 Duração: 19min

    Outer Self: Akbal - The Night: Focus on creating time to ground your dreams on the physical plane. Allow your intuition to guide you through your creative process. Trust yourself! Inner Self: Sept. 28th - Oct. 10th: Chuen - The Monkey: Rewild yourself and rediscover your innocence by letting your curiosity and spontaneity lead you. Connect with your body, nature and fun people. Oct. 10th - 15th: Kan - The Seed: Tune into the different activities you are drawn to and invest your time in pursuing them with the idea to discover your potential in mind. Feel into what you want and do it.