Colette Marie Stefan

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
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The Truth is Funny - Wednesdays 8 am Pacific 11 am Eastern Now hear every 1st WednesdayColette's Guest Host Phil FreeEvery 3rd Wednesday Colette's Guest Host Karen Campbell Betten The Truth is Funny is an entertaining vehicle for providing energetic shifts and sharing information gathered from my life experiences and the experiences of others that have dared to think out of the box and step into their infinite potential. The majority of humans throughout history have failed to rise to their ...


  • This Is Colette’s Final The Truth Is Funny Radio Show!


    (Other) Worldly Desires is card number 58, a Karmic Space in Tails From The Vector Oracle. Many people regret gathering material possessions and obsessing over the newest toy. Whether people are caught up with devoting energy to material wants, or in denial of what they want, the lower mind will constantly demand their attention and rule their lives. Give yourself total permission to manifest authentic desires so you can pour your energy into a life streamlined to benefit you and your family. Call 1-800-930 2819 We LOVE to hear from you! Today s show is the final one for me. It is my pleasure to share powerful information and provide energetic upgrades for the brave souls who showed up every week for the last nine years! (except for this last stretch when I was unable to). A big THANK YOU! to Dr. Pat and her team for providing me with the tools to accomplish this. The last few years have been extremely challenging for those of us as public figures, being labeled shift disturbers, risking social media platfor

  • Equilibrium Between Opposing Forces Allows For Metamorphosis!


    The Blue Bird of Happiness is a widely accepted symbol of cheerfulness, happiness, prosperity, birth, and rejuvenation. She represents confidence at its highest accord. She also represents the use of ego at its worst. A dead bluebird is a symbol of delusion and loss of innocence, causing a swift transition to the wise. People are often triggered when it comes to the Death card in tarot, but death and birth are intimately connected as transition and transmutation of energy. Number 13 in Tails From The Vector. Call in 1-800-930-2819! We LOVE to hear from you!

  • The Privilege of Indulgence


    Since the beginning, mankind has sought to create a permanent two-tier caste system in society. The privileged elites vs everyone else who do not conform to their global agenda. Join this special episode as we explore the battle between good evil indulgences.We LOVE to hear from you! Call 800.930.2819. Watch LIVE on FB!

  • Falling And Failing In Love Is A Matter Of I!


    #20 Judgement/ Unfettered Unfettered has an enormous heart, representing both the fourth chakra, focused on personal love as well as number 25, the eighth chakra, the Cosmic Heart in Tails From The Vector Oracle. The cosmic heart completes the expression of your personality as a conscious being. and completion of ego. This is also the archetype of Judgment in the Major Arcana of the tarot. Justice served with LOVE! Speaking of love, We love to hear from you! Call 1.800.950.2318!

  • If You Want A Strong Future, Participate In It!


    Gain a basic understanding of astrological influences determined by the pull of the new moon in Pisces on March 2, so you can take advantage of its influence to implement alternative strategies. Sensitive Pisces, ruled by Saturn and Neptune (since its discovery), inspires a strong affinity for the ocean and a psychic connection to what appears to be alternate dimensions and parallel universes in time and space. Pisces in a strong state of being in one word: ACCEPTANCE. NUGGET OF WIZDOM FROM THE VECTOR For some, leaving the watery depths of Pisces to enter The Age Of Aquarius feels uncomfortable, like a fish out of water but eventually even the deepest divers have to surface for air.

  • May Your Karma Never Run Over Your Dogma!


    Redemption is number 11 in the oracle Tails From The Vector. In the major arcana, this card is Justice. Kali, the slayer of Ego (capital E) is a fierce dragon slicing through karmic ties accumulated over lifetimes. Karma, good or bad, is not punishment or vindication but a matter of cause and effect manifested through beneficial words and actions or acts of transgression towards others. Call in! 1 800 930 2819! We LOVE to hear from you!

  • Be a Leader, Not A Wolf In Sheeple’s Clothing!


    Gain a basic understanding of astrological influences determined by the pull of the full moon in Leo on February 16, so you can take advantage of the new energy to implement alternative strategies. Aquarius is the most observant and mental of the zodiac, ruled by Saturn and Uranus, inspiring creative solutions and revolutionary intellect in alignment with social and humanitarian ideals. Inspiring words to inspire strong leaders, Leo is all about taking the lead! Lead is card number 33 in the deck of Tails From The Vector. We love to hear from you! Call in 1.800.930.2819.

  • Dreams: The Great Equalizer


    Every single human being on planet earth was born a dreamer. No matter who you are, your culture or spirituality you can have a limitless nightlife during the night season! Join me as we dive into the realm of dreams keeping our priorities on the spiritual world!

  • Are You Drowning In Information, Yet Starved For Knowledge?


    Gain a basic understanding of astrological influences determined by the pull of the new moon in Aquarius on February 1st, so you can take advantage of the new energy to implement alternative strategies. Aquarius is the most observant and mental of the zodiac, ruled by Saturn and Uranus, inspiring creative solutions and revolutionary intellect in alignment with social and humanitarian ideals. This card is number 39 in Tails From The Vector. We love to hear from you! Call in 1-800-930-2819! It is tempting for Aquarians to sit it out in the corner, rather than participate in the dance of life. In a strong state of being this archetype is friendly, humanitarian, and honest. ENERGETIC UPGRADE Take your head out of the clouds to observe with your heart! Kindness allows people to feel safe to show you who they truly are.

  • Make a Splash in the Year of the Water Tiger!


    Chinese New Year 2022, Year of the Water Tiger, is on February 1st. The Tiger signifies fortune, confidence, power, courage, and justice. If you have dipped your toe into 2022 and found the water tepid, don t worry, it is now time to dive right in so you can make a splash! Call in 1-800-930-2819! We LOVE! to hear from you!

  • Even When Life Isn’t Fair, You Can Be!


    Innocence is often confused with naivety by others who are not aware of the subtleties in energy. Become neutral and choose to remain innocent regardless of unfairness in life so you can make strong decisions with an open heart. Embarrassment is a small price to pay for knowledge, especially if the embarrassment belongs to others and is not yours to pay. Innocence is card #17 in Tails From The Vector Oracle. Call 1.800.930.2819! We LOVE! to hear from you!

  • Double Up Your Spirit in 2022!


    As we set our spiritual intention for 2022 we journey back to the Middle East to the ancient land of Israel in the Book of 1st Kings, thousands of years ago to explore the story of Elijah and his successor Elisha. Here we will explore one of the greatest lessons ever found in the scriptures, the lesson of how to receive a Double portion in the heavenly realms of light! Join us as we lay the foundation for Doubling up our own lives in the spirit in 2022! Watch Live on FB!

  • What is calling you in twenty-two? May as well be a “Designer Tree!"


    These two junipers were planted within fifteen feet of each other on the east side of the house too close to the foundation for their size, receiving way too much sun. One suddenly sprouted new growth at its top, At first just a tiny branch or two and continues to flourish, becoming a designer tree while the other finally succumbed this year. I LOVE how gardening teaches us about the power of manifestation through nature. It is not one size fits all, you are unique. This is why many people raised in the same house have such diverse personalities. What do you want to manifest in 22? Call in 1800 930 2819! We LOVE! to hear from you.

  • Letting Go Can Be A Beautiful Thing! Happy New Year!


    I took this photo in the northwest corner of my yard a few days before the first snow began when the big storm hit here in BC. It was so colorful with the sun shining off the water of the spring. The falling leaves reminded me that letting go can be a beautiful thing, ending one cycle to begin another and how even though the leaves are drying up and falling to the ground they will benefit the plants and trees they have fallen from in the spring to grow strong. The end of the year mimics the end of a cycle in nature as we move into another season! This is a good time to declutter and organize to make room for the new! Call in 1-800-930-2819! We LOVE! To hear from you.

  • Christmas Mass: Maccabees "Keepers of the Light"


    As we celebrate the light during this Christmas holiday season we must remember to be keepers of the light in our present world. Join me as we journey back in time to the age of our ancient Maccabee ancestors who upheld the reputation of Yahweh in the face of an evil foreign culture. What can we learn from the Maccabees and how do we apply that to our lives today? Tune in for a very special version of Christmas day like you have never heard before.Watch LIVE on Facebook! Go to:

  • Talk About Living Up To Your Name with Colette Marie Stefan


    The Living Wall started off from ivy cuttings in 2017 as a project for Border Free Bees. The old fence was not to code at eight feet so we took the bottom two feet off and built a wall bringing it up to the grade of the new road and to code. It is actually a fence within a fence, blocking traffic noise and affording privacy. We topped it with shingles to keep the rain out and planted the ivy. It is 130 linear feet times two. Once both sides are covered it will add up to 1800 square feet of tiny flowers in the fall. The bees were abuzz in it all of October and I love that it just needs a trim twice a year. No need to paint the fence! It is green all year and once established drought resistant. It is so pretty with the snow!Call in 1.800.930.2819! We LOVE! To hear from you.

  • Manifesting Creative Solutions Out of Life’s Problems!


    Earth Star ( number 23 in Tails From the Vector) is the manifesto of the deck. Earth Star is a queen of space and time and time and space. She births creative solutions through the death of negative thought forms to manifest authentic desires. Svadhisthana is located just below your belly button and is orange in color. The new moon / solar eclipse on December 4, 2021 is the perfect opportunity to shift the energy for 2022! Call in 1-800-930-2819 - We love to hear from you!

  • Freedom Is Discipline of the Mind!


    The vast majority of humanity is easily triggered by thoughts of losing personal freedom. Freedom is not a state of mind. Freedom is not a given. History is rampant with collective experiences of brutality, slavery, confinement, taxation, confiscation of property, and many other inventive forms of torture. Discipline and freedom soar together with reckless abandon. Be ready to answer the call and take action from your heart. Wreckless Abandon is number #18 in Tails From the Oracle! Call in! We LOVE to hear from you 1.800.930.2819.

  • You Can’t Turn A Negative Into A Positive But You Can Still Enjoy The View!


    THE BAD NEWS: Well, just when least expected a windy storm blew through with gusts of up to 85 K/hr, along with pouring rain and now snow! What a mess! THE GOOD NEWS: I met a new neighbour (after ten years of living here) who was so kind as to check on me during the power outage. He informed me that a neighbour s second story to their home was removed by fallen trees and next door a sixty-year-old Cedar tree had fallen on their roof. Luckily they were away and the damage was minimal. The next morning as I surveyed the mess I felt so blessed. A huge mess! But no real damage. I was fortunate to get a disposal bin for a couple of days and began the clean-up. As you can see from the first photo my dragon topiary of twenty by ten feet, Puff, the Magic Dragon, still had both wings! And as the crane was lifting the trees from the neighbours roof, I realized that I now have a beautiful mountain view from my kitchen window! How are you weathering the storm? Call in! We LOVE to hear from you 1 800 930 2819.

  • Abuse Of Power Is A Karmic Space


    Most people are aware that there is such a thing as karma. Whether you believe in karma or not does not matter, enough people on this planet do believe in karma, so it is part of our reality. You can think of karma as cause and effect. Even if you are not abusing power and your family never has (highly unlikely), you may find that you are on the other end and the one who is being abused. Either way, it is a very common space that people have a tendency to fall into, especially these days! Abuse of Power is #49 of the Usual Suspects in Tails From the Vector Oracle. We LOVE to hear from you! Call in 1 800 930 2819!

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