Glen Plake is the most interesting skier in the world. He talks to host Mike Powell about his perception of skiing and the history that led us to the state of skiing we are in today. Both Mike and Glen are really fun guys and true experts in communication so expect a fun dialogue between the two, both also true masterminds in the world of skiing
Plake's Pod #4: Glen Plake in the land of celebrities ... Shaun Palmer, Coolio, Evander Hollifield and the rest of the bunch.
06/03/2017 Duração: 25minGlen Plake is still the most interesting skier in the world and the buzz keeps building, so we're kind of sorry this is the last episode in the series. But there'll be more to come ;) In Episode #4 listen to Glen talking about the celebrities he has met and his experiences with them.
Plake's Pod #3: If there's snow on the ground it's snow season. Don't mind the calendar!
27/02/2017 Duração: 17minDid you ever get a pair of skis for Christmas, only not to be allowed to ski them next day, because the »snow is not good yet«? When should the ski season really start according to Glen Plake? Beware, this episode was recorded end of December … #alwaysgoodtimes #ski #skiing #elanskis #glenplake #fun #spring #podcast #plakespod
Plake's POD #2: Plake-isms and other Plake stories!
20/02/2017 Duração: 29minWe're going through some deep stories from Glen Plake, also known as PLAKE-ISMS. We'll hear some unique and interesting Glen Plake stories. Sit tight, pump up the volume and make sure you will not be disturbed in the next 30 minutes. Because with a speaker like Glen, you will want your full attention! #alwaysgoodtimes #plakeisms #glenplake #elanskis #skiripstick #stories #skiing #ski #skiadventure #skicomedy
Plake's POD #1 - Glen Plake, the most interesting skier in the world!
03/01/2017 Duração: 21minHost Mike Powell talks to Glen Plake in the first of a series of podcasts called The Plake POD. Episode #1 brings you the background on Glen's cooperation with Elan Skis and some other great stories from a decade ago! Yeah, Glen's been skiing Elan Skis for ten years (and counting)! #skiripstick #glenplake #elanskis #mohawk #alwaysgoodtimes #plakepod