Jewish History Podcast With Mottle Wolfe



with Mottle Wolfe


  • Episode 3 – Revenge of the Pharaoh


    In 926 BCE the Egyptian Pharaoh Shishak invaded the Land of Canaan. What was a minor historical event ends up becoming one of the most consequential events in Biblical History.   

  • Episode 2 – Jeroboam’s Golden Calves and Prophecies of Doom


    Jeroboam ben Nebat breaks away from the Kingdom of Judah, but he is faced with a problem. The Temple is in Jerusalem. Jerusalem is the religious center of the the entire Kingdom. No Problem he will build two temples, one in Dan, and one in Beit El. As is if that doesn’t tempt fate enough… The...

  • Episode 1 – The Collapse of the United Monarchy


    We begin this first episode of The Kings of Israel and Judah with the death of King Solomon. Solomon’s son Rehoboam inherits his father’s throne, but does he have what it takes to hold the Kingdoms of the North and South together?  

  • Introduction to Jewish History Podcast


    Is this the history podcast for you? Mottle Wolfe introduces the podcast, the first series, ‘Kings of Israel and Judah’ and describes his methodology and influences. This is a good place to start to get a little background about the podcast.