Ask Susan Now ~ Susan Lazar Hart

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
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Inspired Choices Network Are you tried of people giving you advice as though repurposing your past or learning from their experience would give you some big aha moment? What if discovering you and your awareness of what you truly know are the real AHA moments you have been asking for? Susan Lazar Hart  


  • A New Year for a New You ~ Guest Becky Herdt


    Ask Susan Now ~ Susan Lazar Hart Radio Show Join Susan and her special guest Becky Herdt, for her farewell show.  Questions? Now is the time. Are you tried of people giving you advice as though repurposing your past or learning from their experience would give you some big aha moment?   What if discovering you and your awareness of what you truly know are the real AHA moments you have been asking for?   Ask a question and you empower yourself with what you have become aware of for a life time.  Look for an answer and you end with someone else’s point of view. How’s that working for you?  How many questions do you have that you were never allowed to ask? Is now the time?

  • Ho Ho Hump of the Holidays ~ Susan Lazar Hart


    Join Susan as she plays with all those expectations going into the Holiday season. Susan will also be offering a free Christmas Gift to you! Are you tried of people giving you advice as though re-purposing your past or learning from their experience would give you some big aha moment? What if discovering you and your awareness of what you truly know are the real AHA moments you have been asking for? Ask a question and you empower yourself with what you have become aware of for a life time. Look for an answer and you end with someone else’s point of view How’s that working for you? How many questions do you have that you were never allowed to ask? Is now the time? Please receive your FREE gift from Susan for the holidays here: / ask-susan-signup.

  • Exposing the Lie of Success ~ Susan Lazar Hart


    Ask Susan Now ~ Susan Lazar Hart Radio Show Did you know that greatest fear is not that you will never succeed? Your greatest fear is that you will live you whole life without even trying. Did you know that EVERYTHING about you is designed for you to soar? Isn't it time to give up wondering "When will the world see me for who I really am?" Remember: The universe is looking at you and treating you the way you treat yourself.

  • Are You Asking for What You Want? ~ Susan Lazar Hart


    Ask Susan Now ~ Susan Lazar Hart Radio Show How many people would rather hold onto a wish, a whim, a secret desire rather than ask for what they really would like be it money, sex, creations or family.  What is it you have been refusing to ask for , what question are you avoiding that would give you the information you have been hoping for? How’s that working for you?  How many questions do you have that you were never allowed to ask? Is now the time? Are you tried of people giving you advice as though repurposing your past or learning from their experience would give you some big aha moment?   What if discovering you and your awareness of what you truly know are the real AHA moments you have been asking for?   Ask a question and you empower yourself with what you have become aware of for a life time.  Look for an answer and you end with someone else’s point of view How’s that working for you?  How many questions do you have that you were never allowed to ask? Is now the time? susanlazar

  • Are You Willing to be Happier?


    Ask Susan Now ~ Susan Lazar Hart Radio Show How many of us have put a lid or limit on happiness or how much happiness we can receive? What does it take to change that? What if it was as easy as one simple question? Come on over to Ask Susan Now this Wednesday at 5 pm est and find out how. How’s that working for you?  How many questions do you have that you were never allowed to ask? Is now the time?

  • Are You Commuting to Commitment? ~ with Susan Lazar Hart


    Ask Susan Now ~ Susan Lazar Hart Radio Show Are you commuting to commitment? What is it you are not willing to claim and acknowledge about you that keeps you from committing to your relationship with you. So what does your life look like?  Are you getting everything you desire? How’s that working for you?  How many questions do you have that you were never allowed to ask? Is now the time?

  • Are You Molesting You? Susan Lazar Hart


    Ask Susan Now ~ Susan Lazar Hart Radio Show How many of you have seduced yourself into something you don’t want to do? What  if everything you have decided was right was wrong and everything that you have decided that was wrong was right? Who does that belong to? Join us with your questions at Ask Susan Now this week and find out.

  • Would you be willing to be the vibration of creation today?


    Ask Susan Now ~ Susan Lazar Hart Radio Show It's all too easy to let go of your targets, to claim the world is pushing you down. What's much lighter is to live that target, be that vibration in every moment, no matter what it looks like no matter what it takes.

  • Who Are You Being? ~ Susan Lazar Hart


    Ask Susan Now ~ Susan Lazar Hart Radio Show What is it like to be you? It is the energy of you being you that creates everything in your world as changeable. Bodies, energy , money-what if all of the limitations of your past were not limitations at all, they were choices that brought you here , right now, to this space. Now ask: What can I change from here? How do you become resonant with what you would like to be and do? Join Susan and her special Guest Host as we play in the discovery of Being You What if being you can change everything?

  • Are You In Love With Love? ~ Susan Lazar Hart


    Ask Susan Now ~ Susan Lazar Hart Radio Show Love is wonderful except when we are searching for it, training to hold onto it or missing it. How many hours of your day are taken up with difficult, painful thoughts about relationships? What if there was a different way of relating in every relationship, much easier than your usual approach of painful isolation and far more effective? Susan welcomes Jamie R. Schulze back to the show this week and throughout the show they will be inquiring into some universally held thoughts about love, uncovering whats really true. Now is the time to call in and Ask Susan all  your questions to create greater in your life!

  • Why Bother Asking Questions When Nothing Changes Anyway? Guest Jamie R. Schulze


    Ask Susan Now ~ Susan Lazar Hart Radio Show How much have you been spinning your wheels asking questions, doing what you think is going to get you somewhere, following what seems like a good idea and it feels like you always end back where you started, even farther back than that? And so you ask yourself - whats the point? What if there was a different way of being with all of this? Join Susan and her special surprise guest, Jamie R. Schulze, for what might just be a life saving show. If you would like to play more with Jamie, find her on Facebook or email her at

  • What To Say When There Is Nothing To Say? Susan Lazar Hart


    Ask Susan Now ~ Susan Lazar Hart Radio Show “Dissatisfaction is a possibility that you could have, that you are aware of, that you don’t choose” Gary Douglas explained. “Most people think if you are dissatisfied you have a terrible problem. No you have a gift called the ‘awareness of possibility’. Not everyone is dissatisfied. It is a gift you were born with.” “Not everyone is dissatisfied. It is a gift you were born with.” What if dissatisfaction is not a curse but an internal compass for more? If you are one of the lucky ones on this planet to have that restless achy knowing, how could you use that to catapult you ahead? What if the next time you feel like you may need to exit your skin, you didn’t come to the conclusion that something was wrong, but instead moved into question? Question like: – What am I aware of? – What am I not choosing that I could choose? How’s that working for you?  How many questions do you have that you were never allowed to ask? Is now the time? susanlazarhart

  • Out of Disaster, Into Desire ~ Susan Lazar Hart


    Ask Susan Now ~ Susan Lazar Hart Radio Show The worst thing you can do at midlife is to: spend your time working in a career you don't enjoy keep friends who don't respect n you stay stuck in a marriage suffer from empty nest syndrome or just spend all of your time at something that doesn't fulfill your passions. Is now the time to create the life you really have been asking for? What would it take to design your second half like it's a New Beginning full of self confidence to move ahead? How’s that working for you?  How many questions do you have that you were never allowed to ask? Is now the time?

  • Pragmatic Tools for Creating a Relationship That Creates


    Ask Susan Now ~ Susan Lazar Hart Radio Show What if it were possible to have a sense of joy and ease in every relationship no matter what’s going on? Regardless of what your partner is choosing? What if YOU could choose happiness and the creation of your life at all times and what if your relationship could contribute to that? Are you willing to have it? Are you willing to have the joy and exuberance of life? Are you willing to have a relationship that’s kind, caring and nurturing to you and your body? No matter what? Even if it means letting go of everything you’ve decided relationship is? Even if means letting go of the judgments that you have of you, of your body, of your partner? Even if it means creating a relationship that is so different from the points of view of this reality that no one else gets it and lots of people judge it? If you said yes, then here we go! Thank you to Simone Milasas- These questions were taken right from your fabulous blog on Access Consciousness. How’s that working for you?  H

  • Daily Practices that Create Accountability ~ Susan Lazar Hart


    Ask Susan Now ~ Susan Lazar Hart Radio Show There is a an old saying " God helps those that help themselves"  What if God can be translated into Good Orderly Direction? That's how I define accountability . Here is how wikipedia explains it; Accountability In leadership roles, accountability is the acknowledgment and assumption of responsibility for actions, products, decisions, and policies including the administration, governance, and implementation within. I love that part- within- okay you caught me- I kind of tweaked the ending so it works for me- working from within is how I play with daily practices that acknowledge what and how I am creating- I demand of me and I ask of the universe-I know that no matter what it takes if I play with a daily practice, I am contributed to daily by the universe by my actions, desires, my questions and my creations. These are the seeds for my own life and living that I am planting. You demand of yourself and you ask of the universe. What is it you are asking to change and

  • What Are The Ten Things That Get In Your Way?


    Ask Susan Now ~ Susan Lazar Hart Radio Show Resilience is the ability to move through distraction. Are you distracted by your own reality? Are you tried of people giving you advice as though repurposing your past or learning from their experience would give you some big aha moment?   What if discovering you and your awareness of what you truly know are the real AHA moments you have been asking for?   Ask a question and you empower yourself with what you have become aware of for a life time.  Look for an answer and you end with someone else’s point of view. How’s that working for you?  How many questions do you have that you were never allowed to ask? Is now the time?

  • What if Loving You was Your First Act of Courage?


    Ask Susan Now ~ Susan Lazar Hart Radio Show In a society that says "put yourself last" self love and self- acceptance are almost revolutionary.,loving and accepting ourselves are the ultimate acts of courage. "the thing that is really hard, and really amazing, is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself." quote Anna Quindlen. Join Susan as she investigates the art of loving you. Would you be willing to be that courageous? Right Relationship For You class tour information:

  • Are You Struggling with Worthlessness? ~ Susan Lazar Hart


    Ask Susan Now ~ Susan Lazar Hart Radio Show Why do we hustle for worthiness, rather than claiming it? We encounter obstacles on every journey. Here is the dilemma; Why is how- to so alluring when when truthfully we already know how to, yet we are still standing in the same place longing for more joy connection and meaning. Join us this Wednesday for some great tools on how to create a life that works for you and not someone else! Send in your questions in advance to Come over to the Facebook group and let us know what you took away from today’s show Ask Susan Lazar Hart Facebook

  • Your How-To List for Happiness ~ Susan Lazar Hart


    Ask Susan Now ~ Susan Lazar Hart Radio Show Have you ever really looked at what it would take for you to be happy? Some people will hold onto past hurts because there’s something about the trauma drama they like; they want someone to blame for their lives, which keeps them in the victim position and it’s a great way to victimize and manipulate others. This actually creates the separations and the divisions that end many relationships. How many of you have lived with people that have held onto the past so that they could use it to make you wrong? Whose happiness are you creating your relationship for? Bring a paper and pencil or notebook for this call- We will be having homeplay during the show. Join us this Wednesday for some great tools on how to create a life that works for you and not someone else! Send in your questions in advance to Come over to the Facebook group and let us know what you took away from today’s show Ask Susan Lazar Hart Facebook susanlazarhart.

  • Are You An Approval Seeker? ~ Susan Lazar Hart


    Ask Susan Now ~ Susan Lazar Hart Radio Show Seeking approval is all about not knowing you have value unless someone else says so. It is also about measuring yourself against some arbitrary standard that you may not even be aware of. The truth is, the only person who can be in approval of you is you! You are the only one who can know if what you are being or doing or saying works for you and is congruent with who you desire to be. Acknowledgement is saying what us in every ten seconds. One thing you can do immediately is to ask: “What would I like to create as my life and living?” rather than “Whose approval am I seeking now?” If you begin to look to what you desire to create and acknowledge what you are creating,you can quickly step out of seeking approval into the generative area of gratitude and acknowledgement. Join us this Wednesday for some great tools on how to create a life that works for you and not someone else! Send in your questions in advance to Come over to the Facebook grou

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