Dr. Phil Sucks! And Much More Comedy



This is a podcast dedicated to all of you people who love Family Guy, love lines from Albino Black Sheep flash movies, anybody who LOVES comedy! And, most of all, for everybody who HATES Dr. Phil!!!


  • Evil Dr. Phil

    26/07/2006 Duração: 06min

    This is the cheesiest show I've ever done. So be prepared, please remember that I made everything up as I went along. This is countdown episode # 4. One more episode of the countdown and the Season Finale will be here!!!! HOORAY!!!! Dr. Phil drinks an evil beer potion that makes him big and evil. Superman, Mario and Spider Man help out, but they're not that much of help.

  • Notice

    05/05/2006 Duração: 01min

    Hey you guys, I was just dropping in to let you guys know that the reason why I haven't made a third episode for the Countdown to the Season Finale of Dr. Phil SUCKS!! and much more comedy is because I can't come up with something. So, I was wondering if you guys had any suggestions for the third episode of The Countdown, then you can email them to me at one or both of these two emails: sk8videoboi@hotmail.com or evilchimp93@yahoo.com. Thanks you guys. Later.

  • Gay Hamlet

    30/04/2006 Duração: 11min

    Meet a gay guy who's playing Hamlet in Hamlet, by William Shakespeare. This is Countdown episode # 2

  • Gay Hamlet

    29/04/2006 Duração: 11min

    Meet the Gay Hamlet, he's a gay guy playing Hamlet in the play Hamlet, by William Shakespeare!

  • Dr. BURN

    21/04/2006 Duração: 01h26min

    It's time for the first episode for the countdown to the season finale of Dr. Phil SUCKS!! and much more comedy!!!! The season finale will bring together all of the characters from all of our past shows and they'll perform one big finale!!!! LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!! In this show, we meet an evil scientist/doctor named Dr. BURN. He likes to burn people when ever he feels like it. STAY TUNED FOR MORE EPISODES FOR THE COUNTDOWN TO THE SEASON FINALE OF DR. PHIL SUCKS!! AND MUCH MORE COMEDY!!!! LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLE!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 03/03/2006 Duração: 01min

    I'm just dropping in to let you guys know that the show is NOT cancelled, and I'd also like to give you guys some news.

  • Dr. Phil SMOKES?!

    06/02/2006 Duração: 12min

    Dr. Phil talks about smoking, then he talks about doing ALL the things he talked about in ALL the past episodes (except for The End of the Universe, that didn't have Dr. Phil in it). He also advertises my friend Patrick S.'s Podcast called The Gadget Oupost! Remember to call my audio comment line: 206-333-0262 or go to: www.drphilpodcast.blogspot.com to post comments or to post a retarted problem you have and it WILL make it onto the show!!! Remember, with the audio comment line you HAVE to make up a retarted problem and THEN it will make it on the show!!!!!

  • Dr. Phil's an Alcoholic!

    05/02/2006 Duração: 08min

    Dr. Phil talks about being an alcoholic, he gets drunk and then, well, cable is destroyed and there's no such thing as television anymore. Man! Dr. Phil is ruining our lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At least he is in here!

  • New Podcast

    05/02/2006 Duração: 02min

    Hey everyone, I'm just dropping in to let you all know that I have created a new podcast called the Variety Podcast where I talk about TONS of different genres like Politics, Sports, Video Games, Gadgets, Technology, Comedy and much, much more!! With this podcast I have promised that I will post an episode three times a week and four episodes on the weekend.

  • Dr. Phil's Musical

    05/02/2006 Duração: 06min

    It's music time at Dr. Phil's show studio!!! Okay, maybe not. Dr. Phil gets ripped off by a musical director and then fires the director and threatens to kill him with his new bazooka. Dr. Phil also talks about having snow ball fights and killing your friends with ice chunks. He also talks about his book that HE wrote. HE wrote it!!! About time he FINALLY wrote a book on his own!!!

  • More News

    04/02/2006 Duração: 05min

    ANOTHER quick little drop in to give you guys some more info about stuff that's coming up on the show, and to also tell you guys some of my e-mail addresses and some of my instant messaging names and my skype name. And I also want to apologize to you guys for having four episodes be about news instead of comedy, like I said before I DO NOT have school this wednesday, so I will be using all my time that day to make new epsiodes that ARE comedy!

  • News About the Podcast

    04/02/2006 Duração: 05min

    Hey, I was just dropping in AGAIN to let you guys know why there hasn't been that many new episodes, and I also want to tell you guys some news about the podcast. Stay tuned for more episodes, with comedy!!!!

  • New Blog Site

    04/02/2006 Duração: 01min

    Hey everyone, I'm just dropping in to let you all know that I've created a blog site for the Dr. Phil SUCKS!! and much more comedy podcast. You can go to: http://drphilpodcastblog.blogspot.com to post comments on the show and you can also make up some stupid problem and tell it to me on the blog and it may even get on the show!! Stay tuned to hear more episodes!!

  • The End of the Universe

    01/02/2006 Duração: 09min

    This is "much more comedy part" 1... We begin on the planet Mustafar with Anakin and Obi Won Kenobi near the end of Episode 3... Anakin is talking about killing himself. The people of earth team up with the martians to destroy the Star Wars galaxy, after that George Lucas gets REALLY pissed that we destroyed his galaxy. He goes out and starts to kill everyone and he kills Dr. Phil at the exact same time that Dr. Phil kills him. Some guy destroys the sun, and then the universe, which is left as a big empty white space.

  • Drugged Dr. Phil

    30/01/2006 Duração: 06min

    Dr. Phil talks about doing drugs and drinking alchohol. He also tells little kids to start doing drugs and to start drinking alchohol at the age of two. Drugged Dr. Phil!!!!!!!

  • Dr. Phil Likes Violence!!!!!

    20/01/2006 Duração: 10min

    Dr. Phil talks about violence, he's telling little kids to play M rated video games and to watch rated R movies with violence and X rated movies. Man!!!! This guy is BAD!!!!!!!!!

  • Dr. Phil's Gone Mad!!!!!

    20/01/2006 Duração: 12min

    Dr. Phil has gone completley MAD!!!!!!!!!!! Man, this guy creeps me out. He's SO retarted!!!!

  • The Molesters

    14/01/2006 Duração: 13min

    Dr. Phil talks to a molester. Stewie Griffin, Peter Griffin, and Quagimire from Family Guy show up! And Dr. Phil hates being a therapist in the day, he'd much rather be a serial killer as his full time job.

  • Pilot Episode of Dr. Phil SUCKS!!

    11/01/2006 Duração: 08min

    The Pilot Episode of Dr. Phil SUCKS!! and much more comedy... Dr. Phil wants to hurry up the show so he can go out and continue being a serial killer. He also talks about a two year old and four year old who can't sing the abc's who's parents let them watch rated R and X movies. He also talks about his new book that he didn't even right that some other guy wrote... yea, this guy REALLY SUCKS!!!