Level Up Your Business With Ryan S. Johnson



Level Up Your Business is a podcast for real estate entrepreneurs (investors, agents, contractors, or anyone that’s working for themselves in real estate) who want to learn how to INCREASE PROFITS - by using time and money-saving tactics; IMPROVE EFFICIENCY using proven systems and automation, and; ACHIEVE YOUR YOUR HIGHEST POTENTIAL through personal growth strategies.


  • #20: Online Marketing to Close More Real Estate Deals - Season 3 Preview

    17/04/2018 Duração: 07min

    We just finished season 2 which was on Productivity Hacks for Busy Real Estate Entrepreneurs. That season featured 12 value-packed episodes that focused on showing you how to get more done, gain more time, and be more efficient. If you missed any of those episodes, head to leveluprsj.com/season2. Now it's time to shift gears for Season 3. Season 3 is all about one of my favorite topics - which also happens to be the lifeblood of all successful businesses… ... and that's MARKETING! More specifically, I'm going to focus on three components of online marketing in your real estate investing business: #1 - How to ATTRACT more prospective buyers and sellers to your business #2 - Tools and strategies you can use to CONVERT those prospects into actual customers #3 - Automated follow up tactics to help NURTURE relationships with your leads and customers Since I’m a real estate investor, and I help real estate investors with online marketing, a lot of what I'll be speaking about is going to be from the marketing perspe

  • #19: Productivity Hacks for Busy Real Estate Entrepreneurs: Season 2 Recap

    10/04/2018 Duração: 12min

    For the past few weeks we've been in Season 2 of the podcast, where our focus has been on Productivity Hacks for Busy Real Estate Entrepreneurs. So our shows have focused on showing you how to get more done, gain more time, and be more efficient.   Today's show marks the end of Season 2, so I think the perfect way to end this season is to recap and highlight some of the most valuable lessons, strategies and tips from this season that you can put into action to level up your business.   Topics: 01:09 Topic of today's episode 01:23 Recap: 20 life changing productivity tools to add more hours to your day  03:14 Recap: The secret to working on instead of in your business 03:54 Recap: Larry Goins - Productivity secrets revealed from a 30 year real estate investing expert 05:12 Recap: Mastering the art of delegation to 10x your productivity  06:00 Recap: Using standard operating procedures to make your business productive with predictable results 06:55 Recap: Brent Simpson - Focusing on your one thing is the key to

  • #18: Whitespace: Your Key To Innovation, Clarity, & Hitting Your Goals

    03/04/2018 Duração: 08min

    In today's show I'm going to talk about something that we often take for granted in our businesses and our lives… ...WHITESPACE. I'm not talking about the space in the margins of your website, or the blank space on the edges your business cards. I'm referring to gaps that you purposely create in your calendar between meetings, or other activities. It's the time that you consciously allot in your schedule to think, distraction-free. If you feel like you've hit a plateau in your business or you're stuck in a rut professionally, financially, or even personally - adding more white space to your life might actually be your answer. I know it sounds counter-intuitive that making time in your day to do less will help you be more successful. But, by the end of this show you'll understand why. Topics 00:57 Topic of today's episode 01:48 Why whitespace is important 02:27 Three reasons why creating white space in your day is important 04:07 Ryan's struggles with whitespace 04:45 Four ways to create whitespace 04:51 #1:

  • #17: Danny Johnson - Sell More Houses By Making Marketing Your "Big Domino"

    27/03/2018 Duração: 27min

    If you’re not marketing your business, then you don’t have a business.   ...Or, you won’t have one for in the long run.   Whether you have a real estate business, an Amazon business, or a lemonade stand - consistent marketing is the lifeblood of your company.   As real estate entrepreneurs, consistent marketing is what ensures we have a steady stream of prospective customers finding our services, and the properties we have for sell.   When you neglect marketing it’s inevitable that you’ll suffer from an inconsistent deal flow. And you’ll feel like you’re working from deal to deal - which makes you uncertain about your income and the stability of your business.   I did a previous show on how important it is to focus on one thing (or your big domino in your business), which if you topple it, everything else becomes easier. So in this post I interviewed Danny Johnson, the host of Flipping Junkie. Danny shared his insights and tips on how your real estate business can be more successful, and you can sell more hom

  • #16: The Ultimate Productive Morning Routines Of Highly Successful Entrepreneurs

    20/03/2018 Duração: 11min

    In today's show, I'm going to talk about my morning routine as well as the top morning routines of highly successful entrepreneurs. I'm also going to share with you certain things you can do each morning that will lead to you achieving significantly better results in your business and your life.   If you don't already have a morning routine, I think you'll reconsider after this show!   Topics: 00:58 The topic of today's episode 01:30 Ryan's story before he had a morning routine 03:13 Ryan's days after he developed his morning routine 03:41 Planning the night before 04:38 Waking up earlier 05:07 Expressing gratitude 05:40 Drinking water 06:18 Working out 06:44 High protein breakfast 07:07 Meditation and devotion 08:06 Affirmations 08:24 Start of business 09:05 How kids fit into your morning routine   Quotes:   1. "Starting your day with an attitude of gratitude sets you up for success. 2. "The more you consistently mediate, the quieter your thoughts will get. And honestly that is priceless - because it's the s

  • #15: Brent Simpson - Focusing On Your One Thing Is The Key To Success

    13/03/2018 Duração: 14min

    In today’s show I interview Brent Simpson. Brent is the owner of Bold Vision Enterprise, a company that focuses on providing strategies to solve the problems of corporations and small businesses. In this season of the podcast I've been focusing on Productivity Hacks for Busy Real Estate Entrepreneurs. So, in this interview I really key in on the the importance of “The One Thing.” I’ve found that we often struggle with productivity because instead of focusing on ONE THING, we try to focus on EVERYTHING - which actually makes us less productive. This interview will provide some strategies and actionable tips to get awesome results by narrowing your focus. Topics: 00:59 Introduction of guest - Brent Simpson 02:00 Who is Bold Vision Enterprise 02:31 Brent's insight on multitasking versus focusing on ONE thing 03:19 Why many entrepreneurs feel multitasking is a badge of honor 04:15 What is a C.E.E? 04:21 The biggest pitfalls Brent's clients encounter 05:26 Suggestions for solopreneurs to get out of the mindset of

  • #14: Use Standard Operating Procedures To Make Your Business Productive With Predictable Results

    06/03/2018 Duração: 11min

    In today's show I'm going to discuss how using standard operating procedures (SOPs) can provide you with very predictable results in your real estate business. But why is that important? The reason is because predictability allows your business to... Continuously improve while reducing cost It allows you to become more efficient And it makes your business more effective and productive ​So, if those things are important to you, make sure you check out this episode! Topics: 00:58 Topic of today's episode 01:19 What makes the best organization most successful 03:12 What are Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) 03:50 Advantages of using SOPs 05:24 How and when you should create SOPs 06:20 10 easy steps you need to follow to create SOPs 06:34 Step 1: Determine the format 06:43 Step 2: Consider your audience 06:58 Step 3: Determine who should write it 07:13 Step 4: Keep the purpose of your SOP in mind 07:27 Step 5: Determine what to include in the SOP 07:44 Step 6: Thoroughly describe your process 07:48 Step 7: B

  • #13: Mastering The Art Of Delegation To 10X Your Productivity

    27/02/2018 Duração: 17min

    In today's show I'm going to talk about something that has the potential to make an IMMEDIATE impact on your business if you start doing it today. And to be honest, it'll also determine just how successful your business can, and will become. I'm going to talk about THE ART OF DELEGATION, and just how much of a game changer it can be in your business. I'll cover... Why delegating is so hard and why so many business owners tend to avoid it. Why you absolutely need to delegate if you want to have long term success Key tacticst of how to effectively delegate that you can immediately put in action Topics: 01:09 Topic of today's episode 01:36 What delegation means 01:58 What makes delegation so hard and why so many people avoid it 03:35 The reasons that people talk themselves out of delegating 05:22 The top six reasons why you should delegate 05:26 Reason #1: It allows you to focus on the bigger picture 05:45 Reason #2: It's critical for scaling your business 06:00 Reason #3: It empowers your team 06:14 Reason #4:

  • #12: PT. 2: Larry Goins - Productivity Secrets Revealed From A 30 Year Real Estate Investing Expert

    20/02/2018 Duração: 16min

    In last week’s podcast I interviewed Larry Goins. Larry shared some of his productivity hacks based on 30 years of experience as a real estate investor, speaker, and educator. If you missed the 1st part of the interview, you can ​click here to check it out. In today's show I wrap up the second half of the interview. Larry is going to dish out even more actionable golden nuggets to help you level-up your productivity in your real estate business. Topics: 01:49 One key thing to help anyone become more productive 05:00 Larry's process he uses to know when to say "no" vs. when to say "yes" to opportunities 07:20  His advice for someone who is stuck in fear/indecisiveness and isn't taking action 09:30 The two most valuable benefits from working with a mentor 11:06 The concept behind BRAG - "Be Rich And Generous" Quotes: "Make sure you get educated. And, latch yourself onto somebody you know, like and trust who’s where you want to be and doing what you want to do." "Many people think that real estate is risky. Rea

  • #11: PT. 1: Larry Goins - Productivity Secrets Revealed From A 30 Year Real Estate Investing Expert

    13/02/2018 Duração: 17min

    On today's show, I interview Larry Goins. Larry has been investing in real estate for over 30 years. He's a best selling author, a speaker, a radio host and he travels across the country educating real estate investors​. This season of the podcast is about productivity hacks for busy real estate entrepreneurs. That’s why Larry is the perfect person to provide advice, since he's been running several extremely productive real estate businesses for years. Larry will reveal his secrets to productivity from his decades of experience, so you can get more done in less time - while taking your business to the next level. Topics 00:41 Larry Goins introduction 02:03 How Larry is able to be productive and spin multiple plates successfully 08:04 The impact that having an assistant has had in his real estate business and productivity 08:35 How to use EOS (Entrepreneurial Operating System) to make your business more efficient 10:18 Using VTO (Vision Traction Organizer) for goal setting in your business 11:20 Why every bus

  • #10: The Secret to Working ON Instead of IN Your Real Estate Business

    06/02/2018 Duração: 16min

    In today's episode I’m going to share with you my secrets to helping you work ON instead of IN your real estate business - which is one of the keys to true productivity and business growth. Topics: 02:35 What today's show is about 03:10 The benefits of meditation 05:34 The difference between a proactive and a reactive real estate entrepreneur 07:01 Knowing your lead domino is key 8:54 Using task management tools 11:49 The importance of delegating 14:12 Recap and action steps Quotes: "Make each day your masterpiece." "Success is sequential, not simultaneous. It’s one step at a time. ONE Thing at a time. It’s not your one and only thing. It’s the ONE Thing right now." Resources: Season 1 - How To Level Up Your Real Estate Business With Virtual Assistants ryansjohnson.com - reach out to Ryan if you need help to level-up your real estate business Asana - Asana is the easiest way for teams to track their work—and get results "The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results" - By Gary K

  • #9: Pt. 2: 20 Life Changing Productivity Tools To Add More Hours To Your Day

    30/01/2018 Duração: 14min

    If you feel like you never have enough time in the day to get things done - or you’re not running your business nearly as efficiently as you’d like - then maybe the right productivity tool will give you the breakthrough you need.     In my last show, I shared the first half of my 20 Favorite Tools That Are Absolute Game Changers That’ll Make You More Productive And Add Hours To Your Day.    In this show, I’ll finish up the second half of the list. Just as a reminder, I’ve broken these tools down in 4 categories:  Communication tools to help your productivity Marketing tools to increase your productivity Admin tools to make you more productive and save you considerable time Creativity tools that will make you more productive   I covered communication, marketing, and half of the admin tools in the last show. So, I’ll finish up admin tools as well as some of my favorite creativity tools.   There's a few tools that I’ll cover today that you’ve likely never heard of. But if you use these tools, I GUARANTEE they'

  • #8: Pt. 1: 20 Life Changing Productivity Tools To Add More Hours To Your Day

    23/01/2018 Duração: 18min

    I'm super pumped today because we're starting a brand new season of our podcast. Season 2 will focus on Productivity Hacks for Busy Real Estate Entrepreneurs. So, you're going to learn how to get more done, gain more time, and be more efficient. The definition of productivity hacks is: shortcuts, tricks or strategies that help you get more done in the same amount of time, or less. We're going to kick off Season 2 talking about the 20 Life Changing Productivity Tools To Add More Hours To Your Day. Topics: 01:25 The topic of today's episode 03:24 Definition of productivity hacks 04:03 Four categories of productivity tools 04:57 COMMUNICATION TOOLS to increase productivity 05:04 1st communication tool: Line2 05:57 2nd communication tool: Zoom 06:48 3rd communication tool: Screencast-o-matic 08:00 4th communication tool: Viber 08:52 MARKETING TOOLS to increase productivity 09:00 1st marketing tool: ClickFunnels 11:07 2nd marketing tool: BIGVU 12:44 ADMINISTRATIVE TOOLS to increase productivity 12:48 1st admin too

  • #7: Brett Snodgrass - Selling 30 Homes A Month And Using Virtual Assistants To Transform His Business

    16/01/2018 Duração: 25min

    Today is the last episode in our series on using virtual assistants in your real estate business, and it's going to be the perfect show to end a great Season 1.   You're going to hear my interview with Brett Snodgrass of Simple Wholesaling. Brett's an extremely successful real estate wholesaler - selling about 30 homes a month!  In a few short years, he went from being a one-man-show doing everything himself, to now having a team. That team also includes virtual assistants that have become a vital part of his business. He's going to share the huge impact that virtual assistants have have had on his company and his life.    Topics 00:57 Interview with Brett Snodgrass of Simple Wholesaling 01:52 About Brett and his business 03:00 Tasks he delegates to his virtual assistant on a daily and weekly basis 06:42 What his life and business were like prior to hiring a VA 09:23 Average time he saves weekly with a virtual assistant working for him 12:10 How he rewarded his virtual assistant's good performance 14:36 What

  • #6: Getting The Most Out Of Virtual Assistants (An Interview With My Virtual Staff)

    09/01/2018 Duração: 21min

    In today's show we're close to wrapping up our series on using virtual assistants in your real estate business, so I'm doing something a little different.    I'm going to share with you an interview I did with some of my virtual staff and I think it's going to really open your eyes to what's important to virtual assistants. And if you know what's important to your VAs, it will only make your business more productive and make you a better manager and business owner.    Resources: Best Real Estate VA Services - Affordable virtual assistants for real estate entrepreneurs Level Up Your Business Podcast Contest To get access to the full show notes and links mentioned, visit Level Up RSJ

  • #5: 5 Mistakes To Avoid When Working With Virtual Assistants

    02/01/2018 Duração: 14min

    In this episode I'm going to share with you what I consider to be the top 3 mistakes you must avoid when using virtual assistants in your real estate business. My ultimate goal is to shortcut your success so you avoid pitfalls I've seen many people fall into working with virtual assistants. Resources: Best Real Estate VA Services - Affordable virtual assistants for real estate entrepreneurs Level Up Your Business Podcast Contest Viber - Make calls, send messages and much more - freely and securely Zoom - The #1 video conferencing and web conferencing service on the web Asana - Asana is the easiest way for teams to track their work—and get results To get access to the full show notes and links mentioned, visit Level Up RSJ

  • #4: What I Learned Running A Business Using Virtual Assistants That Will 10X Your Results (Behind the Scenes)

    26/12/2017 Duração: 13min

    In this episode I'm going to pull back the curtain on my real estate business and share with you how I've been running my business for almost a decade primarily with virtual assistants. My ultimate goal with this episode is to get your wheels turning and give you some ideas on how you can use virtual assistants in your real estate business to be a lot more productive and efficient - regardless if you're in the beginning stages of thinking about using a virtual assistant, or if you have a virtual assistant now, but you're looking to get better results. Resources: Best Real Estate VA Services - Affordable virtual assistants for real estate entrepreneurs Ryan's Website for Real Estate Entrepreneurs Line2 - Business phone service that lets you talk and text with the simplicity of an app Zipforms - Fillable online real estate forms for real estate professionals HelloSign - Easily send documents for eSignatures Viber  - Make calls, send messages and much more - freely and securely Zoom - The #1 video conferencing

  • #3: 5 Free Tools To Run Your Real Estate Business With Virtual Assistants

    19/12/2017 Duração: 14min

    In this episode I'll to talk to you about 5 mostly free tools you can use to manage your virtual assistants in your real estate business.   So, if you like online tools that make your business more efficient, then you'll love this episode. Or if you're a frugal real estate entrepreneur that wants to run your business more efficiently on a lean budget, then you'll definitely find value from this show.   Sponsor: The Virtual CEO Academy - Check out my FREE Webinar: "How To Stop Doing Time-Sucking Work, Get 2x As Much Done, And Only Focus On Money-Making Tasks, WITHOUT An Expensive Staff and Costly Overhead! ...And How a VIRTUAL ASSISTANT Can Make That Happen While Saving You At Least 5 HOURS of Your Valuable Time PER DAY!” Resources: Best Real Estate VA Services - Affordable virtual assistants for real estate entrepreneurs Viber - Make calls, send messages and much more - freely and securely Zoom - The #1 video conferencing and web conferencing service on the web Asana - Asana is the easiest way for teams

  • #1: Why You Need a Virtual Assistant In Your Real Estate Business ASAP

    12/12/2017 Duração: 15min

    In today's episode we're going to begin our series on using virtual assistants in your real estate business. More specifically, today I'll discuss why you need a virtual assistant working in your real estate business ASAP... I mean for real, like yesterday. Alright, so in order to get through to you why I highly suggest using a virtual assistant in your real estate business, I'm going to give you a little background on why I started using virtual assistants in my business. Then I'll talk to you about the pros and cons of using a virtual assistant. And hopefully by the end of this episode, if you don't already have a VA then you'll take action step to put that in motion. Resources: Best Real Estate VA Services - Affordable virtual assistants for real estate entrepreneurs Ryan's Website for Real Estate Entrepreneurs To get access to the full show notes and links mentioned, visit http://leveluprsj.com/1  

  • #2: 3 Keys To Success Working With Virtual Assistants

    12/12/2017 Duração: 10min

    In today's episode we're going to continue our series on using virtual assistants in your real estate business. More specifically, today I'll discuss the 3 things you must do to ensure you have success with your virtual assistant in your real estate business And make sure you tune into every episode in this series because they'll continue to build on each other so by the end, you'll not only see that it's a no-brainer that you should have a virtual assistant, but you'll also know the best way to use them in your real estate business in order to get awesome results. Resources: Best Real Estate VA Services - Affordable virtual assistants for real estate entrepreneurs Ryan's Website for Real Estate Entrepreneurs To get access to the full show notes and links mentioned, visit http://leveluprsj.com/2

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