Messianic Messages With Izzy



Izzy tells the story about how his family went from not caring about Yeshua's command to make disciples to going through crisis and paradigm shift, being challenged by Scripture, and experimenting with new times, venues, and styles of gathering.


  • "Father Abraham, Taking The Cosmos, And Favour Versus Paycheque" - Vayeshev and Romans 4-6


    Teaching on Genesis 37-40 and Romans 4-6 from a Messianic Jewish Perspective. Our forefather Abraham. The unholy trinity of works, pride, and boasting. Favour versus entitlement. Inheriting the cosmos. Defining legalism. Practical points for setting goals and seeing promises materialize. Shalom as a relational term. Grace by which we stand. Tangible salvation from global catastrophe and population decimation. Practical ramifications of union with Mashiach. Meaning of immersion into Yeshua. Quote from Pirkei Avot in Artscroll Siddur. A mitzvah leads to a mitzvah. The cord of Judah. Drivers licenses, birth certificates, and major credit cards in the ancient Middle East.

  • Story - Tenderhearted Criminal On Death Row & Young Rabbi In Agony - Luke 23


    Story of the tenderhearted criminal on death row and his last day on earth. Also the angry criminal who lashed out with cutting words. And the suffering young Rabbi. Based on the Gospel of Luke 23-24

  • Hearing Yeshua's Voice 1 - How To Get That Relationship? What Results? How To Avoid Deception


    How to have a relationship with Yeshua where you hear his voice and receive revelation from him, and how to gather as a community to cultivate and celebrate that relationship. Words to leaders, "let my people go" and "get out of the way". Torah-based communities need leaders though. Leaders not always present when groups in a network gather in homes across city. Lesson on transition from organisms including babies, plants, and caterpillars, communities grow and change. Lesson from construction site, time to lay foundation and time to build. Prophecy of covenant relationship in Jeremiah. Highlight, each individual knowing Yahweh personally. Results of relationship where the soul hears Yeshua voice. He knows you, you follow him individually and corporately, he gives life to your dead heart, and you're safe and secure, never to be lost or snatched from him. Danger of being deceived by doctrines of demons, false teachers, lying prophets. Solution, know the man who is truth, cultivate that relationship where you'r

  • Hearing Yeshua's Voice 5 - When Disciples Gather. Snapshop Of Early Yeshua Movement, Early Church


    What happens when disciples who are all hearing from Yeshua get together? Snapshot of gatherings in early Yeshua movement. Danger of reading your church into the text. Early Christians went to Temple and synagogue when they could, but primarily gathered in homes in Jerusalem, Phillipi, Ephesus, Rome, Corinth, Colossae, and elsewhere. Time wasn't the sacred service hour on Sunday morning, it was Saturday night! Figurehead verse of the house church movement describing gatherings of disciples where each one had a gift, knew what it was, and contributed. Shaul's letter assumes that each person had a relationship with the Master, that the Ruach was present and moving, that they were gathered in a circle, not in rows facing the front, so that it was participatory and not spectator oriented and led by the Spirit rather than someone at the front, that it was an open meeting and not programmed or canned, and that it was small so that eveyone could be involved. Choice growing groups face to become huge and become less

  • "Why Do We Sing The Shema?" - Lama Talks With Izzy


    In this "Lama (Hebrew for 'Why?') Talk With Izzy", Izzy explains why we sing the Shema, the Hear oh Israel passage from Deuteronomy 6 that Yeshua said in Mark 12 was the greatest commandment.

  • "Biblical Singles Sites, Busting Out, and the Omnipresent Messiah" - Vayetze and Matthew 15-16


    Teaching on Genesis 28-31 and Matthew 15-16 from a Messianic Jewish Perspective. The original biblical singles site. Where to find your spouse. Encountering God in the unexpected. Recognizing and memorializing defining moments through conversation and journalling. Hebrew verb paratz, to expand, break out, prosper, increase. Opposite of a pessimistic overly defensive trench worldview. Jewish theology of the Makom, place, omnipresent, the ultimate context. Mashiach as the Makom. Great love of Yeshua for his bride. Jewish theology of Mashiach ben David and Mashiach ben Yosef. Nivrechu as both blessed and grafted in. Confession, thanksgiving, and praise as the meaning of Judah and core of Jewishness. Vayizkor as acting on behalf of. Passion of Yeshua for mitzvot.

  • "Why Do We Say Shabbat Shalom?" - Lama Talks With Izzy


    In this "Lama (Hebrew for 'Why?') Talk With Izzy", Izzy explains why we greet each other with 'Shabbat Shalom'.

  • "Saskatchewan Roughriders, Binding/Loosing, and Prostitution" - Vayishlach and Matthew 17-18


    Teaching on Genesis 32-36 and Matthew 17-18 from a Messianic Jewish Perspective. Listening, shemaing, to Yeshua as the prime orientation of the Messianic community. The prophesied restoration of all things. The Saskatchewan Roughriders. Quit your job, cancel your 500 channel satelite tv, end the friendship. Do whatever it takes. Running and desiring. Procedure for dealing with interpersonal conflict and public sin. Treat him as a Gentile. The Jewish context of binding and loosing versus the charismatic misunderstanding. You never know when you're going to die. The strategy of two camps. Seeing the face of Esau like the face of God. The enlarged Zayin of prostitution. Conflicting definitions of success. Devotion and loyalty. Face to face on Yom Kippur. God is proud to be your God. Sukkot and the prophetic return to the land of Israel. The kahal amim, a multi-peopled church.

  • "Why Do We Read From The Torah?" - Lama Talks With Izzy


    In this "Lama (Hebrew for 'Why?') Talk With Izzy", Izzy explains why we read from the Torah.

  • "Making Of A Hero, the Stolen Messiah, and Words in Collision" - Vayeshev and Matthew 19-20


    Teaching on Genesis 37-40 and Matthew 19-20 from a Messianic Jewish Perspective. Sit on thrones governing the tribes of Israel. Burden and scorching heat. Quote from First Fruits of Zion's Torah Club and Why Men Hate Going To Church by David Murrow. What do you want? Haven't you read? Foremost emotion of Yeshua. Sadducean make-believe. Irony. When God doesn't come through, lessons from Yosef. The mysterious man. Dots over Hebrew word spelled aleph and tav, alpha and omega. Masters of Joseph. Strategic ulpan for high-ranking government position. Characteristics of Yosef include no fear of public opinion, walk with God, humility, sober judgment, intentionality, integrity, and care. Hebrew insights into shalom and hineni. The ptil techelet in the cord. The stolen Mashiach ben Yosef. Sheaves bowing to Joe and worlds to Yeshua as alumim and olamot. Pasim and peis in the Midrash Rabbah. Yeshua's dream.

  • "Why Do We Bless Before And After Reading The Torah?" - Lama Talks With Izzy


    In this "Lama (Hebrew for 'Why?') Talk With Izzy", Izzy explains why we sing the birchot ha Torah.

  • "Emotional Outrage, Tim Horton's Spirituality, and the Jewish Jesus Awakening" - Miketz and Matthew 21-22


    Teaching on Genesis 41-44 and Matthew 21 and 22 from a Messianic Jewish Perspective. Meaning of the Hebrew words Hosanna ahnd Baruch Haba. People producing results for the Kingdom. Giving to Caesar and paying your taxes. Conceptual connection between awakening and the end. Awakening to the Jewishness of Jesus and the New Paul paradigm in academia and that Christian community. Religious blindness and historical anti-semitism. The shock, outrage, and emotional reaction of chalilah. How to see Yeshua's face. The divining cup of Joseph. Spiritual experiences via the Tim Horton's cup. Remez of the mission of Yosef. Kicking babies.

  • "Messianic Phylacteries, the Banned Title, and End-of-Days Confusion" Vayigash and Matthew 23-28


    Teaching on Genesis 44-47 and Matthew 23-25 from a Messianic Jewish Perspective. Controversy of the Pharisees. Yeshua resembled a Pharisee. Yeshua wore tefillin and tzitzit. Disproval of Nehemiah Gordon's book Hebrew Yeshua Versus Greek Jesus. Karaites are biased, have an agenda, and don't factor in all the evidence. Why Izzy doesn't let people call him Rabbi. Irony of lawlessness and anarchy in the Messianic community. Plug for leadership, structure, and healthy attitudes. Anomia equals cold love. This good news. Hanukkah story as eschatological key to gospel of Matthew. Sabbatarian proof. Why you will go through the Great Tribulation and won't be raptured out beforehand. Yeshua the King of the Jews. Trailer of drama when Yeshua reveals himself to Israel. Judah as pointer and teacher in body of Christ and Messianic movement. Poetic expression for unity. Going up and down.

  • "Core Discipleship, Blessing of Ephraim, and Last Supper as Last Seder" - Veyechi and Matthew 26-28


    Teaching on Genesis 47-50 and Matthew 26-28 from a Messianic Jewish Perspective. Unity prerequisite to outpouring of Holy Spirit. Understanding Shiloh. Yeshua as salvation. Unilateral grace, reciprocal devotion and faithfulness. Israel belongs to Israel forever. Hope as essence of prayer. Unpacking the blessing of Ephraim as it applies to Jews and Gentiles. Adoption, citizenship priveleges and inheritance rights, filling the nations, names of Abraham Isaac and Jacob living on, reproducing like fish, forgetting and fruiting, and unrecognizability to Israel. Yeshua's charge. Yeshua's forgiveness. One of Izzy's greatest heroes is a lady named Miryam. Christ's Last Supper as Last Seder. Reclining, dipping, Rabbi, bracha, breaking bread, cup, fruit of the vine, Nazarite vow, Hallel, coming Kingdom. Mysterious title of Melech Ha Yehudim. Destined for greatness like the Rock. Remember your failures. Mission to make disciples to a man, not a new world religion. Conversation on mode of baptism. Messiah will back you.

  • "Moshe Incompetent and Israelus Invictus Vs. Dark World Ruler" - Shemot and Mark 1-2


    Teaching on Exodus 1-6 and Mark 1-2 from a Messianic Jewish Perspective. Israel's exile and the scattering of Yeshua's disciples not the end of the story. Analysis of Israel's dynamic dna in action. Parellel with dna of body of Mashiach in the nations. Recommended reading including Foxe's Book of Martyrs, Martyr's Mirror, Heavenly Man with Brother Yun, and Voice of the Martyrs with Wurmbrandt. Profile of dark spirit behind world system. Fears aliyah, uses tactical burdens and anti-shabbat theology, promotes infacticide i.e. abortion. Profile of God of Israel. Calling you out of the system into the wilderness, is engaged and involved and not absent or distant, is forever to all generations, is THE God, is allied with the Hebrew ethnicity. Profile of Moshe. Resorted to violence, negative, pessimistic, worse-case scenario-generator, poor public speaker, sloppy with mitzvot, became discouraged and doubted the mission, wasn't fluent with Hebrew, never really belonged, and was a reject. Healing of leprosy and belie

  • "Why Is Reading The Torah Called Making Aliyah?" - Lama Talks With Izzy


    In this "Lama (Hebrew for 'Why?') Talk With Izzy", Izzy explains why going up to the bema to read from the Torah is called 'making aliyah'.

  • "Nicknames, Past and Future Exodi, and Rocky and the Thunder Boys" - Vayera and Mark 3


    Teaching on Exodus 6-9 and Mark 3 from a Messianic Jewish Perspective. Two phases of discipleship. Yeshua's nicknames for his boys. The Rock and the Thunder Boys. Quote from Pirkei Avot on average age of apprenticing to a Rabbi in the Jewish world. Some Pharisees were evil. Unified and divided houses. The second, greater Exodus prophesied in Jeremiah and Ezekiel. Two witnesses of the Exodus and the book of Revelation. Distinction between Goshen and Egypt. The three days resurrection power that takes us through the coming New World Order to safety. Why the coming beast system and anti-Messiah will be empowered and allowed to rule the earth. Comparison of plagues in Exodus and Revelation. Seven verbs of the Pesach cup. What God's name is all about. Resurrecting the covenant. Commandment as mission and charge. Militant side to Yahweh as the God of armies. Navi as spokeman. God of the Hebrews. Finger of the Almighty in Old and New Testaments. Importance of the mo'ed, the definite time. Aviv barley. Hebrew idiom f

  • "Tough Discipleship, Guarding Mitzvot, and the Practical Passover" - Torah Portion Bo


    Teaching on Exodus 10-13 from a Messianic Jewish Perspective. Easy and hard aspects of discipleship. Bundles of mitzvot in Matzot and Pidyon ha Ben. Important of Passover and Unleavened Bread. The why of guarding. Do this in remembrance in me a reference to a cup of the Passover seder. Pesach is for Jews and Gentiles. God looks at the physical sign. Similarity between ancient and modern hagadot. Lambs will be slaughtered in Ezekiel's temple. Bitter herbs, maror. Hiking boots, backpack, passport, and full tank of fuel. Eating fast. Memorial of Mashiach. Holy gatherings. Why food preparation forbidden on Shabbat. Removal of leaven, bedikat chametz. Science of intercalation of the Jewish calendar. Babylonian calendar names. Powerful redemption of firstborn son ceremony in the Torah is a sign on your hand and totafot between your eyes. Yahweh is a generational God. He saves families. Going with the youth. High apostasy rate in Evangelical churches. Complete salvation. Mystery of future. Sukkot first stop in Exodu

  • "Why Do We Read From Stern's Complete Jewish Bible? (Part 1)" - Lama Talks With Izzy


    In this "Lama (Hebrew for 'Why?') Talk With Izzy", Izzy reviews various Bible originals and translations including the Message by Eugene Peterson, the Hebrew Tanach, the Greek New Testament, the Scriptures by the Institute for Scripture Research, the New American Standard, contrasts word for word with dynamic equivalent translations, and discusses the ideals of a translation - accuracy, understandability, original Hebrew pronunciation - and the practice of intentionally replacing English nomenclature with the original Hebrew when reading standard Christian English translations.

  • "Yeshua's Essence, Bitter Spirituality, and Explaining Peter's Vision" - Beshalach and Mark 6


    Teaching on Exodus 13-17 and Mark 6 from a Messianic Jewish Perspective. Humour in omer tenth of ephah. How to deal with people from your past who refuse to accept who you are. Healing connection. Corrective and directive message for the Hebrew Roots and Messianic Jewish movements. Bones of Joseph and essence of Yeshua. Remember Yeshua. Read the Apostolic Scriptures, the New Testament. First Fruits of Zion and Torah Portions. Core identity not as Messianic Jew, Torah-Observant Ephraimite, Karaite, Sacred Namer, Circumlocutor, follower of this or that ministry or teacher, rather as a disciple of Yeshua. Being wrapped up in who Mashiach is. Messiah's Torah versus Rabbinic Torah in areas including names of calendar months, laws of postponement, brachot for washing hands and candle lighting. Life-giving, love-based, and freedom-giving complete Torah. Profile of Miryam as spiritual prophetess with propensity towards bitterness, negativity, gossiper, and character assasinator. Staff of Moseh and authority of Torah.

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