Steve Kramer



Tune in with Spirit Fire Radio. Listen live every Wednesday @ 9am pacific / 12pm eastern.Purposeful living, practical spirituality... they sound like concepts we would all welcome into our lives!How do we bring compassion, tolerance, and hope to the forefront of our daily endeavors? What role do detachment and discernment play in bringing together our human family? Join hosts Steve Kramer from Spirit Fire and Dr. Dorothy Riddle from the School for Esoteric Studies as they explore spiritual concepts in practical terms. Tune in as they uncover ways that ageless wisdom can guide us in modern times. Spirit Fire Radio will challenge your thinking, offer insights, and discuss activities that foster goodwill in your life and the lives of those you touch.Steve is a certified teacher and practitioner of The Practice Of Living Awareness meditation technique. He is also President of The Board of Directors of Spirit Fire Meditative Retreat Center, a 501(c)3 non-profit educational organization focused on cultivating spirituality and educating people on the importance of consciousness in their everyday lives. Steve is a teacher of Esoteric Healing, a form of subtle energy healing developed from the Ageless Wisdom teachings through the Tibetan Lama Djwal-Khul. He is also a certified Reiki Master practitioner. Steve lives in New England where he stewards Spirit Fire Retreat Center which has become a melting pot of spiritual traditions as teachers, students, practitioners, and contemplatives from all over the world come together in the name of conscious co-creation.


  • Strengthening Our Ability To Cooperate


    Learning to respect differences, building trust, and expanding our circle of care are some of the ways we can increaseour ability to cooperate. On today's show we offer insight into strengthening the "cooperation muscle" which moves us toward positive group action. Join us.

  • Cooperation As Altruism and Self-Interest


    As we learn to see ourselves in others and others in ourselves, we understand that cooperation is not only beneficial, but imperative. Cooperation feeds the cyclical nature of expansion and evolution; as we work with others, we feel better and accomplish more. Join us as we explore cooperation as altruism and self-intertest.

  • The Myth of Competition


    As we look out into the world we see plenty of belief systems that support the idea of competition being useful, productive, and necessary. We believe differently. As we cooperate and collaborate, we strive. On today's show we will examine competition and ways that we can adjust our approach to living that creates win-win situations and an appreciation on the process rather than the prize.

  • Understanding Cooperation


    We begin a new month and a new topic for consideration. Cooperation is the seventh of the seven principles that underlie our reality whichwe have dedicated ourselves to discussing each monthon Season 3 of Spirit Fire Radio. We evolve through symbiosis and cooperation. Learning to approach people, endeavors, and life itself cooperatively leads to abundance and creativity. On this first show wediscuss the components of cooperation.

  • Strengthening Our Ability To Adapt


    Human beings use many tools to strengthen their ability to adapt: creativity, will-power, wisdom, courage, hope... and the internet! Increasing your ability to adapt generates flexibility, opens you up to a wide variety of experiences, and facilitates growth. The earth is complex, diverse, dynamic, and incredibly adaptable... perhapswe learned a thing or two from our mother! Join us.

  • Managing The Adaptation Process


    Adaptability is a principle that governs how we coexist. As an individual, being adaptable is a quality and a skill. Much of the skill set centers on navigating nuances of the process of change... andsince change is inevitable and constant, these are skills worth honing. Adapt and prevail! Join us.

  • When To Adapt


    Timing is everything. On today's show we will discuss the value in discerning when action, or adaptation, is required and look into ways to be prepared when the time to adjust to change is right now. Join us.

  • The Process of Adaptation


    Cultivating our ability to be responsive to change requires flexibility andresilience; the good news is, they are also the by-product of this process - the process of adaptation.Mother Earth has been adapting for 4.5 billion years - were gonna take a look at her processes andsee if we can make some of them our own!

  • The Importance of Adaptability


    It is adaptability which makes us "the fittest" in Darwinian terms. Most assume that fittest means strongest or most intelligent. Not so. As we strenghthen our capacity to adapt to new conditions, we evolve. On today's show we will discuss the importance of adaptability and its role in our growth as a being, a species, and as an aspect of consciousness.

  • Strengthening Our Interdependence


    As we become aware of our innate interdependence, we naturally become more appreciative, compassionate, and generous. And as we become more appreciative, compassionate, and generous, we deepen our understanding of interdependence... wonderful how that works! Join us as we discuss ways support each other and generate reverence for our natural interconnectedness.

  • Service and Interdependence


    Not a day goes by without our being called upon to help one another... or to be of service. As professionals, neighbors, passers-by, friends, family, or as a humanity, our lives become more efficient andmore meaningful as we exchangewith each other. As interdependent beings, it's natural! On today's show we will discusst the ways service supports and reveals our interdependence.

  • Exploring Interdependence


    We are part of an interdependent community of life; or as we could say, we are part of an interdependent community called Life. Each subjectwe've explored this season (interconnectivity, participation, nonlinearity, and nonduality) leads us to this underlying principle that governs the way in which we coexist: interdependence. If fact, we thrive to the degree that webecome efficiently mutually reliant on each other. We will explore this topic for the month of September. Join us.

  • Encore: Hope & Spirituality


    What is hope? What part does it play in our spiritual evolution? Hope is ever present! By exploring its universal qualities and its relationship to our joy, faith, and optimism we can unlock our personal growth potential; aligning ourselves with positive outcomes.

  • Moving Beyond Duality


    Today's show explores ways to uphold the truth of our interconnectedness and dispell the illusion of duality. Our similarities are stronger than our differences. Join us as we focus on reversing the "this or that" approach to living.

  • Objectification and Its Consequences


    Objectification reinforces the myth of our dualistic reality. It is so pervasive in our culture that we may not notice that myriad of ways that we objectify one another, the ways we are objectified, and the ways in which we objectify ourselves. Join us as we explore this topic.

  • Addressing Bigotry


    Allowing ouruniquenessto shine through highlights the diversityamongstourhumanfamily. Yet, using our differences as a way to separate and divide reinforces bigotry.At our core, we have much more in common with each other than we have differences.We must learn to hate;we are not born this way.We are fed illusory ideas about another person based on their skin, their background, or their religion. We are born with love in our hearts babies do not know prejudice. How does this process unfold? And why?This week we address bigotry as an aspect of the illusion of duality.

  • Dualistic Reality: Is It Actually Real?


    The concept of duality seems to define our day to day existence: this or that, us or them, over or under, stop or go, rich or poor, black or white, yes or no. Certainly this way of approaching the world lends itself to the conceot of free-will and choice; both of which we have discussed in terms of creating our own reality. But are we limited to this or that? Is reality more complex than a dualistic approach? Join us as we begin our month's topic of nonduality.

  • Nonlinearity and Social Change


    "The only constant in life is change," so it has been said. It's an interesting paradox and feel true. That said, one would think that culturally and socially we are progressing, learning from our mistakes, and changing for the better. What has happened when certain human rights seem to disintegrate while progress is made on others? Can evolution and devolution happen simultaneously? And why do certain social structures outlast others? On today's show we'll discuss nonlinearity and social change in hopes that we can leverage universal principles to help us bring about lasting positive outcomes. Join us.

  • Linearity & How We Mature


    As we look at the span of our life and consider our maturity, we will often defaut to timeframes; for instance, references such as "when I was three..." or "my college years" create markers on a seemingly straight line of the time-travel we've embarked upon since birth. Yet we mature in spurts as well as at different rates from one another... and some family membersdon't seem to mature at all (mischevious joke). Join us as we discuss the organic nature of our maturity.

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