Steve Kramer



Tune in with Spirit Fire Radio. Listen live every Wednesday @ 9am pacific / 12pm eastern.Purposeful living, practical spirituality... they sound like concepts we would all welcome into our lives!How do we bring compassion, tolerance, and hope to the forefront of our daily endeavors? What role do detachment and discernment play in bringing together our human family? Join hosts Steve Kramer from Spirit Fire and Dr. Dorothy Riddle from the School for Esoteric Studies as they explore spiritual concepts in practical terms. Tune in as they uncover ways that ageless wisdom can guide us in modern times. Spirit Fire Radio will challenge your thinking, offer insights, and discuss activities that foster goodwill in your life and the lives of those you touch.Steve is a certified teacher and practitioner of The Practice Of Living Awareness meditation technique. He is also President of The Board of Directors of Spirit Fire Meditative Retreat Center, a 501(c)3 non-profit educational organization focused on cultivating spirituality and educating people on the importance of consciousness in their everyday lives. Steve is a teacher of Esoteric Healing, a form of subtle energy healing developed from the Ageless Wisdom teachings through the Tibetan Lama Djwal-Khul. He is also a certified Reiki Master practitioner. Steve lives in New England where he stewards Spirit Fire Retreat Center which has become a melting pot of spiritual traditions as teachers, students, practitioners, and contemplatives from all over the world come together in the name of conscious co-creation.


  • The Illusion of Linearity


    The perception of linearity keeps our world tidy and manageable.Yet it is merely a perception; in fact, it verges onillusion. An illusion is a distorted idea or mental concept of reality. In that we are constantly creating and shaping our ever changing world,it'suseful to leverage the idea of limitless potential. Join us as we discuss the limitations of perceived linearity.

  • The Concept of Nonlinearity


    We usually talk about our lives as proceeding in a linear fashion from past to present to future. But underlying this way of thinking about our lives is an assumption of determinism or cause and effect. We know from our discussion last month that our universe is actually probabilistic rather than deterministic, and that it is our focus and our choices that create our reality. In the same way, time is not an objective, deterministic construct. Rather it is a construct that we create to help us understand our experience. As Einstein has said, The only reason for time is do that everything doesnt happen at once. For the month of July, we will be exploring what this really means in practical terms.

  • Managing How We Act


    Everything happening in the world today is an aspect of a thought precipitated into action somehow, somewhere. Last week we discussed the powerful energy behind thoughts and words. This week we explore the truth behind the expression, "actions speak louder than words."

  • Managing Our Thoughts and Speech


    Energy follows thought. It is factual, scientifically and spiritually. Managing our thoughts means taking responsibility for the part we play in fostering meaningful relationships and creating the world we live in. The words we choose to present ourthoughts impact that creation all the more. Speech gives form to thought; it makes our thoughts available to others. What are you creating with your words? Do they empower? Do they inspire? Or do they harm? Join us as we discussparticipation through the lens ofour thoughts and words.

  • Attention and Intention


    We wake up and life unfolds before us. With the first thought you think in the morning, you begin participating in creating the reality of your day. Will you continue on with the same stride or will you step to a new beat? We refine the level and quality of our participation in this process through attention and intention. What do you participate in? And how do you participate in it? What is the energy behind your participation?That's for you to decide! Join us.

  • Participation: How We Create Our Own Reality


    We move from last month's theme of 'interconnectivity' to this month's theme of 'participation.' We've established that we are all connected and interdependent; therefore, our the way we live our lives... or the level and quality of our participation in life created our reality and shapes the experience of all of those around us. Join us as we introduce the theme of participation.

  • Managing Interconnectedness


    As we learn to navigate group experience we refine our sense of interconnectedness and in the process we become an ever-valuable asset to the whole of humanity. How do we do this? On today's show we will explore the notion of a "cosmic citizen" and the ways to become one and make the most of being one. Join us.

  • Living as Part of an Interconnected Group


    Group activity fosters a sense of interconnectedness and an awareness that we are part of a greater whole, yet being a part of a functioning group requires effort, discipline and a degree of self-realization. On today's show we will explore the move from self identification to group awareness and its implicit rewards. Join us!

  • The Limiting Belief of Separateness


    On today's show we will explore the illusions that keep us held in the belief that we are independant rather than interdependant. Science has proven that we are all interconnected, so why is it that we so often default to an "us vs them" mentality? Join us.

  • How Our Cosmos Functions


    Science and spirituality seem to pull from the same pool of words as they describe our reality: energy, connection, expansion, etc. We can learn a lot about ourselves and the spiritual path by exploring our cosmos from a scientific perspective. On today's show we will discuss the principles that underlie or cosmos and the ways that energy creates our manifest reality.

  • Welcome to Season 3!


    We are extremely excited to be back together for a third season of Spirit Fire Radio. Our shows thus far have revealed that the spiritual path need nottake you to the mountain top, into the monastery, or under the Bodhi Tree in order to inspire expansion it can simply direct youout into day to day existence, amongst human beings, immersed in life itself. Last season weprovided insight into the tools to make theexperience of the spiritual path meaningful and purposeful. This year we will zoom out to explore the universal laws and principles that effect our reality and determine the effectiveness of our time on planet earth. We hope you'll join us each week! On today's show we will discuss the principle of interconnectivity and the ways it permeates our existence.

  • Season Two Wrap-Up


    It's been a wonderfully full year on Spirit Fire Radio. Month to month we examined purposful topics - navigation tools for the spiritual path and we discussedthe challenges and benefits of working with these tools. On today's show Steve and Dorothy will share their personal highlights and the wisdom gained from their experience of exploring these topics. Join us!

  • Generating Love-Wisdom


    'A life lived from the heart' translates as emobodied awareness of our innate interconnectedness. That awareness is generated from an open and receptive mind. We can cultivate love-wisdom. On this show we will duscuss the various ways in which that is accomplished in daily life.

  • The Barriers to Expressing Love-Wisdom


    This month we are discussing the concept of Love-Wisdom, two energetically aligned aspects of the spiritual path. On this episode we will discuss the various barriers which block their expression and the ways that this impacts our personal life, relationships, and the world at large.

  • The Importance of Love-Wisdom


    Love creates bonds based on our similarities; wisdom brings deep understanding and keen discernment to the forefront. Together they create a force for positive change. On today's show we discuss the importance of developing the quality of love-wisdom in our everyday lives.

  • The Relationship of Love & Wisdom


    Love and wisdom may sound like two separate concepts, but thier relationship is energeticallyintrinsic. We will spend the month of January discussing the myriad of ways that love and wisdom support each other and support you on the spiritual path. Join us!

  • Cultivating Your Intuition


    People often refer to intuition as the 'small voice' inside. How do we make room for that voice? How do we transform it to the 'magnificent voice' inside? Intuition must be developed and on the final week of thismonth's theme, we're going to discuss the many ways to do so.

  • Balancing Intuition and Critical Thinking


    This week we move deeper into our monthly theme of intuition and reveal the part that critical thinking plays in our access to and facilitiy with intuition. At first glance, critical thinking and intuition seem to be on opposite ends of the conversation about consciousness, but you'd be surprised how much they rely on each other to maximise the use of your mind and keep you on the cutting edge of awareness! Join us for this interesting exploration.

  • Clearing the Way for Intuition


    What interferes with intuition and how does clearing the way for it support or spiritual evolution? What is spirituality if not the interplay of alignment and connection?On this week's show we will discuss factors that may unconsciouly be keeping you out-of-tune. Join us!

  • What Is Intuition and Why Is It Important?


    Our theme for the month of December is intuition. What is it? What gets in it's way? How do we engage and foster it in our everyday lives? And what role does it play in spirituality? Join us for a month of thinking outside of the box (of the brain).

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