Live Rich



Do you have the desire to get ahead? What are you prepared to do in order to get there? What is driving your desire for change in your life? We all want to be rich and retire early, but what is truly driving you to succeed? You may have a vision of the life you want, but what is motivating you to achieve this? Simply reacting to outward needs will likely not be enough. Most people are content to settle for whatever life they have dealt to them, as long as they have a roof over their head and food on the table. That may be okay for some, but for a select few this is simply not enough. It takes a great deal of determination and focus to set your goals and achieve great things. The strength of your inner desire for this change, and your level of passion and commitment to achieve your goals, will ultimately determine your success. No one else can have this desire for you; it must come from within. If youre going to get ahead you must start making some choices and take action. There are no shortcuts, and great effort will be required. If you truly have a burning passion and desire for change within you, with the right training, focus and determination, the sky is the limit.


  • You Don't Need To Find Your Purpose In Life - You Need To Make It

    01/07/2016 Duração: 09min

    Summary: We all know those people who seem to be on a never-ending quest to find their life’s purpose. They spend hours meditating and pouring through texts, brooding on how to find out why exactly they were put here on Earth.  My own personal philosophy is that you don’t find your purpose, you create it. And odds are that your purpose is less about yourself and more about how to best use your gifts to help others. This is why learning your calling often means getting out of your own head and heading out in the world to get busy. Read on to learn more on how you can uncover your purpose, without getting so mentally wrapped up in the quest that you find you aren’t getting things done. View the full post and video here: 

  • Learn To Train your Dog

    24/06/2016 Duração: 08min

    Summary: You are the sum of what you do. Not what you do occasionally or twice a year, but what you do over and over again. I firmly believe that the habits you set for yourself each day are what most fundamentally determine what kind of person you’re going to be. Just as in training dogs, the key to training yourself to obtain habits of success is consistency. We may have some learned and deeply rooted behaviors that we need to remove from our mindset, but it is absolutely possible to change yourself if you focus on making progress each day where you can. Listen to learn more on how you can train yourself to achieve much more than rolling over. View the full post and video here: 

  • Don't Call On The Experts - Become One!

    24/06/2016 Duração: 09min

    Summary: In a world of generalists where so many of us are frequently called upon to juggle multiple skills across many fields, there is still a high premium for experts. Experts help cut through the clutter and noise, providing actionable insight into their industries. For that reason, becoming an expert is one of the best strategies to attain wealth on a much faster timeline than you could accomplish as an employee. By leveraging your insight into multiple products and speaking appearances, you can create a snowball effect of more and more opportunities presenting themselves to you. Listen to learn more on how you can get started in building your brand as an expert. View the full post and video here: 

  • Set Your Own Rules

    24/06/2016 Duração: 08min

    Summary: Most of us despise rules. Seeking freedom from being told what to do is a big part of the appeal of the entrepreneur’s lifestyle. But the rules you set for yourself can help you to achieve far more than you could otherwise. Maybe you have rules governing how much you need to get done in a certain day or what your approach is to exercise. By laying out firm expectations for yourself, you can help ensure that you are on the path to reaching your goals. Read on to learn more on how you can set rules for yourself that you will actually want to abide by when you see the results.  View the full post and video here: 

  • A Surefire Winning Lottery Tickey

    24/06/2016 Duração: 08min

    Summary: Admit it; you very likely have fantasized about hitting the jackpot when the lottery balloons to dizzying heights. There’s nothing wrong with letting all of the options for decadent spending run through your mind. But would you really want all that comes along with winning? You may be surprised to learn of the fates of many lottery winners, who quickly find themselves worse off than they were to begin with. Yet huge swaths of the public still seem to be banking on winning the lottery as their hope for achieving financial independence. But why not focus on winning a game with better odds that you’ll come out top of? Listen to learn more on how those dollars dished out for your lottery ticket would be far better spent being put to work for you elsewhere.  View the full post and video here:     

  • Standing Out In The Online World Of Commerce

    23/06/2016 Duração: 08min

    Summary: It’s easy to lose sight of how new and fast evolving our internet infrastructure is. It was really not so long ago that the customers you could easily target were largely limited on a geographic basis. Today you are able to reach customers anywhere in the world through technology, greatly increasing the sphere of your potential influence – but also increasing the number of other competitors you need to win customers away from. You don’t have to fancy yourself a tech wizard to get up to date on building your own online empire. Jack Ma certainly didn’t let his lack of a technical background stand in the way of his journey from an obscure teacher to the founder of e-commerce giant Alibaba. Listen to learn how you can begin on your own path to starting an online business that can help your earning potential reach the next level. View the full post and video here:

  • Don't Let The Government Steal your Dreams

    13/06/2016 Duração: 07min

    Summary: It has happened to all of us. We finally receive that check or payment we’ve been waiting for, only to find out that a sizable chunk has been set aside by the government for their own means. It can surely be frustrating to see your labor go to spending that you might not agree with, but there are plenty of steps you can take to lower your tax burden: steps that are completely legal.   Working with an accountant or online resources, you can identify a range of options for lowering the amount of your patriotic contribution and keep more of your wealth working for you. Listen to learn more on how you can stay ahead of the ever-complex and changing tax code. View the full post and video here:   

  • Managing Risk to Conquer Your Fears and Achieve Your Dreams

    13/06/2016 Duração: 08min

    Summary: What has you most worried or concerned about starting your own business? Are there risks you consider that you just can’t imagine stomaching? A fear of risk is common for many of us. It’s what keeps so many potential investors out of the stock market, content to park their retirement prospects in cash or bonds. They just can’t handle the sight of seeing those returns fluctuate. But an outright fear of any risk whatsoever will almost certainly ensure that they never see big returns. The same goes for your career: no risk, no returns. But that doesn’t mean that there aren’t strategies and tools you can leverage to manage your risk levels and still chase your dreams. Listen to learn more about how you can cope with the inevitable uncertainty of launching your own business or enterprise. View the full post and video here:

  • Lifelong Learner - Lifelong Earner!

    13/06/2016 Duração: 08min

    Summary: When’s the last time you deliberately set out on a strategy to brush up on a skill or subject area? Or for that matter, the last time you decided to educate yourself comprehensively about an entirely new subject? It might sound like a luxury to focus on self-education, something you left behind in your student days. But the truth is that a commitment to ongoing learning will lead to far greater earning in the long run, just one of the many benefits you will reap from greater confidence and knowledge. We are luckily living in a golden era of self-education, in which access to a wide variety of information has been democratized. You don’t need to return to a campus to set about mastering new subjects – all you need is the commitment to make it a priority on your schedule. Listen to learn more on how you can get started on your own self-directed business curriculum. View the full post and video here: 

  • Go Ahead, Write That Book

    26/04/2016 Duração: 08min

    Many business leaders find that writing a book is an invaluable way to amplify their brand and share the benefits of their experiences with a wider audience than they could otherwise reach. Listen for tips on how you can take your idea to the written word and establish yourself as a thought leader in your field of expertise. View the full post and video here:  Summary Many business leaders find that writing a book is an invaluable way to amplify their brand and share the benefits of their experiences with a wider audience than they could otherwise reach. It is surely no easy task to take on the challenge of being an author, especially when you are maintaining other business ventures at the same time. You will need a steely commitment to doing the work and a brutal eye for discerning what it is you have to add to an already crowded marketplace. Read on for tips on how you can take your idea to the written word and establish yourself as a thought leader in your field of expertise.

  • Know Thyself To Create Thy Future

    16/03/2016 Duração: 07min

    You would want to know just about everything about a prospective business partner before going in on a new venture together. Strengths, weaknesses, skill set – you would take careful inventory of it all. But have you done the same for your most important partner of all – yourself? Having a blind spot for where you still have work to do in developing your skills can be fatal. You must apply a clear-eyed view to where you are likely to fall into trouble – be it in marketing, operations, hiring, or elsewhere – and identify how your plan for remedying the weakness. View the full post and video here:  Summary: When hiring team members, you very likely take a long look at the strengths and weaknesses they bring to the table. You want to know where they can help you reach new heights and where they have weaknesses that you may want to work on. But are you applying the same scrutiny to yourself? You are, after all, the most important partner you’ll have in any new venture. It’s critical that you

  • Are You Creating Your Dreams Or Destroying Them?

    16/03/2016 Duração: 07min

    There’s an old saying that I try to always keep in mind: “If you aren’t moving forward, you are moving backward.” Not acting with intention and a sense of purpose each day will very likely lead to your dreams going unfulfilled. Simply hopping in your car and driving off toward the sunset will not easily lead you to the coast – not as quickly as if you bring along a map and a GPS to guide your journey. If you aren’t developing and implementing a clear action plan to achieve your goals, the dreams that you hold are most likely crumbling right in front of you without you even seeing it. You can’t entertain wishful thinking when it comes to making progress on your mission. It is nice to have dreams and fantasies, but these should be relegated to when you’re sleeping, not when it comes to your life goals. View the full post and video here:  Summary: Are you on pace to make your dreams for yourself a tangible reality – or are you setting fire to them each day through inertia and lack of focus?

  • Your Words Have Influence - Use Them On Purpose

    16/03/2016 Duração: 07min

    Being able to effectively communicate your ideas, both in writing and in public speaking, is one of the most important skills for any successful person. The watchword here is brevity – far too many aspiring thought leaders fail to recognize the importance of maximizing as few words as possible. In a time of increasing options for how people can spend their time online and what content they have at their fingertips, it is more important than ever that you can quickly and succinctly distill any message you want to relay to an audience. In many cases, you will only have one or a limited number of opportunities to reach an audience you are targeting. It’s on to you to do everything you can do to maximize the potential power of these interactions. View the full post and video here:  Summary: Some of the most powerful tools at your disposal are your words. Nobody else is going to be able to communicate the power of your business venture better than you can. It is increasingly common for busines

  • Don't Forget To Live Your Dreams As You Build Them

    16/03/2016 Duração: 07min

    It takes time to build a dream. But you need to take the time to live it too. It may seem counterintuitive to mention to-do lists or prioritizing in the context of living a fun life, but learning how to focus on a few key priorities – and minimizing needless burdens on your time – will help ensure that you have more time for building memories. View the full post and video here:  Summary: With your sights focused on building a successful and independent future, it can be very easy to put off living in the here and now. Fun and relaxation might seem like something you are working toward in the distant future, not a concern you have time for right now. But the truth is that tomorrow is guaranteed for nobody. Life doesn’t need to be such a slog. The reason to achieve success is to be able to enjoy it and to build happier lives for your family and friends as well. Vacations, time out to recharge, hobbies – all of these will not only keep you sane and balanced, but will very likely be rejuvenat

  • Rise And Shine

    15/03/2016 Duração: 07min

    The smell of coffee. Birds chirping. Sunlight streaming into the window blinds. The morning doesn’t have to be all bad! And yet so many of us continue to prefer to sleep through one of the most enjoyable – and yes, impactful – parts of the day. Listen to learn more about how to make mornings the most productive part of your day, and turbo charge your success. View the full post and video here:  Summary: How do you feel when you think of your morning routine? Are you filled with dread, imagining hitting the snooze button and slogging into your day? A key to your success is to win the morning. The early hours are key opportunities to catch up on your top priorities and knock out your goals for the day while everyone else is still snoozing away. You’ll find that a common link among successful and high-achieving professionals is that they have found a way to exert control over and make the most of their mornings. Using some simple time management and focus techniques, you’ll begin each day wi

  • Your Plan For Action

    15/03/2016 Duração: 07min

      So what’s your plan? Not having a vision laid out in explicit detail on how you aim to drive toward your goals is a surefire sign that you are not serious about your goals. The simple act of just committing your objectives and strategy to paper makes it exponentially more likely that you will follow through on what you need to do. View the full post and video here:  Summary: No matter where you want to go, you’ll need a plan to get there. Whether your goal is a new house, early retirement, or a new business, the only way to get there is to plan far ahead. Too many of us nurture half-baked dreams without ever breaking them down into the necessary action steps that will guide us along the way. Listen to learn more on how you can divide and conquer with your plan of attack, use the power of visualization to keep your goals in your sights, and ultimately lay the groundwork for attaining big money and big happiness for your future self.   

  • Do It In 10 Minutes

    15/03/2016 Duração: 08min

    600 Seconds. Doesn’t sound like a lot of time, does it? And yet carving out just ten minutes a day to focus on your priority goals can make a big impact on driving toward your long-term goals.  View the full post and Video here: Summary: Would you believe me if I told you that the most important part of your day actually happens the night before? A common trait of many top performers that I know is that they all block out a chunk of time each evening to ruthlessly review and scrutinize how they plan to spend their time the next day. They know that their days are finite and too precious to spend with any uncertainty about what to do or work on next. I have adopted the tactic of using a daily efficiency planner to prioritize and map out what I will be focused on the next morning. This ensures that I immediately hit the ground running from the moment I wake up. If you are going to make the effort to wake up early each day, you owe it to yourself to ensure that you use each minute to its max

  • Is a Franchise Your Road To Freedom?

    15/03/2016 Duração: 08min

    If you are interested in a proven, defined pathway to success, you might consider the possibility of franchising your way to freedom. It's important that you take time to investigate the pros and cons of franchising, and evaluate whether a particular franchise is the right fit for you. View the full post and video here: Summary: You don’t necessarily need to come up with an entirely new concept or business model in order to be a highly effective entrepreneur. Many swear by the franchising model, in which you take on the challenges and opportunities of running a branch or multiple branches of an existing business. A franchise offers a number of built-in advantages, such as joining an established brand that may not need as much explaining or marketing to reach your target audience. Be mindful, however, that franchising presents unique challenges of its own, in terms of running a business while still working within an existing corporate set of rules that you may have little or no control ove

  • The Self Made Myth

    07/03/2016 Duração: 08min

    It might be humbling to admit it. Many of us pride ourselves are making our own way in the world. But if we look back at our journeys and how far we have come, it will be impossible to ignore the influence of those in our lives who have helped guide us and support us along the path.   Making full use of a mentor or simply someone to bounce ideas off of can make an enormous difference in helping you attain the success that you seek. Listen for tips on how finding the right mentor and how to make the most of this important and potentially life changing relationship. View the full post and video here:  Summary: We all like to style ourselves as heroes and world champs. The pull of the myth of the lone warrior is strong – it’s why we gravitate to inspirational stories of individuals who prevail alone over great odds.  The image makes for a nice story, but the reality is almost always a bigger picture – one that involves the support and help of mentors in order to succeed. You may think that y

  • Get Rich Fast or Get Rich Slow - Just Get Rich!

    07/03/2016 Duração: 12min

    Get rich fast, or get rich slow. Which is it for you? Here, I provide an overview of methodologies that could just turn out to make you a fortune. You will need to do some more digging to figure out which method is right for you. The safety net method is a slow and steady approach to achieving wealth. Alternatively, the get rich quick method can help you achieve your goal of financial independence in 5-7 years. You may choose to use one or both simultaneously, depending on your goals and personal strategy. Listen to see how these methodologies can help you increase your net worth and achieve the lifestyle you are after. View the full post and video here:  Summary: You’ve heard of those fake get-rich-quick schemes and you may have even heard of get-rich-slow methods of compounding interest as a concept. But what if there truly was a way to ensure that you could retire “rich” by having a specific plan. Would you choose a proven method to get rich fast or the proven method to get rich slow?

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