Together 24/7 With Barry & Catherine Cohen



A fun and informative show that talks to entrepreneurial couples that live and work together 24/7. We have it all - the pitfalls, the joys, the inspiration, and the wild and crazy ride business and relationships can take you on. Learn tips and tricks to help you succeed in love and business. Hosts Barry and Catherine Cohen are successful award-winning entrepreneurs, crazy in love, and together all the time.


  • 117: Surrounding Yourself with a Team of Professionals

    29/09/2016 Duração: 13s

    About the show Having a great team isn’t just about who you hire in your business or which subcontractors or vendors you use. Having a complete team for your business means surrounding yourself with professionals who can help you move your business forward. Professionals you don’t usually think of as being part of your business. From your banker to your accountant and even your auto repair person can be and are a vital part of your business. On this episode we talk about who you need and why. We also invite you to comment with business professionals you use in your business. Do you have a favorite? Share with our audience. Get in Touch with Us 602-399-7430 Facebook – RealTogether247

  • 116: Mike and Megan Knorpp of Knorpp & South

    26/09/2016 Duração: 47s

    A little about our guests. Mike and Megan met in college at Brigham Young University. They are married and have been together for 16 years and in business for 5 years. Mike grew up in Meridian, Idaho and went to BYU to study family therapy. Realizing that family therapy was not a good fit (but he uses his education every day in their large family) he has been a window washer, in construction, in computer sales and now works with Megan. Mike enjoys, running, hiking and hanging out with Megan. Megan grew up near Houston, Texas and studied filmmaking at Brigham Young. Megan loves being a mom to her 9 children, five are adopted from China. She loves good food, traveling and hiking and, of course, hanging out with Mike. Megan was a photographer, has had several blogs and has graphic prints on A little about their business. Megan is the original entrepreneur in the family. Most recently, she started with a network marketing company and built it to a point where Mike came on board with her. From that exper

  • 115: Talk like a Professional

    22/09/2016 Duração: 15s

    About the show There is television commercial where everything gets screwed up and the person that screwed up stands there and says “sorry” They go through a bunch of screw ups and the last person, a tattoo artist grates on me every time I hear the commercial. It’s not what she said, it is how she said it. There are a lot of speech patterns and habits that can make us sound unprofessional or downgrade our message. We’re not talking about physical impediments, but actual bad habits picked up over the years that make a person sound less than professional. Listen to your own speech patterns and see if you have any of these bad speaking habits. If you do, we have some tips for you. (Yes, Barry got the episode number wrong when we first started talking. Send all hate mail to Get in Touch with Us 602-399-7430 Facebook – RealTogether247

  • 114: Damir Butkovic and Tea Maherl of and Weblicious Solutions

    19/09/2016 Duração: 43s

    A little about our guests. Damir’s is all about experiences. Traveling (roaming) around Croatia, Slovenia, Portugal, Bali, Brazil, Australia to name just a few places, Damir decided his best course of action would be to get into marketing. Since there was no real “get rich quick” scheme that would allow him to be lazy the rest of his life, his passion for psychology led him to marketing. Tea has a Masters of Law degree and had been practicing law for over 10 years. Tea, as part of the internet generation and her fascination with being able to connect with anyone, anywhere in the world prompted her to go from the world of law to internet and affiliate marketing. Also Tim Ferris’s “4 Hour Work Week book” was an inspiration. A little about their business. Two sides of same internet marketing coin. Tea is more creative and tech and Damir is the strategist. Together, they can cover all the bases a client needs for their marketing and internet presence. Depending on what a client is looking for, they may find thems

  • 113: Don’t Over Complicate Things

    15/09/2016 Duração: 10s

    About the show How often do we find ourselves not completely enjoying our wins because we drove ourselves crazy getting there? When we over-complicate things we can add a level of stress to life that is completely unnecessary. Here are some ideas to keep things simple so you can make good decisions and get things done faster and better. Work from your happy place. If you are stressed, get grounded and centered. Use bullet points. Just making a simple list, then going back later to fill in the details (or fill in as you go) can lay out an easy-to-follow plan. Work from the end result, back. Celebrate small victories as well as big ones. When you simplify things, you can get more done in less time and more efficiently. So if you find yourself getting overwhelmed, stop, do one of the above or anything else that helps you see the big picture, and remove unneeded steps. Get in Touch with Us 602-399-7430 Facebook – /RealTogether247

  • 112: Gila and Jon Kurtz of Dog is Good

    12/09/2016 Duração: 45s

    A little about our guests. Gila and Jon are married and have been together 27 years. They have a 19 year old daughter, Abby, and 2 fur-babies, a Japanese Chin named Henry (10) and a Labrador Retriever named BOLO (3). Gila’s life and philosophy has been inspired by dog. Live more simply, work more efficiently and play a lot harder. Gila’s commitment to taking a dog’s approach to life resulted in her first book, Fur Covered Wisdom…A Dog Can Change the Way You See the World. Jon is an easy-going, great leader who is committed to his success and the success of those around him. Jon was selected to attend the United States Naval Academy and went on to serve for just over 27 years. At the academy, Jon played baseball…but didn’t get called up by his team, The Angels of Anaheim. Still, he cheers them on every chance he gets and loves attending games. He stays in shape with intense fitness workouts and long distance biking. How did they meet? Gila bought Jon with her Visa card while bidding on bachelors at an auction

  • 111: Johan Esteve and Paloma Pelaez of The Norwegian Star

    08/09/2016 Duração: 18s

    A little about our guests. What do you do when you’re on vacation and meet an interesting couple that is together 24/7, but doesn’t quite fit the usual requirement of owning a business together? You interview them anyway for the Thursday after vacation show. Johan and Paloma work for Norwegian Cruise Line and they are the Cruise Next team on board the beautiful NCL Star. We met them at the Latitudes welcome party and we thought, wow, 24/7 and no place to hide. This should be good. Paloma is from Mexico City, Mexico and Johan is from France. They met on an NCL cruise they worked together when Paloma was still on the Cruise Next team and Johan was in food and beverage. They dated, fell in love, had to work together to stay on the same ship and got married. Although they are not the founders of NCL or even the Cruise Next program, they are beyond 24/7. When you work with your sweetheart and are sweethearts with your working partner, as these two are, that’s one kind of together all the time. But when you live on

  • 110: Regina and Rendel Bergman of Bridgeport Network

    05/09/2016 Duração: 44s

    A little about our guests. Regina and Rendel are newlyweds with a little experience. Regina became a widow after 44 years of marriage. Rendel was married twice before, one ending in divorce and the second in the passing of his wife. A little older and a lot wiser, Rendel and Regina met, married, and went into business together. The adventure started a short 4 months ago. Rendel enjoys motorcycling, photography and is an artist and great cook. Regina likes to sew, craft, crochet and make jewelry. Between them there are 8 children and numerous grandchildren. A little about their business. Regina opened up a bed and breakfast with her late husband in 2011. She was coming off the 2-year sabbatical she took from business when her 13 year old, multi-state, multi-million dollar staffing company failed after the crash of 2008. In 2014 Regina began studying to become a business and life coach. She called on her own experiences for her coaching and books. Rendel became a chiropractor in 1994, was a co-owner of Diamond

  • 109: How We Do It

    01/09/2016 Duração: 13s

    About the show We got married in 1996 and started our first business together in 2003. What were we thinking? Since then we have launched 3 businesses, sold one and managed to stay happy and be successful. Our secrets aren't much different than the couples we interview each week. So join us to hear all about how we do what we do and why we're still smiling. Get in Touch with Us 602-399-7430 Facebook – Real Together 247

  • 108: Gala Gorman and Charlie Frangos of YES Unlimited

    29/08/2016 Duração: 53s

    A little about our guests. Gala and Charlie have been in business together since 2008 and got married right around the time they went into business together. Charlie has 2 sons from a previous marriage. Charlie is 100% Greek. He is second generation and all 4 grandparents immigrated from Greece. He’s an avid tennis player and even coached the Duke University Women’s Tennis Team in the early 80’s. Dr. Gala is all about the Romantic Comedy. She has seen the film “The American President” at least a dozen times. Her secret hop is that Janie’s clone applies for a job as Dr. Gala’s personal assistant. A little about their business. YES Unlimited provides addiction recovery support. Dr. Gala and Charlie create programs and tools that provide practical techniques for people dealing with addiction. They focus on getting results quickly and in a way that improves your quality of life. Both Dr. Gala and Charlie are recovering from their own addictions as well as having come from addiction in their own families. They are

  • 107: Watching TV Can Make You Rich

    25/08/2016 Duração: 13s

    About the show Well, not exactly. But remember when you were told not to watch too much TV because it would turn your brain to mush? That's not always the case anymore. We’ve been watching some really interesting entrepreneurial-based shows and are always adding more to the list. These shows are entertaining and can give you a perspective of business and success from the point of view of millionaires. So grab the popcorn, listen to the episode and then add these shows to your “must see” list. Get in Touch with Us 602-399-7430 Facebook – Real Together 247

  • 106: Elise and Scott Grice of Hey Sweet Pea

    22/08/2016 Duração: 53s

    A little about our guests. Elise is a California beach girl and Scott is an outdoor enthusiast perfectly content to be in the mountains. Hmmm. But marriage is most important to them, so they repeat their honeymoon at least once a year, and they do date night. Elise has the strong branding background. She freelanced for 5 branding and design companies at the ripe old age of 17, worked for Sony pictures, then ventured out on her own. Scott is the movie buff with over 500 titles in his very organized collection. Scott loves systems and automating. So much so that he took the stressful job of planning their wedding off Elise’s plate. Scott studied film-making and graduated at the height of the recession. A little about their business. The offices of Hey, Sweet Pea are wherever Scott and Elise are. From their 2-month adventure through Europe to their current trek around the country in a 28-foot camper, Scott and Elise are constantly creating new courses for their clients. Starting as a branding company working one

  • 105: Proactive vs. Reactive

    18/08/2016 Duração: 13s

    About the show How much time do you spend in your business creating systems and figuring things out as you go along? So often in business we become reactive and we don’t even realize it. Get a new client, put the on a contact list. Get a lead from an online ad, create something on the contact list to differentiate that a lead from the client. Oftentimes, entrepreneurs don’t think ahead. When Barry and Catherine realized how much time they were spending being reactive and how much time in the day they were losing to getting and servicing clients, they realized they needed to stop, look at their systems and be proactive. Looking at all the services and thinking through what the client will need allows you to become proactive and create systems that make the back-end processes go faster. On this episode we’ll share some examples of how you can spend your time being reactive and how much time you’re wasting in business with that model. Then we’ll touch upon some questions to ask yourself to create systems you can

  • 104: Rebecca Klein Scott & Keith Scott of TALLsmall Productions

    15/08/2016 Duração: 40s

    A little about our guests. Rebecca and Keith are the TALLsmall of their company. Together for 2 years and married, they have a blended family of 4 children, 2 boys and 2 girls. They met when asked to teach a joint community class for professionals. The rest is, as they say, history. Family time is important for these newlyweds and they try to keep their weekends just for the kids. A little about their business. Rebecca and Keith both have a lot of communication skills in their backgrounds. Rebecca has been a television reporter, spokesperson, and communications and marketing consultant. Keith honed his lobbying skills as the CEO of the Baltimore County Chamber of Commerce. TALLsmall is a play on heights. Scott is 6’9 while Rebecca is 5’2. Together, they do communications consulting and training. Rebecca’s love is to hear other people’s stories. TALLsmall Productions helps people to craft their own story and use that is all aspects of business and public speaking. One piece of advice (the nutshell version) Sim

  • 103: Planning for Vacation

    11/08/2016 Duração: 13s

    About the show Vacation – it’s the most wonderful time of the year. Unless you’re a small business owner. Then the mere thought of vacation can create more stress that you vacation could ever smooth out. But you need time away to stay sane. So what do you do? When you carefully prepare and plan for your vacation from a business aspect, you can avoid having to work when you should be relaxing. With systems in place, you can have a stress-free and even emergency call free time to yourself. We’ll give you a few ideas to help you prepare your business so you can take time off and actually go relax instead of go crazy. Get in Touch with Us 602-399-7430 Facebook – RealTogether247

  • 102: Samantha Bordelon-Karim and Soral Karim of Pinot’s Palette

    08/08/2016 Duração: 43s

    A little about our guests. Samantha and Soral’s world revolves around their family, especially daughter Savina. Samantha loves to eat, dance, travel with her family and hear her daughter’s laugh. Soral is also all about family and travel. His ultimate goal is to travel somewhere, live there and absorb the culture for 6 months and then move on. They’ve been married since 2009 and met in college in 2006. A little about their business. Pinot’s Palette, located in Paradise Valley, AZ, is a place to go and learn to paint while sipping wine and having fun. For Samantha, learning to ask for help isn’t a sign of weakness, but of persistence. She surrounds herself with people whose strengths are not hers and learns from them. Soral is a pharmacist by trade by realized early on he has an entrepreneur’s heart. He enjoys learning about all the different ways people have become successful in business. Samantha and Soral don’t really consider themselves artists nor do they really drink. But they enjoy helping others reali

  • 101: Know When to Add Staff

    04/08/2016 Duração: 15s

    About the show This is a sort of part 2 to last week’s “Stop Acting Like an Employee.” One of the toughest things to do as entrepreneurs is to stop trying to do everything yourself. As you grow you need to recognize what is yours to do and what is someone else’s to do. When you struggle to do something, like bookkeeping or copywriting, that is not your strong suit and that takes you longer, you aren’t saving money. In fact, you’re losing a ton. In this episode we talk about some things you should look at that you’re doing now that may fit better to outsource or to hire an employee. If you aren’t sure it’s time, this episode can help. Get in Touch with Us 602-399-7430

  • 100: Nancy & Chris Desmond of Memory Web

    01/08/2016 Duração: 46s

    A little about our guests. Nancy enjoys cheering on her boys at baseball games and bike riding to clear her head and think up great new features for Memory Web. She also enjoys the protein boost of swallowing gnats. Chris is a die-hard Chicago Cubs fan, despite the century since a World Series win. He has transferred his love of baseball to Nancy and their 2 boys. Chris also enjoys fly fishing and hopes to take the family fly-fishing in the Amazon someday. A joint album started on memory web by Nancy and her friends is all about raising boys including the pictures of boys dancing around with underwear on their heads. Chris and Nancy look forward 20 years using those pictures to embarrass their sons. Both Chris and Nancy have been entrepreneurs in the past. A little about their business. Memory Web is an online archiving system for digitizing photos and documenting information about the pictures. It is the first service of its kind, allowing people to not only archive photos and add information, but also allow

  • 99: Stop Acting Like an Employee

    28/07/2016 Duração: 14s

    About the show Michael Gerber described it best in the E-Myth books. Just because you’re great at something and you start a business, you didn’t necessarily make the jump from employee to entrepreneur. In today’s episode we explore a bit about getting out of the employee mentality you left behind so you can start working on your business, not in your business. When you are starting out and still the chief cook and bottle washer, be sure to document your activities for the next person you hire. Stop talking about what you can’t do. You’re the boss, you can do anything you want. Start asking if your choices are smart ones. And a few more tips. In order to grow, you need to stop being a control freak who thinks only you can do it right. The right people are out there. Find and train them. Get in Touch with Us 602-399-7430 Facebook – RealTogether247

  • 98: Scott & Debbie Viguie of Doctor Geek’s Laboratory

    25/07/2016 Duração: 56s

    A little about our guests. Dr. Scott Viguie is a modern day Renaissance man. Debbie is a real live author and her books have been on the New York Times bestseller list. They have been married for 19 years and went into business together 4 years ago. Scott holds 2 doctorates and is an attorney and archeologist. He has a passion for educating others, especially when it comes to rekindling an interest in the sciences. Debbie is the author of over fifty novels including the Wicked series, co-authored with Nancy Holden and the Robin Hood Demon’s Bane series co-authored with James R. Tuck. Dr. Scott and Debbie have also co-authored the Tex Ravencroft science fiction adventure series. A little about their business. Dr. Scott and Debbie have created the audio show Doctor Geek’s Laboratory of Applied Geekdom and the live Doctor Geek’s Science Fair. Both are dedicated to STEM, now also STEAM (Science Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics. Doctor Geek combines science and fiction to educate and inspire others to

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