Jami Dulaney Md Plant Based Wellness

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 66:20:29
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I am a plant based Cardiologist and endurance athlete passionate about promoting health and wellness to all ages.


  • Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Running and Wellness Podcast Episode 433 with Paul Youd 85 years young vegan ultrarunner

    26/05/2023 Duração: 45min

    Welcome! and thank you for listening.   Today I have Paul Youd on the podcast.  He is an 85 year old endurance athlete from the UK.  His knees bothered him so bad in his 50s that he stopped running and started biking.  Then he became vegan after learning about the cruel conditions factory farm animals endure.  One day chasing his grandson, he realized his knees no longer hurt and he resumed running.  Fast forward to the lockdown, he decided to try a 50k distance and  set his sights on a press up goal of one million before age 90.  He is a runner, plant based, and a bread maker instructor.  What’s not to like.  Enjoy this motivating interview.  He is my people.  Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com with questions.   Website:doctordulaney.com   https://runningonplants.org/?gclid=CjwKCAjwscGjBhAXEiwAswQqNDTBAPNJ57PhaHcWy9aJRAj4Ylg76_9P8X23361mY3K-swLcxYjGHxoCeXcQAvD_BwE https://l.instagram.com/?u=https%3A%2F%2Flinktr.ee%2Ficouldnevergovegan_movie&e=AT3GgR4NLgz6sebBJco8TmJ-OPmUMwTEFQQEcQEl5-MD5l6XLkyDXOdSzsZw9u

  • Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Running Podcast: Episode 432 : The Diva Does 90

    17/05/2023 Duração: 31min

    Welcome! and Thank you for listening.  I have added running to the title of the podcast given I have been talking about it so often.  I believe wellness must include movement as well as nutrition and running is certainly my favorite movement.   Happy Birthday Diva!  She is certainly a mover and a shaker in all the ways.  Today, I would like to share some highlights from her surprise birthday party.  Most people who know my mother consider her an inspiration.  Perhaps you would like to learn a few secrets from my observations of the Diva.   I hope this episode gives you the encouragement to party plant based in the future.  I think I may have discovered a little trick to pulling it off.  Enjoy this episode and thank you for listening.  Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com with questions.  website: doctordulaney.com https://www.amazon.com/Plant-based-Wellness-Cookbook-Generations-Cooking/dp/1733967702/ref=sxts_sxwds-bia-wc-nc-drs1_0?cv_ct_cx=doctor+and+diva&dchild=1&keywords=doctor+and+diva&pd_rd_i=17

  • Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast Episode 431: The Power of Mushrooms

    05/05/2023 Duração: 39min

    Welcome! and Thank you for listening.  When I was growing up, mushrooms were something that you got on a pizza when you progressed from straight pepperoni.  They were usually from a jar or can and were nothing spectacular to look at.  I believe that is where they got their bad wrap.  The other place I started seeing mushrooms were on a fancy spinach salad.  They were fresh and thinly sliced but raw.  Not a lot of taste but they made the salad pretty.   Raw mushrooms are actually toxic due to a surface chemical called agaratine.  It is destroyed by cooking a few minutes.  In addition, most of the nutrients associated with mushrooms are released after heating.   I will give you a few more reasons to put a variety of mushrooms on your plate and even perhaps in your coffee! Do you feel like a number or a diagnosis when you go to the doctor's?  Have you had anything prescribed besides a drug or test?  I would encourage you to ask why and what a lot more.  If you would like to become more invested in your health an

  • Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast Episode 430: Practice Choosing Hard

    28/04/2023 Duração: 39min

    Welcome! and Thank you for listening.  We have so many nutritional options and things to choose leading to confusion and indecision.  There is more dietary advise advertised than just about anything else.  Eating is glamorous, social, and is portrayed as having a large role in our overall happiness.  Admitting that our food choices play a large role in our overall health is not the reality most people want to hear.   How many times have you said, we eat better than we used to?  We eat better than other people.  We don't eat fast food.  I need a cheat day.  I need a food reward.  Eating healthy is boring and takes too much time to prepare.  I am not a kitchen person.   Meanwhile, people are joining gyms and trying to get healthy.  No one enjoys taking medications.  So we try to improve our nutrition for a few days or weeks then it is back to the old habits.  Why?  Why can't we stick with it? We blame others for sabotaging us, though we always have a choice.  We call the right choice the hard choice.  Hard, is

  • Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast: Episode 429: Cleaning Out the Cellular Garage

    21/04/2023 Duração: 39min

    Welcome! and Thank you for listening.  We accumulate metabolic waste just like we accumulate junk in the garage.  You might be able to use some of it, but most likely it just sits there and rusts.  How do you get it out? Does exercise prevent it?  Life long exercisers or very active people seem to have less lifestyle diseases than sedentary people.  However, they are not immune.  How does exercise prevent or delay the onset of disease? Today I will exam some of the whys around these topics as well as some nutritional paradoxes that the medical community seems to ignore.  I hope you enjoy the episode.   Thanks for listening.   Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com  Website: doctordulaney.com https://www.amazon.com/Plant-based-Wellness-Cookbook-Generations-Cooking/dp/1733967702/ref=sr_1_3?crid=1U4J4U0SZUXUF&dchild=1&keywords=plant+based+wellness+cookbook&qid=1621083696&sprefix=plant+based+well%2Caps%2C173&sr=8-3  

  • Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast Episode 428: Sharing a Plant Based Journey with Friends

    14/04/2023 Duração: 01h06min

    Welcome! and Thank you for listening.  I took this episode on the road to Riverwood Golf Community where I recorded a discussion of adopting a plant based lifestyle.  Two of my practice members, Bob and Judy Sparanese started a discussion group around plant based nutrition.  I was invited to give my perspective as a plant based physician.  I shared my practice journey and how my thoughts on nutrition have evolved over my years in a cardiology practice.  The common theme is implementation and socializing.  No one really doubted the benefits.  I shared some of my go to meal ideas and ways to make it a little easier.   Bob and Judy are setting a great example by reaching out to meet new friends with shared interest of health and nutrition.  A golf course community is a tough place to implement plant based nutrition.  The perception that "good food" is burgers and fries, steak and potatoes, and the occasional fish and chips would prevail on most menus.  Golf stories and happy hour are more the theme than health a

  • Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast Episode 247: Brazos Bend 50 Mile Race

    07/04/2023 Duração: 40min

    Welcome! and Thank you for listening.  Brazos Bend 50 mile race in in the books.   Today's episode is my race report and the positive motivations observed at an ultra endurance event.  Running all day in hot humid conditions results in great family memories.  I know it seems odd, but there is something about the freedom of a state park for adults and kids a like along with witnessing the struggle and accomplishment of completing a foot race that makes people happy and want to join in.  There were multiple multi-generation families there to cheer and enjoy time together.   Contrast that with Disney World.  Kids crying, parents fighting, lines, complaining, and only disdain for the stranger pushing to get ahead in the line.  Forget the cost of such an adventure being 10s of times more for a day of fun than spending it running at a State Park.   Thank you to Addie, Nathan, and Caleb Majnaric for coming out to pace me through the last 13 miles and enjoy a day of fun at Brazos Bend State Park.  The memories will l

  • Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast 426 with Travis and Mark Macy-One Mile at a Time

    30/03/2023 Duração: 01h13min

      Welcome! and Thank you for listening.  Today, I have two special guests, Travis, and Mark Macy.  They have joined me to discuss their new book, One Mile at a Time.  It is a chronicle of Mark Macy’sjourney with his family after an early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s at age 60.  Mark or Mace, as his endurance friends call him was a successful practicing attorney at the time of his diagnosis.  He has been doing ultra-endurance events for 30 years including the Leadville 100-mile race and many Eco challenge races since the 1980s.  The Eco challenge races are stage races that occur over the course of 10 days or more covering over 400 miles by rafting, mountain biking, hiking through jungles, and climbing as a team while navigating through those areas with a compass and map.   There are many forms of dementia with Alzheimer’s comprising the majority.  The diagnosis used to be made after autopsy in patients with memory loss. Now MRI scans can distinguish the formation of beta amyloid proteins and Tau proteins in the sp

  • Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast Episode 425: If I would have only known

    24/03/2023 Duração: 30min

    Welcome! and Thank you for listening.  If I knew now what I didn't know then.  Have you said that before?  We learn as we go.  The key is to keep learning and observing.   Do you have indigestion?  GERD?  The answer to eliminating it is in this episode.  Why don't we worry about our genetics until something goes wrong?  We like our genes as long as we are healthy and then blame them for most of our health woes.  Do genes fail? Is that the reason why it takes bad genes so long to appear.  We surely didn't cause them to fail. If obesity is caused by bad genes, then why has it taken genetics so long to result in the obesity epidemic we have today?  Do you eat soy?  Is it safe for everyone?  Is it a good protein or good carbohydrate.  Is it a good fat?  You may be pleasantly surprised.   Thank you for listening.  Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com with questions. doctordulaney.com https://www.amazon.com/Plant-based-Wellness-Cookbook-Generations-Cooking/dp/1733967702/ref=sr_1_3?crid=1U4J4U0SZUXUF&dchild=1&

  • Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast Episode 424:Don’t Worry So Much About the Pictures

    17/03/2023 Duração: 38min

    Welcome! and Thank you for listening.   Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  That applies to x-rays and images well.  As physicians we tend to look to fix numbers and pictures and assume it will result in better health for our patients.  Sometimes the treatment side effects don't really affect overall life span and certainly not health span.  For instance, if there is a torn knee meniscus, surgery to make the picture better may result in need for a knee replacement earlier than if physical therapy was elected.  The same goes for coronary artery stenosis.  If symptoms are stable, there is no increase in life span or quality of life with a stent.  It may even result in more procedures.  How can we be sure?  Patience is a virtue that few of us have.   The good new is that where there is a will there is a way.  Ask question and take an active role in your own health.  You are your best advocate. You have many more choices that you realize.   I hope you enjoy today's podcast.  Thank you for listening.  Email me

  • Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast Episode 423: Treasure Coast Marathon Stories

    09/03/2023 Duração: 35min

    Stuart Florida claims to be the friendliest small town in Florida. It might just be. It is the host for the Game On! Treasure 26.2 mi Coast Marathon, and 13.1 mi Half Marathon. Stuart is also the place where plant based runners meet to celebrate health and get a little out of their comfort zone. This past weekend we had 6 members of our practice along with some of their family and friends run the half and full marathon in Stuart. It was the hottest day of 2023 for all of us with temperatures hitting 90 F by the afternoon. It was a particular challenge for our Michigan runners flying out of a blizzard to get to Florida. But our plant based runners are no stranger to challenges, and don't seem to skip a beat when taking them head on. They face challenges as opportunities to grow and learn. None of these runners see themselves as victims or unlucky. So why subject oneself to the heat and discomfort of running an endurance event in sunny Florida? Perhaps it is the positive energy around the start of an endur

  • Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast Episode 422: Self Worth

    03/03/2023 Duração: 27min

    Welcome! and Thank you for listening.   Who is in charge of your health and wellbeing?  Are you doing a good job? Most people that are care givers to another human would not care for them based on their worthiness.  However, we often do just that when it comes to caring for ourselves.  We all want to be loved and cared for but as most people know that is not enough to get someone to appreciate their worthiness.  It is one of life's great paradoxes.  If you are not healthy, you cannot care for others. If you cannot take care of yourself, your caring abilities might come in question. Most people choose health and family as two of the most important qualities in life yet often their health is neglected.  Acetylsalicylic acid is the main component of aspirin.  It is broken down to salicylate.  Salicylate is abundant in broccoli, cauliflower, cucumbers, mushrooms, and berries.  Unlike acetylsalicylic, acid they do not cause gastrointestinal bleeding or hemorrhagic strokes.  Both will help to decrease your risk of

  • Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast Episode 421: You Are In Control of Your Health

    24/02/2023 Duração: 39min

    Welcome! and Thank you for listening.   Vascular disease is usually not isolated even though we focus on the specific area that is causing the present symptoms.  What if there are no symptoms?  Will screening make you live longer or better? One would think that early detection would lead to a better outcome regardless of the condition.   However, one has to take into account the morbidity and mortality associated with testing and treatment.  The good news is that plant-based nutrition has no side effects.  The more plants you eat, the better your health will be.  When we look at medicines and interventions, are they treating the symptoms or the causes?  Granted medications are sometimes lifesaving, but we fail to see them as a temporary bridge.  Are you interested in prevention or reversal of lifestyle diseases?  I believe the individual has the power to decide.  Ask the tough questions to your health care provider and yourself.  What are the side effects?  Is there long-term evidence that I will live longer

  • Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast Episode 420: Hoka Rocky 50 Mile Trail Race Ups and Downs

    15/02/2023 Duração: 40min

    Welcome! and Thank You for listening.   The Hoka One One Rocky 50 Mile Trail race is in the books.  I finished.  It was not too rocky, and I did not see a raccoon.  However, I did see the leaves, roots, and pine needles up close and personal.  We got to practice a different terrain, run in the dark, and run in the cold from sunup until dark.  However, this plant-based cardiologist still needs practice in plant based ultra-running nutrition.  It was a wonderful day playing outside in the woods. I think we all need a little more play in nature.  It allows living in the moment uninterrupted by the outside world.  It was not about 50 miles but 5.7-mile segments and 16.7-mile loops.  It was about watching for orange reflector ribbons hanging in trees to guide the way up the trail. It was about watching for roots and picking my feet up appropriately.  It was about timing of calorie intake every 30-40 minutes.  It was about being grateful for the volunteers spending the day in the woods to help runners achieve their

  • Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast Episode 419: Cohabitating and Eating Plant Based

    03/02/2023 Duração: 38min

    Welcome! and Thank you for listening.  Once you realize that nutrition plays a huge part in your overall health, you want the world to join you.  If eating can reverse lifestyle diseases, why wouldn't anyone want to try it. Obviously, there are many reasons, but everyone gets to make their own choices.  Answer questions, when asked, but at the end of the day look for things you share and strive to be the healthiest you can be.   The journey is important.  The journey or the process is more important than focusing on the outcome only. Each day we can do something positive to a healthier life.  Celebrate the wins and map out the road to your desired outcome.  Enjoy the journey and learn from it.   Happy Heart month.  See how many days you can get a walk/run in for the heart month.  An hour is a great goal for daily cardiovascular health.  I hope you enjoy today's tips.  Website: doctordulaney.com Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com https://www.amazon.com/Plant-based-Wellness-Cookbook-Generations-Cooking/dp/17339

  • Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast Episode 418: DIY Heath Care- How MDs are to Blame

    26/01/2023 Duração: 38min

    Welcome! and Thank you for listening.  Have you ever heard it takes two to tango? That is what I feel the degradation of healthcare has become.  It is certainly not about the patient anymore.  But we physicians are playing way too big of a role in poor healthcare.   Do it yourself labs, glucose monitoring, google searches are only as good as the people providing the answers.  Who is asking why? Symptoms are placed in an algorithms and a treatment based on pharmacology is initiated.  Rarely, do we stop and ask why does a person have these symptoms.  What caused my body to malfunction?   The quickest answer is my genetics or bad luck. It is similar to the ad on tv when the doctor says I hope we get lucky and you make it.  Yikes.  Good luck or bad luck is not a reasonable explanation to help someone get better or prevent it from happening again as in the case of bad luck.  Stop.  Take your own pulse and a nice diaphragmatic breath, and start asking why.  That includes doctors as well as patients.  Our bodies are

  • Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast Episode 417: Mitochondria and Health

    20/01/2023 Duração: 31min

    Welcome! and Thank you for listening.  The health buzz word is often centered around getting enough of... Enough protein, sleep, calcium, or even sleep.  In our material worlds we  often have so much of that there has been the development of an industry for storage units.  We have so much that we need off site storage.  Like being plant based, the minimalist movement sounds attractive but few pull it off.  So we justify why we need or like more of.... One thing that has not been demonstrated to be too plentiful is the little organelle inside our cells, called the mitochondria.  One of its most important jobs is to generate energy from the food that we take in.  As we age and loose muscle mass we also loose mitochondria.  As we accumulate more metabolic waste, the mitochondria we do have start to malfunction.  These processes lead to  most of the lifestyle diseases we have .   VO2 max is one function that is related to our mitochondrial density.  When our cells do not get oxygen they ultimately die.  Life long

  • Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast Episode 416:Plant Based Mom Mom

    13/01/2023 Duração: 37min

    Welcome! and Thank you for listening.  I am very lucky that the various hats I wear seem to connect easily with my nutritional choices.   I was a daughter, doctor, wife and mother in that order, before  I became plant based nutritionally.  I became Mom Mom recently, and it is my favorite of all.  My roles are all very important to me, and it would be quite hard to do them independently as some people do.  Perhaps I can help you do some of your roles in harmony.  This weekend, I got to be mom mom.  To Caleb, I am mom mom not doctor or plant based.  But because I am plant based, I can participate in activities with him such as tackle football, and trucks on the ground.  I get to participate in the joy of watching him grow and develop.  We got to cook together, eat together and play together.   I wan to help you be an active parent, grandparent, aunt or uncle and enjoy the beauty and wonder of watching someone grow.  Join me for a few tips and stories.  Thanks for listening.  Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com 

  • Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast Episode 415: My Why for Fighting Heart Disease

    06/01/2023 Duração: 38min

    Welcome! and Thank you for listening.  This podcast was recorded on January 4, 2023.  Turns out it was the day my grandmother died 54 years ago at age 72.   She died of a massive myocardial infarction after having had diabetes for 20 plus year.  Her only medication was an oral hyperglycemic medication.  Pacemakers were new and stents did not exist.  Her only dietary advice was not to eat much table sugar.  Her symptoms were severe fatigue and indigestion.  She went to the hospital 24 hours plus after symptoms had started and died within 24 hours.  I remember the day well.  My career has been dedicated to improving the lives of those suffering from diabetes and heart disease.  I believe she would have changed her diet had we had the opportunity to talk about plant-based nutrition.  Her garden was full of nutritious food and she was a wonderful cook that would have adjusted in order to maintain her health.  As we start 2023 and my 61 first year on this earth, I am determined to educate and support as many peopl

  • Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast: Episode 414: Thriving during the Holidays

    22/12/2022 Duração: 30min

    Welcome! and Thank you for listening.   Another year is coming to a close.  I hope that your health journey has been progressive.  The stress of the holiday season can lead to some poor choices with regard to holiday traditions.  My personal health journey has resulted in amending holiday traditions a little each year.  The sugary, full of fat pastries and candies of my youth no longer align with my view on health and prevention.  The good memories were the people around those traditions.  Making cookies with my grandmother and celebrating the holidays with friends and family.  The foods were the same each year at each persons house.  It would not have mattered what was served, it was the people that made the traditions.  It was the effort they put in to make others welcome.   Don't fall back with regards to nutrition but amend those previous dishes and let the one's go that do not serve your health journey.  Make something special so that your friends and family can enjoy your new healthy traditions.   Enjoy

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