Goldstein On Gelt

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 189:39:17
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The Goldstein on Gelt Show is a global investment and financial planning radio show designed to educate and entertain its listeners with financial strategies and investment tips. Investment advisor Douglas Goldstein hosts the weekly show, which can also be heard at, and is the director of Profile Investment Services, Ltd.,


  • Diversify Your Portfolio with Mutual Funds

    22/04/2021 Duração: 19min

    Mutual funds are frequently used by investors as a way to diversify their portfolio, and thereby minimize investment risk. One of the popular types of mutual funds is index funds. How are they traded, and who arranges the list of stocks in the index? What is the difference between active funds and passive funds? Is one more aggressive than the other? Should you “feed your fund?” And, if you want to invest for the long term, are value or growth mutual funds better? Listen to get the answers to everything you wanted to know about mutual funds – and more – in today’s episode.

  • What Is the Best Asset Allocation for Your Investment Portfolio?

    01/04/2021 Duração: 19min

    Investors are continually bombarded with rules of thumb as to the best asset allocation. However, determining an asset allocation is not a simple formula. Tom Jacobs, money manager for Huckleberry Capital Management, doesn’t believe in the old-fashioned asset allocation rules. He underlines unrealistic expectations of investment strategies and explores some of the industry rules that have created those expectations. Tom shares his own philosophy about money and encourages listeners to take a look at their own financial situation, rather than try to conform to a one-size-fits-all investment model. Should bonds be considered a “safe” investment?’ Doug takes a look at investments that are considered “safe” in his one-page resource The Risks of "Safe" Investments. He sheds light on some of the downsides of these investments including bonds and fixed income investments. Download Free resource: The Risks of "Safe" Investments Tom Jacobs can be reached through Huckleberry Capital Management's website or by email. If

  • What Does a Global Savings Glut Mean for You?

    25/03/2021 Duração: 19min

    A global savings glut occurs when investors drive down interest rates. Is this trend coming to an end, meaning interest rates will climb? Do higher interest rates bring inflation? Today’s guest, Will Denyer, an economist at the financial research company Gavekal, explains how the global savings glut impacts inflation… and your pocketbook. What would you do if the market was flat? Generally, the markets are volatile, and smart investors try to mitigate risk by diversifying their assets. Asset allocation strategies try to protect your assets, no matter how the market turns. Have you ever asked yourself how your portfolio would do if the market was flat? Doug created a one-page resource to help you. Tricks to Making and Maintaining a Smart Asset Allocation designed to help investors better manage their asset allocation. Doug also helps a listener learn more about their 401k account. For more information about Separately Managed Accounts click here. Download free resource: Tricks to Making and Maintaining a Smart

  • Does Receiving Stock Dividends Mitigate the Risk of Investing in Stocks?

    18/03/2021 Duração: 20min

    Does receiving stock dividends eliminate or mitigate the risk of investing in stocks? Why would an investor choose stocks without dividends? Ben Reynolds, founder of Sure Dividend, provides guidelines for investors who are looking for stocks which pay high-quality dividends. He explains what a dividend is and how investors can use dividends to their advantage. However, dividends also have disadvantages. Ben acknowledges these disadvantages and outlines why companies may stop paying dividends. Listen to learn the pros and cons of receiving stock dividends. How much can you withdraw from your portfolio? Doug answers one of the most common questions he hears as a financial advisor: How Much Money Can I Safely Withdraw from My Portfolio?? Download the one-page resource here, and learn about the question you shouldn’t ask when planning your financial future. Download free resource: How Much Money Can You Safely Withdraw from Your Portfolio? Learn more about Ben Reynolds at Sure Dividend, download his pointers to

  • The Right Way to Spend Money

    11/03/2021 Duração: 20min

    There is a right way to spend money. How do you know if you’re spending your money the right way? Jonathan Clements, founder of Humble Dollar and author How to Think About Money, says money can buy happiness. He explains why it may seem as if you don’t have enough money and what you can do about it. Jonathan also believes in the idea of “Buckets of Happiness,” and explains how people should invest and spend their money. Investing doesn’t have to be hard Doug has four steps to make investing easier. The Easy Way to Invest Around the World is a free resource designed for every investor around the globe. If you need a little encouragement to keep cash on hand, read Why Cash May be More Important Than Stocks. Download free resource: The Easy Way to Invest Around the World To follow Jonathan Clements visit his website Humble Dollar and follow him on Twitter. You can also buy How to Think About Money. If you’re not already receiving updates on new episodes, sign up now, and as a special bonus, receive Doug’s free e

  • The Common Path to Uncommon Success

    04/03/2021 Duração: 20min

      Is there a common character trait that successful entrepreneurs share? John Lee Dumas, host of the Entrepreneur on Fire podcast, returns to the Goldstein on Gelt Show to talk about what it takes to start a successful business. John’s insight after speaking with thousands of entrepreneurs can help you with the decision to start your own business or continue working for someone else’s company. Is there a correlation between the skills involved in entrepreneurship and the skills a successful investor has? Spoiler alert: Curiosity may be the key to success on multiple fronts. Curious? Listen now! Get John Lee Dumas’, new book, The Common Path to Uncommon Success,  and follow him on Twitter @johnleedumas

  • Women Can Become Great Investors with 5 Life-Changing Rules

    25/02/2021 Duração: 19min

    Why is there a stereotype that women aren’t as good as money as men? Today’s episode blasts the misconceptions and myths tied to the world of investing. Anyone, even you, can become a powerhouse investor. Just follow these 5 life-changing rules… Alice Finn, CEO of Powerhouse Assets and author of Smart Women Love Money: 5 Simple, Life-Changing Rules of Investing, shares her passion for helping women see their potential in the world of finance. She talks about why women tend to shy away from financial planning and talks about approaching your finances with her five life-changing rules. Stop and think before you spend that inheritance Doug has prepared a free resource called How Quickly You Should Invest the Money You Inherit? He talks about getting an inheritance and the general questions an investor should ask before they invest their inheritance. And, on the other side of the coin, Doug outlines the way investors should prepare an inheritance for their loved ones. To learn more about deciding when to pass on

  • Can an Ordinary Person Really Become a Millionaire?

    18/02/2021 Duração: 20min

    What does it take to become a millionaire? What financial choices do you have to make to get on the millionaire track? Joe Saul Sehy, host of the award-winning podcast Stacking Benjamins, frequently works with millionaires and has learned some of their some secrets to success along the way. Joe breaks down common misconceptions about millionaires and shares insights as to how they earn their wealth. What differentiates a millionaire from every other investor? What financial systems can put you on the millionaire track? A good reason to buy bonds It’s easy to say real money is made in the stock market. But educated investors know there are opportunities in the bond market. Doug compiled a list called Why Wealthy People Buy Bonds that outlines why investors add bonds to their portfolios. Download this free resource to learn why buying bonds may help your portfolio. To learn more about bonds in general, check out this free video. Download free resource: Why Wealthy People Buy Bonds Follow Joe Saul-Sehy on the St

  • Need Help With Your Cash Flow?

    11/02/2021 Duração: 21min

    Running a business presents challenges, not least of which is cash flow. Cash flow is a problem for many people, but businesses have their own issues. How can business owners make the most of their cash flow? Barbara Weltman, attorney and business writer, explains what cash flow is and how to change the way you use it. She outlines some tools and strategies that make cash flow management simpler. Barbara knows a lot about taxes and the nature of businesses. Tune in to learn more about cash flow management. Retirement can be overwhelming Doug comforts investors who may find retirement planning overwhelming. He created a downloadable resource called Maintaining Your Income When You Retire. He shares some investment choices that can generate cash flow for investors so retirement is not such a drastic change. If you would like to learn more about increasing your retirement income, check out this video. Free resource: Maintaining Your Income When You Retire Learn more about Barbara Weltman by reading her books J.

  • Americans in Israel: Watch Out for PFICs

    04/02/2021 Duração: 20min

    Investors used to be able to buy PFICs (passive foreign investment corporations) investments without a lot of trouble. So what changed? Yosefa Huber, CPA, helps U.S. citizens living abroad sort out tax issues regarding their U.S. investments. Doug and Yosefa discuss why PFICs cause so much trouble to investors and their accountants. Learn what a PFIC is, and then take a look at your investment portfolio to see if you inadvertently own one. Should you try to retire early and enjoy life? Doug has 3 Reasons Not to Retire Early, and they may be more legitimate than you realize. Free download: 3 Reasons Not to Retire Early Yosefa Huber can be contacted through her website and Facebook. If you’re not already receiving updates on new episodes, sign up now, and as a special bonus, receive Doug’s free ebook The Retirement Planning Book.

  • Which Is Easier to Build: a Family Business or a Family Culture?

    28/01/2021 Duração: 20min

    Many successful family businesses also have a strong family culture. How are the two related, and how do you shape your family culture? Mitzi Perdue grew up in one family business and married into another. Mitzi shares how her father, founder of Sheraton Hotel, created a strong foundation for his family and encouraged a positive family culture, and how she and her husband, Frank (think chicken!) built their own family culture. She discusses both business and how to become a better family unit. The author of How to Make Your Family Business Last: Techniques, Advice, Checklists, and Resources for Keeping the Family Business in the Family, Mitzi explains how a strong family culture improves all forms of communication, but most importantly, makes having financial discussions easier. What to do when you want to move your money overseas Doug shares a listener letter. “Janet” wants to know the best way to move a few thousand dollars over to the U.S. Listen to the show to find out Doug’s answer. Hint, it has to do wi

  • Do You Know Your Retirement Income?

    21/01/2021 Duração: 24min

    Do you know what your retirement income needs are? How much will it cost you to live during retirement? There is no one magic answer as your retirement income should be determined by your personal needs. David Trahair, CPA and financial writer, concurs that retirement is a personal case-by-case situation. He advises how to calculate your retirement goal based on your own personal situation, a one-size fits all approach to retirement planning is useless. David explains how listeners could look at their financial needs and plan accordingly. How Monte Carlo simulations can help financial planning Doug shares a listener letter from “Stewart.” Stewart asks Doug to explain Monte Carlo simulations and why they are useful in financial planning. In addition to Doug’s explanation, you can watch this video on the subject. Follow David Trahair by visiting his website or reading his books The Procrastinator's Guide to Retirement, and Cash Cows, Pigs and Jackpots: The Simplest Personal Finance Strategy Ever. If you’re not

  • How Education Can Affect Your Investment Decisions

    14/01/2021 Duração: 24min

    Is a basic education enough to make informed investment decisions, or do folks with higher education tend to make better Investment decisions? Nobel Prize winner and Brown University Professor J. Michael Kosterlitz reflects on how education is the key to making positive change in all aspects of life… including finances. Listen to learn how researching superfluidity generated a new understanding of physics, and more importantly, how to perfect your own individual thought process. Professor Kosterlitz admits his scientific work is hard to understand, but it is the idea behind the work that really matters. Professors Kosterlitz explains that in order to apply an idea or a process, you first need to understand how it came to be. This concept is critical in understanding your personal investment choices. How to build a smarter portfolio Doug shares three steps an investor needs to take to create a Core/Satellite portfolio. Learn how to do this by downloading a one page resource called What’s a Simple Way to Get a

  • Does Evidence-Based Investing Yield Positive Results?

    07/01/2021 Duração: 23min

    There is more than one way to skin a cat, and there are multiple investment strategies you can apply to your savings. But how do you know which strategy can produce the best results for you? Today’s guest, Yariv Haim, founder and CEO of Sparrows Capital, delves into two of his favorite investing strategies: evidence-based investing and contrarian investing. Yariv defines these strategies and explains why they are effective. Should you let the facts speak for themselves, or should you rely on your own intuition? How important is your mindset when looking for a good personal investment strategy? Is it time to have a financial discussion with your parents? One of the toughest financial issues people have is deciding when it’s time to relinquish their financial independence and ask for help with their finances. Download a seven-step checklist for adults who feel that their parents might need some help with managing their money. The list is called 7 Steps to Helping Your Parents Manage Their Money. If you need som

  • How Cross-Border Investors Can Manage Their Money Better

    31/12/2020 Duração: 22min

    If you are one of the millions of people who live outside of America and have an American brokerage account, you are a cross-border investor. Despite the scale of cross-border investing, many Americans living abroad find their American brokerage firms asking them to close their investment accounts because they have a foreign address. Fortunately, there are financial institutions dedicated to help cross-border investors. David Kuenzi is the founder of Thun Financial Advisors, an American brokerage firm specializing in cross-border investing. As a Certified Financial Planner David understands the need expats have for cross-border investment advice. David explains why the FBAR is so important for international tax compliance, and suggests looking at your investments as more than just a currency value. Listen for insights as to what cross-border investors should do with their money. Chess can make you a better investor During Doug’s time writing Rich as King with Grandmaster Susan Polgar, he noticed some “grandma

  • Should You Worry About Currency Devaluation?

    24/12/2020 Duração: 24min

    How much is your money really worth? Currency devaluation means that as the value of a currency decreases, the buying power of money decreases too. So, how do you protect your investments from devaluation, inflation and other economic crises? Ari Pine is a financial trader who has a deep interest in macroeconomics. We discuss the possibility of a global inflation and how governments get themselves in and out of difficult financial situations. Ari explains the difference between a financial bubble and inflation. He eases listeners’ fears about currency devaluation and offers an investment strategy called a “permanent portfolio” as a possible solution. The concept of a permanent portfolio was developed by Harry Browne. To learn more about it, read Harry Browne’s book Fail-Safe Investing: Lifelong Financial Security in 30 Minutes, and discuss with your financial advisor whether his recommendations may be appropriate for you. Should you invest in bonds? Many investors who want steady income choose to invest in th

  • Are Your Family Financials a Secret?

    17/12/2020 Duração: 19min

    Does your family’s primary financial caregiver hold their cards close to their chest? Maybe the following story sounds familiar about a parent keeping your family financials a secret: Dan has always handled the family’s money. He organized the budgets, took care of the investments, and maybe even set up investment portfolios for the now-adult children.  While he had a lot of work to do, he understood it all, and wanted to save everyone else in the family the burden of financial organization. Here’s the other side of the story Dad’s getting older and even though he still holds the financial reins he won’t discuss his decisions with anyone in the family.  Even his wife doesn’t know all the financial details. Worse, he won’t give the adult children the necessary information so they can report their taxes on investments. What should this family’s accountant and investment professional do to help? Tune in to today’s show with special guest, U.S. accountant Yosefa Huber to discuss the mistakes whe

  • Does Your Financial Plan Account for the Four Ds?

    10/12/2020 Duração: 24min

    Make sure your financial plan accounts for what you don’t want to happen A good financial plan takes into account the 4 Ds (death, disability, divorce, debt) and plans around them. Doug and John Ross, estate planner and elder law attorney, stress the importance of planning for the unexpected. John is a co-host of the weekly podcast Big Picture Retirement. He shares some insights on what many people fail to do when preparing for retirement and old age. Chief among these failures is not choosing a power of attorney (POA). John explains what the most important aspects of retirement planning are, and he lays the groundwork for planning for retirement. How to get control of your money (when you have money) Doug presents a checklist called How You Can Get Control of Your Money (When You Have Money). He covers the common stumbling blocks people face when managing their money. If you can’t seem to get a grip on your finances, then this download is a must-read. Free Download: How You Can Get Control of Your Money (Whe

  • Why do Men and Women Approach Financial Planning Differently?

    03/12/2020 Duração: 22min

    Want to guess who normally initiates a financial planning meeting – men or women? Doug and Brittney Castro, founder and CEO of Financially Wise Women, discuss differences in how men and women approach financial planning and investing. What do these two CFPs ® (Certified Financial Planners) notice about the gender differences in investing? Brittney delves into the common problems women face when making financial decisions. She shares how women can overcome these issues and create a more secure future… and do it with confidence! Brittney emphasizes the importance of a financial planner, and advises the steps someone should take after making the initial call in order to best prepare for their meeting. 11 Steps to Take When You Receive an Inheritance Doug offers a list of tips for people who have recently received an inheritance. These tips will help investors get their bearing after receiving a sudden windfall. If you have recently come into some an inheritance or other lump sum, make sure to download the list.

  • Do Your Financial Values Define Who You Are?

    26/11/2020 Duração: 24min

    Do your financial values guide your investment decisions? Financial values are the things that are important to you: the goals you have for your money. Before any investment or purchase, ask yourself, “What do I value?” Certified financial planner Michael F. Kay explains how a person’s background affects their financial choices. He asserts that our parents are our first models of fiscal behavior. We can rise above the nature vs. nurture debate, and not blindly follow the path of a fiscally poor role model. You can break the cycle and create good habits moving forward. Learn how to identify your financial values and use them as guidelines. The author of The Feel Rich Project assures listeners that you don’t have to “go cold turkey” to make a positive change in your financial life. Financial independence is not just finding investments with high cash flow Doug explains that finding investments with high cash flow is not the only way to feel financially secure. There are other ways to get a positive cash flow. D

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