C View Quantum Network



Quantum Network of "1st Responders" bringing the Light of Consciousness in all Areas of the Imagination of the Collective. Find Inspiration from the right People. Thought Leaders who come every month to share what they consider to be the most important thing theyve ever learned; what theyre grateful for; share about the things they love the most in life, and feel in their voices how they light up sharing their passion. Notice what matters to someone and focus solely on how they experience it. You might just find your own desires and hopes ...Looking for Inspiration? Advice? Confirmation? Compassion? Creativity or New Knowledge?Everyone in the Charlotte View family invites you to listen (and of course call to participate). Live or on Demand. Join our group of podcasters who are making a positive difference in the world.Visit our website www.charlotteview.net


  • 11/16/2018 ~ C View: Awaken Your Divine Feminine: The Queen Sacred Sister

    16/11/2018 Duração: 56min

    C View presents Awakening your Divine Feminine. A series with Maryann Candito where every month we will meet one of the 7 Sacred Sisters and go through an activation towards our feminine empowerment. This month: The Queen Sacred Sister Activation The 7 sisters Activation - http://tobtr.com/10495745. 1st Sister: The Goddess Activation http://tobtr.com/10635045. 2nd Sister: The Lover Activation http://tobtr.com/10682939 3rd Sister: Priestess Activation: http://tobtr.com/10783355 4th Sister: The Warrioress – http://tobtr.com/10901195 5th Sister: The Healer - http://tobtr.com/s/10937941 6th Sister: The Queen -http://tobtr.com/10974531 7th Sister: The Wisewoman After the activation, Maryann Candito will take callers for Akashic Goddess Readings. This is a limited number (2-3) and priority will be given to those choosing #TAKEMYCALL, for only $11 jump ahead any caller and receive a mini-intuitive reading from the goddesses. 1. send payment - https://www.paypal.me/Pureco/11 2. include your phone number yo

  • 11/12/2018 ~ C View: Becoming A Channeler. Stefanie Finn

    12/11/2018 Duração: 01h03min

    Join Stefanie Finn on her next episode "Becoming a Channeler" She's a light-worker bringing the angelic realm to the earth-plane at this most glorious time! In May of 2017 she became an angel channeler, after she was visited by a group of angels who introduced themselves to her as “We the Angels of Heaven.” What is the role of a channel? Does one choose to become a channel or does one become one because of one's evolution? What are some Universal Truths? Read: · Anything you want to do is given to you. Even in the case of seemingly insurmountable odds, Spirit resides and sees the solution. · Let yourself be a whole channel. Let the fragrance of love fill your every cell. · To do your salutations at sunrise means to clear the mind of all the clutter. This is a central piece moving forward on your path, into deeper levels of peace. · A mighty companion shows up in your life, seemingly out of the blue. But this is not a chance encounter, rather a perfectly planned event, designed with your salvation in min

  • 11/09/2018 ~ C View: The Secret Power of You! Thanksgiving for All of You

    09/11/2018 Duração: 01h03min

    Join Terrie Christine on C View Quantum Network for The Secret Power of You! Episode: Thanksgivings for ALL of you. The best series that will help you focus your attention on those areas where blocks are easier to be found. The truth is, the effects of lower positive energy levels and energy blocks differs from person to person. While some may experience unhealthy spending habits, grief, severe fatigue, inability to receive, etc. There may be other symptoms and signs of energy blocks as well. Now, the key is to learn how to break free from these blocks so you can live the life you were meant to live. Do you want to be part of the show and remove your unwanted blocks? For only $11 you can jump our long list of callers, go to https://www.paypal.me/Pureco/11 Call (805) 830-8344 Upcoming Episode: Feb 2019 Visit Terrie's Page: http://www.cview1111.net/terrie-christine-show.html After years of mastering intuition and energy work and having helped thousands of people the world over, Terrie Christine s

  • 11/02/2018 ~ C View: Spirit Connections with Tinamarie Heckman (psychic podcast)

    02/11/2018 Duração: 57min

    It is time for Spirit Connections with Tinamarie Heckman . First Friday of Every Other Month. Tinamarie Heckman is an extraordinary Spiritual Medium, Intuitive/ Psychic Reader, Animal Communicator, and Spiritual Translator. Throughout our High Ranked Shows, you and your loved ones will experience an influx of inspiration, information and love in a new and profound way. Just tune in, live or on-demand and share, share, share At any moment, to participate on our shows please call (805) 830–8344 and press 1 to talk with Tinamarie or Shortlink: http://tobtr.com/11044731 Want to jump the long list of callers and get your call FIRST  #TAKEMYCALL for only $11 make sure your number is first in line: 1. Pay: www.paypal.me/Pureco/11  2. PM Claudia Pureco letting her know you are calling the show (805) 830-8344 and the number you are calling from so she can look you up Are you planning a Party, an Event, a Meet Up or Family gathering and want to host the best party ever? Why not have a Psychic Party and br

  • 10/29/2018 ~ C View: Karmic Astrology. Susan Reynolds

    29/10/2018 Duração: 01h06min

    C View presents host Susan Reynolds and her Show Karmic Astrology. Susan Reynolds has worked as a karmic astrologer for the last 30 years. Karmic Astrology traces the soul's evolution from past lives into the current life, setting the stage for a great journey of free choice in this incarnation. call (805) 830-8344 or During this show, Susan will  choose in advanced 2-3 people to have an Astrology reading. Fill out the form: www.cview1111.net/susan-reynolds.html Priority will be given to those choosing #TAKEMYCALL, for only $11 jump ahead any caller / send payment - www.paypal.me/Pureco/11 What were your past lives and how do those lives impact your current one. Astrology helps us learn the easy way and avoid potential pitfalls. It is the only modality that is able to look at your past, present and future and it's my pleasure to read for you and offer you its insight and help. Natal Chart Reading ~ life purpose, challenges,talents and abilitiesPast Life Reading ~ what past lives are of greater  influence

  • 10/1/2018 ~ C View: Spirit Animal Guides. Spirit Talk Crystal Sunshine Psychic

    01/10/2018 Duração: 01h07min

    C View presents Crystal Sunshine and her show Spirit Guide Talk. The episode: Spirit Animal Guides. Spirit animals are considered to be our spiritual guides that enrich our lives by their presence, warn us, channelize our thoughts and actions, and make us better human beings. call (805) 830-8344 or go to link: http://tobtr.com/10946581 #TAKEMYCALL Jump the long list of callers and get your call FIRST? For only $11.00 - payment: www.paypal.me/Pureco/11 and PM Claudia Pureco on Facebook (email: CView1111@gmail.com) or in our chatroom and let her know you have submitted your payment along with the number you are calling from It is believed that each animal enters your life to serve a special purpose. The following three types are based on the presence, duration, and purpose of the spirit animal in your life. Messenger Guides: These spirit animals show up to warn you or give you a message about significant changes or an important incident in life. Life Guides: This animal will be your companion for life, but m

  • 9/28/2018 ~ C View: Light and Energy. Psychic Medium Ed (Live Readings)

    28/09/2018 Duração: 01h05min

    C View Quantum Network presents C View: Light and Energy. Psychic Medium Ed (Readings) call (805) 830-8344 and press 1 to talk with ED. #TAKEMYCALL For only $11.00 jump the long list of callers and talk with Ed. Simply, send your payment to: https://www.paypal.me/Pureco/11 include your phone number (email cview1111@gmail.com) SAY WHAT???? this month ONLY ... anyone that chooses #TAKEMYCALL their name will be enter in a RAFFLE to win a SURPRISE gift (it could be a private session with Ed Carlton, a session on the JOG Crystal Bed, an item from Ed's Metaphysical Store, etc) Upcoming Sept 28 - http://tobtr.com/10940921Oct 26Nov 23Dec 17 We all have situations in life that happen, that may throw us off balance, Spirit wants to help. That is where Psychic Medium Ed comes in. He has extensive research, training, classes, and seminars through many places including his certification at Delphi University. People are awakening to this awareness that we all have psychic abilities. Ed has created group workshops, even

  • 9/24/2018 ~ C View: Karmic Astrology Series: Medical Astrology Susan Reynolds

    24/09/2018 Duração: 01h03min

    C View presents host Susan Reynolds and her Show Karmic Astrology. Susan Reynolds has worked as a karmic astrologer for the last 30 years. This Episode: Medical Astrology - is an ancient medical system that associates various parts of the body, diseases, and drugs as under the influence of the sun, moon, and planets, along with the twelve astrological signs. call (805) 830-8344 or http://tobtr.com/10906731 During this show, Susan will  choose in advanced 2-3 people to have a mini Medical reading. Fill out the form: www.cview1111.net/susan-reynolds.html Priority will be given to those choosing #TAKEMYCALL, for only $11 jump ahead any caller / send payment - www.paypal.me/Pureco/11 Each of the astrological signs is associated with different parts of the human body. Aries – head, face, brain, eyesTaurus – throat, neck, thyroid gland, vocal tractGemini – arms, lungs, shoulders, hands, nervous system, brainCancer – chest, breasts, stomach, alimentary canalLeo – heart, chest, spine, spinal column, upper backVir

  • 9/21/2018 ~ C View: Planetary Activation Series: September Equinox. Celia Fenn

    21/09/2018 Duração: 01h04min

    C View proudly presents 2018 September Equinox as part of the Planetary Activation Series by Celia Fenn (Archangel Michael Channeler) - join us a we once again meet with Celia on this auspicious activation that will prepare us for the 11/11/11 Gateway. The influence of Alpha Leonis in Virgo is a powerful time to really begin to live the energy of the New Earth in our lives. We have arrived, there is no going back. The beautiful flows of abundant Diamond Light and Water Codes help us to create the New Earth together.....as One...and from the Heart! During these Planetary Activation Shows Celia explains the current position of the planets and stars and how they affect our lives. On each date we welcome Archangel Michael's Energy Activation. call (805) 830-8344 or Shortlink: http://tobtr.com/10940907. Celia Fenn is a Channel for Archangel Michael and a Spiritual Facilitator, Writer and Speaker/Performer, and the Founder of Starchild Global. She travels the world to work with groups of people, working with the

  • 9/10/2018~ C View: Awaken Your Divine Feminine. The Healer Sister Activation

    10/09/2018 Duração: 01h01min

    C View presents The Awaken Your Divine Feminine Series and The Healer Sister Activation with Akashic Records Reader, Maryann Candito. The Healer is Attentive, Intuitive, Connected, Selfless, Aware and Compassionate. Shortlink: http://tobtr.com/10937941 The Healer connects at the Soul level to transform dysfunction and energy disruptions. Looks within to find underlying causes. Leads with compassion and kindness. She embodies the connection between Source and the physical. Has deep awareness and compassion. She is Selflessness. Serves with honesty, integrity, and kindness The Divine Feminine is the universal consciousness of creation materialized in the feminine form. It is both physical and energetic, as it is emotional and cosmic. The Divine Feminine, or Divine Masculine, is the bridge connecting Spirit and Physical. When you are able to tap into this force and awaken it, you unleash power that you could not even imagine. This is the closest you will come to the power you harness when you are united with

  • 9/7/2018 ~ C View: Spirit Connections with Tinamarie Heckman

    07/09/2018 Duração: 01h00s

    Welcome to Spirit Connections with Tinamarie Heckman on The C View Quantum Network. call (805)830-8344 or http://tobtr.com/s/10940897 Jump the long list of callers by using TAKE MY CALL- For only ($11): http://www.cview1111.net/tinamarie-heckman-show.html Many people wonder what to expect the first time they call for a reading service, and there really is no one single answer. Tinamarie offers much more comprehensive advice than many people might assume. She may focus on dreams, relationships, stress, work, and basically every other area of life. Her holistic approach means she's often able to help with problematic situations in daily life. Your loved ones and guides are waiting for you to connect, Tinamarie helps you to get clarity and direction. The hallmark of a psychic reading is foresight of future events within your life, and many people call our show solely for this purpose. Tinamarie can also help understand why events in your past happened, and what can be done to prevent repetitive negat

  • 8/31/2018 ~ C View: Light and Energy. Psychic Medium Ed (live psychic readings)

    31/08/2018 Duração: 01h00s

    C View Quantum Network presents C View: Light and Energy. Psychic Medium Ed (Readings) call (805) 830-8344 and press 1 to talk with ED. For only $11.00 jump the long list of callers and talk with Ed. Simply, send your payment to: https://www.paypal.me/Pureco/11 and let Producer, Claudia Pureco what number you'll be calling from by PM Facebook or email cview1111@gmail.com Upcoming Aug 31 - Shortlink: http://tobtr.com/10911109Sept 28Oct 26Nov 23Dec 17 We all have situations in life that happen, that may throw us off balance, Spirit wants to help. That is where Psychic Medium Ed comes in. He has extensive research, training, classes, and seminars through many places including his certification at Delphi University. People are awakening to this awareness that we all have psychic abilities. Ed has created group workshops, events and a one on one mentoring program that will help tap into your unique abilities. ... giving a reading is like stepping into a person's life for the duration of their reading. It is as t

  • 8/27/2018 ~ C View: Karmic Astrology. Past Life Astrology with Susan Reynolds -2

    27/08/2018 Duração: 01h06min

    C View Quantum Network welcomes Susan Reynolds with her monthly show "Karmic Astrology". If you want to be part of one of her shows and get a FREE mini reading, please fill out form http://www.charlotteview.net/susan-reynolds.html Retrogrades, Eclipses, Planets entering or exiting houses, Moon crossing the sky and more. What does it means for you? In fact, what you do not know is that you have an entire Planetary staff that works for you on a daily basis. They work hard and tirelessly providing you with new opportunities to become the success that you are MEANT to be. The good news is that they work for you for FREE! Susan Reynolds has worked as a karmic astrologer for the last 30 years. Karmic astrology looks at your soul's journey. What were your past lives and how do those lives impact your current one. Astrology helps us learn the easy way and avoid potential pitfalls. It is the only modality that is able to look at your past, present and future and it's my pleasure to read for you and offer you its i

  • 8/24/2018 ~ C View: Ready to Heal Now. The Energetics of Bullying. Betsy Sawyers

    24/08/2018 Duração: 59min

    Join C View Quantum Network as we welcome Betsy Sawyer Gaylin and her show Ready to Heal Now! - The Energetics of Bullying - A bully is anyone who uses power and intimidation to control or overpower someone else. Bullies can affect the lives of others profoundly, which is how they derive their power. They feed off the energy of other people's fear and intimidation, and steal power from others in order to feel more powerful. They also feed off the approbation and admiration that their supporters give them. People who bully others feel weak, inferior and inadequate, so they bully others to prove their strength, superiority and power. call (805) 830-8344 or go to http://tobtr.com/10911101 Episodes: June 15 - Meet Betsy - Shortlink: http://tobtr.com/10825729. June 18 - Light Language Activation to Open and Heal the Heart - Our modern healthcare system is a complex maze that people sometimes find overwhelming. As Betsy states in her TV show Ready to Heal. She understands the struggle many people have and th

  • 8/20/2018 ~ C View: 5 Steps to Cre8 your Reality & Change your Mindset.

    20/08/2018 Duração: 56min

    C View welcomes back Coach Tiffany Kiefer with the Topic: 5 Steps to Cre8 your Reality & Change your Mindset. There is a shift taking place in the world, where more and more people are recognizing that it is our own thoughts and attitudes that determine how we look at the world and, ultimately, what we see. call (805) 830-8344 or http://tobtr.com/10901241 The Purpose in your life will become clear when you STOP looking outside for the answers and Start looking WITHIN 1. Quiet Time, meditation, 2. Start each day completing one task, 3. Feel Grateful 4. Your thoughts become your reality, 5 Dream board   ARE YOU READY TO LIVE YOUR GREATEST LIFE? Hi my name is Tiffany Kiefer and I believe in creating happiness and love in all areas of my life. I am married to a wonderful man, Sean, who has been my rock through my entire journey in finding my true self, which is what I want for you. I have two amazing children who bring happiness and light to my life every minute of every day. I have had the pri

  • 8/17/2018~ C View: Awaken Your Divine Feminine. The Warrioress Sister Activation

    17/08/2018 Duração: 58min

    C View presents the FOURTH Sacred Sister Activation within the Awaken Your Divine Feminine with Akashik Records reader, Maryann Candito. Every month we meet one of the Sacred Sisters and go through an activation towards our feminine empowerment. Call (805) 830-8344 for a FREE Akashik Goddess Reading after the activation Replay The 7 sisters Activation - http://tobtr.com/10495745. 1st  Sister: The Goddess Activation - http://tobtr.com/10635045. 2nd  Sister: The Lover Activation - http://tobtr.com/10682939 3rd  Sister: The Priestess Activation - http://tobtr.com/10783355 4th Sister: The Warrioress – Shortlink: http://tobtr.com/10901195 After the activation, Maryann Candito will take callers for Goddess message insights (goddess cards). This is a limited number (2-3) and priority will be given to those choosing #TAKEMYCALL, for only $11 jump ahead 1. send payment - https://www.paypal.me/Pureco/11 2. Email Claudia Pureco with the phone you''l use to call You've come here for a reason. Ever

  • 8/10/2018 ~ C View: The Secret Power of You! Get Your Juicy Goodness Flowing

    10/08/2018 Duração: 01h05min

    Join Terrie Christine on C View Quantum Network for The Secret Power of You! Episode: Get Your Juicy Goodness Flowing. The best series that will help you focus your attention on those areas where blocks are easier to be found. Do you want to be part of the show and remove your unwanted blocks? For only $11 you can jump our long list of callers, go to https://www.paypal.me/Pureco/11 Call (805) 830-8344 Shortlink:  http://tobtr.com/10872331 Visit Terrie's Page: http://www.cview1111.net/terrie-christine-show.html Upcoming Episodes: Sept. - And Will the Real Truth Stand Up Oct. - Intuitive Abundance Nov. - Thanksgiving for All of You Dec. - Merry Giftness - Gifting Yourself Freedom After years of mastering intuition and energy work and having helped thousands of people the world over, Terrie Christine synthesizes for listeners how lasting transformations occur, so that you too can begin taking the first steps towards creating the life you dream of. Hack into your intuition and transmute blocksExperience

  • 8/3/2018 ~ C View: Working with the Mighty Angels with Stefanie Finn (Canada)

    03/08/2018 Duração: 01h05min

    C View welcomes back Stefanie Finn (Canada) with her show "Working with The Mighty Angels". Join host Stefanie Finn, a light-worker bringing the angelic realm to the earth-plane at this most glorious time! Callers and listeners get insights from the Mighty Angels who are the Standards from High Places, the Guardians of Light. Tapping into your essence, the angels will offer guidance for your soul and light for your path. It is important to note that these readings are not angel-card readings, or predictive psychic readings, but rather an opportunity to receive profound guidance from the archangels from mighty high-up planes. These channels are meant for those who are ready for true evolution and deep growth in their spiritual life. Call (805) 830-8344 or Shortlink: http://tobtr.com/10764283.   In May of 2017 she became an angel channeler, after she was visited by a group of angels who introduced themselves to me as “We the Angels of Heaven.” This was followed by 5 days in which she channeled a entire boo

  • 7/30/2018 ~ C View: Past Life Astrology. Susan Reynolds (live readings)

    30/07/2018 Duração: 01h11min

    C View presents host Susan Reynolds and her Show Karmic Astrology. Susan Reynolds has worked as a karmic astrologer for the last 30 years. Karmic astrology looks at your soul's journey. What were your past lives and how do those lives impact your current one. call (805) 830-8344 or Shortlink: http://tobtr.com/10846187. Past life analysis explains the questions that have haunted you in this current birth. Who was I in my past life? Will my previous birth Karma be carried forward to this current birth? If such questions haunt you, put your mind to rest by getting a mini past life analysis of your birth chart. Know more about the effects of past birth occurrences on this lifetime. Learn how to avoid the bad effects of past lives and overcome obstacles with this mini past life reading! Priority will be given to those choosing #TAKEMYCALL, for only $11 jump ahead any caller / send payment - https://www.paypal.me/Pureco/11 During her show, Susan will  choose in advanced 2-3 people to have one of the following t

  • 7/25/2018 ~ C View: Planetary Activation Series. Planetary NEW YEAR - Celia Fenn

    25/07/2018 Duração: 57min

    C View presents: Planetary Activation Series. Planetary NEW YEAR with Celia Fenn and Archangel Michael's Energy Activation in relation to the Cosmos The Next Wave: The Planetary New Year commences on July 26th, after the "day out of Time" on July 25th.. Shortlink: http://tobtr.com/10842285 This is the moment when the Lion Portals (8/8) open and a new and more evolved Time Spiral is made possible and can be created for the next Sacred Year. At this time, it is essential to keep your personal vibration high and clear, cutting through all illusions and focusing only on Love and Harmony. Don't allow anyone or any event at this time to pull you down into fear and anger, for these emotions will keep you at a low frequency and prevent you from reaching into a higher level of consciousness. Remember to be Light and for your heart to be as light as a feather as you float up to higher levels of being in the New Cycle. After the Fall of Atlantis and the loss of integrity in Ancient Egypt, the connection to the Sacre

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