Fox Valley Church



Sermons from Fox Valley Church


  • Why Care? God Acts


    God cares and rather just saying it, He shows it in the works of His Son. The story is familiar to many, but familiarity has a way of shielding more probing questions. Jesus didn’t just accidentally find Himself at a well in Samaria with people His people loathed. It was intentional, decisive, on mission. There […]

  • Why Care? God Cares


    Why Care? God Cares. Why Care actually backs into a deeper, more foundational question—why believe? There is a God in heaven who created everything in heaven and on earth. He owns it all. Yet, people have turned away from Him. However, when we rightly order our lives around Him and His ways, it changes everything […]

  • Romans: How the Gospel changes our Relationship with Government 


      Passage: Romans 13  Theme:  As the gospel shapes us, it changes all of our relationships.  In chapter 13, the gospel changes our relationship to the government (1-7), the Law (8-10) and the Lord’s return (11-14).  The government has authority and an important role, but we are called to love our neighbors as the fulfillment […]

  • Romans: Respect, not Retaliation


    Passage: Romans 12:17-21  Theme: As we look at another relationship the gospel changes, our relationship to our enemies is taken head on with four negatives.  Interestingly, all four are tightly related by reminding gospel-oriented Christ Followers that retaliation and revenge are forbidden.  Yes, the law courts play a role in punishment, but Christians live differently.  […]

  • Romans: How We Should Love One Another 


    Passage: Romans 12:9-16  Theme: As we are initially changed by the gospel, and we are committed to presenting ourselves to God, we now need to relate to others in the church with the supernatural love God provides (5:5).  This section brings a comprehensive picture of Christian love towards one another. Love should control and shape […]

  • Romans: What Kind of People We Ought to Be


    Passage: Romans 12:1-8  Theme: If the Gospel is true (and it is!) and Romans 1-11 accurately captures the human problem and God’s solution with the life-giving Spirit (and it does!), then we ought to be a certain kind of people (“dead to sin and alive to God,” 6:11).   

  • Align: Seeking the things that matter most


    Passage: Matthew 22:34-40 Theme:  Jesus had numerous encounters with the religious leaders.  In this context, the animosity grows as Jesus aligns Himself with the Father by laying out the things that matter most in the Mosaic Law: Love God and Love People.  Light for the Future, our 5-year campaign, stands aligned with Jesus’ words, which […]

  • Align: Doing the things that matter most


      Passage: John 20:19-23 Theme:  Some of Jesus’s last conversations with His disciples were to align them with God: “as the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.”  Jesus was sent by the Father and in turn, Jesus sends us.  Jesus will give us what we need, to do what He asks […]

  • Believe: Who Is He?


    Matthew 21:1-10 We all want to be loved, accepted and moved towards something bigger than ourselves. Jesus was the answer in the first century, and is still the answer today.

  • Equipping of the Church


    Ephesians 4:11-16 Theme: After having discussed our high calling and the importance of unity in the church, this week we will investigate the spiritual gifts that God has freely given. God has equipped leaders to do what? To equip the saints to do the work of the ministry. In modern Christianity, many Christians think that […]

  • Unity in the Church


    Ephesians 4:1-6 After three chapters describing what God has done for us, giving us new life and a spiritual family, the focus shifts to our response and how we are to live considering God’s love and mercy. What does it look like to walk in our high calling? How does this high calling impact the […]

  • Life’s A Bummer!


    The Best Joy Psalm 4:7-8 The Lord is the one who gives you joy and brings you peace. Learn how you can experience the Lord’s comfort and peace while navigating life’s tough times.

  • Life’s A Bummer!


    How Long, O Lord Psalm 4:1-6 Do you feel like God doesn’t hear or listen to your prayers? Use this Psalm as a baseline for your prayers, and remember that God delivers His people from the enemy.

  • 19/02/2023
  • Encounter God: God has a Paradise


      Passage: Revelation 21:1-22:5 Theme:  The Bible begins in a garden and ends in a city – paradise with God forever, no more sin, and no more pain and suffering. This is what life will look like when sin and death are fully removed from Christians’ lives and world through the power of the cross!

  • Encounter God: God has a Plan for Pain


      Passage: Lamentations 3 Theme:  God is sovereign through sorrow; trust the process. God planned for Jesus to be brutally tortured and murdered, and yet, this crucifixion is precisely what brings Christian’s salvation and life. God often ordains bad, painful, and even evil circumstances to bring about wonderful ends.

  • Encounter God: God Has a Song


    Passage: Zephaniah 3:17 Theme:  God doesn’t merely love you – he likes you too! He enjoys you! And he sings over you! His love for you is so great that he joyfully planned redemption to pay the price for your sins, that you might become his family member forever.

  • Encounter God: God Has a Word


      Passage: Isaiah 55:6-13 Theme:   John 1 says Jesus is himself the incarnate Word! The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and as God’s Word, Jesus powerfully accomplished God the Father’s intention to save his people.

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