Fox Valley Church



Sermons from Fox Valley Church


  • Hope: Desiring a Better World


    Our Easter Series will be called Hope: Desiring a Better World. All of us have deep longings and intense desires for a more perfect world. The people that lined the streets on Palm Sunday were looking for something more, something better, something different. They were hoping for a better world. We are really no different. […]

  • Hope: Desiring a Better World


    Our Easter Series will be called Hope: Desiring a Better World. All of us have deep longings and intense desires for a more perfect world. The people that lined the streets on Palm Sunday were looking for something more, something better, something different. They were hoping for a better world. We are really no different. […]

  • Daniel: Our Only Hope


    This is the last message in the series on Daniel. The focus will be on the “Christ Sightings” in the book to achieve the unimaginable. Three main ones will be reviewed: 1) the great stone that crushes the kingdoms of this world (2:34-35, 44); 2) the Son of Man who is given dominion by the […]

  • Daniel: Our Only Hope


    Some things just can be fixed; they need to be recreated. Evil will be fully and finally defeated. Sin and sickness will be defeated. The broken will be made whole. Tears will be wiped away. So, two questions get asked, “how long?” and “what will the outcome be?” The first is answered with a reply […]

  • Daniel: Our Only Hope


    God’s Grand Plan to Achieve the Unimaginable These few verses are meant to comfort and encourage Daniel and God’s people. First, there is deliverance for God’s people that rages against them—then and now. Michael is the angelic prince, Israel’s defender. At the end of the end, Satan will attempt to destroy all God’s people with […]

  • Daniel: Our Only Hope


    Wars and More Wars, but God is in Control While these final verses of chapter 11 continue from our last message, they point beyond to another great, but destructive leader. Jesus spoke in the same way in Matthew 24 of near events folded into faraway events. The end of this chapter reminds us the battle […]

  • Daniel: Our Only Hope


    Wars and More Wars, but God is in Control The war mentioned (10:1) is now focused on empires at war. The intensity and longevity of these wars will cause the people of God to wonder if God even knows or cares. Depression and Discouragement can easily follow. However, the details Daniel gives are mind-boggling, but […]

  • Daniel: Our Only Hope


    Daniel 10 brings us into the final vision (chapters 10-12) that involves a great war, a conflict of unimaginable magnitude. Though exiles are returning to Israel and things should be getting better, but Daniel is found in a time of mourning and fasting. He encounters a heavenly messenger that reminds us of the holiness and […]

  • Where Are We Going?


    Who is Fox Valley Church? Every church has its own DNA. Even if a church shares a similar vision and mission, because a church is people, each spiritual community takes on a flavor of its own. It is well known that as the church leaders go, so goes the church. So influential are the leadership […]

  • Who Is Fox Valley Church?


    Who is Fox Valley Church? Every church has its own DNA. Even if a church shares a similar vision and mission, because a church is people, each spiritual community takes on a flavor of its own. It is well known that as the church leaders go, so goes the church. So influential are the leadership […]

  • Choosing The Good Part


    Luke 10:38-42 Choosing the Good Part: Martha’s Invitation, Martha’s Irritation, and Martha’s Information

  • The Wait: The Promised King Will Be A Perfect Redeemer


    The Wait: The Promised King who will be a Perfect Redeemer God, our Creator, the One who made us, IS the only One who can redeem us and claim us as His own. With remarkable insight of Isaiah, we could see the promised fulfilled in the One and Only Son of God, Jesus Christ our […]

  • The Wait: The Promised King who will be a Perfect Priest


    The Wait: The Promised King who will be a Perfect Priest Jesus is our High Priest who is the perfect mediator between God and human beings. Jesus steps in as the Perfect High Priest who is our teacher, calls us to worship, and significantly serves as our High Priest who entered the Holy of Holies […]

  • The Wait:


    The Wait: The Promised King who will be a Perfect Shepherd The King for which we wait will be our Perfect Shepherd. We need a shepherd who will lead, feed, care and protect us without compromise. Today too, we live in the shadows of so many compromised “shepherds” that disappoint and discourage God’s people. So, […]

  • The Wait: The Promised King Who Will be a Perfect Son


    The Wait: The Promised King who will be a Perfect Son This promised King goes back to the writings of Moses, but is carried forward with the prophets clarifying it would be One out of the tribe of Judah, in the family of David, born in Bethlehem—so a Son who would be the Perfect King. […]

  • Daniel: What You Think About God (and why it matters)


    Daniel: A Model Prayer Daniel’s prayer models how we might pray as we see countries (even our own) and individuals deny God. Perhaps we can see also the weakness of the church as it is often compromised. But it’s ultimately an appeal to the mercy of God for forgiveness and healing. It is only in […]

  • Daniel: What to Do When Life’s Unfair


    Daniel: Our Only Hope Daniel receives another vision that God is all-knowing of the past, present and future. God was paving the way for the fullness of time in which to send the promised Messiah. This is tightly tied to the vision of Daniel 7 taught a week earlier. Our only hope is in God […]

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