Fox Valley Church



Sermons from Fox Valley Church


  • Time-tested Tools for Financial Wisdom


    Jesus challenges his followers with the cost of being a true disciple. In the process, He draws upon time-tested principles of wise financial management. It’s not just about loosening the grip your hands have on your wallet, but also loosening the grip idols have on your heart. Learn how to shift our hearts and our […]

  • Be Wise With Your Money: Saving, Giving, Spending


    Since there are only three uses of money: spending, saving and giving, it is the spending that can easily get out of control. Too often, we seek a lifestyle that is beyond our means and exceeds our income. Debt is a symptom of other attitudes we have that hinder our perspective of God, the good […]

  • God’s Money, God’s Plan


    We need to do some soul-searching about our attitudes towards money. Financial independence often creates the attitude of me , mine, myself.  What if our attitude shifted towards God and his plan? What if we saw him as the provider and that we need to steward what he entrusts to us?

  • Financial Fitness: The Heart Matters


    Financial fitness begins with the heart and is a matter of honor. Who or what will you honor with your money? We can even ask it this way, who is the lord and leader of your life? As we begin a new year it is important to set a fresh course as we consider financial […]

  • Family Matters: Listening to God in Marriage


    Covenant marriage between one man and one woman for one lifetime is the foundation of the family God intended. How can we guard against a culture that devalues marriage, promotes sexual freedom, and misuses social media? The answer is listening to God. We need to listen to God daily as we seek to walk in his […]

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