Fox Valley Church



Sermons from Fox Valley Church


  • Jonah: The Disobedient Prophet


    God says “go.” Jonah will have none of it!  He cries, “send someone else!” and runs away from God. How often have we run away from God?  God will have none of Jonah’s pouting – or ours; he loves us too much. Jonah 1

  • The Apocalypse: Stay the Course 


      John is now given some unfolding realities of the call to follow Jesus by an eternal gospel.  There is a coming destruction (even as Jesus prophesied) that will end in judgment for those who follow the beast.  These things were written so that we could understand the times and faithfully Christ through all trials […]

  • Fatherhood: A different kind of Superhero 


    We live in a “super-hero” era for Dads. We work, cook, clean, help with  the kids, etc…”do everything.” In many ways Dads are to be commended for this but there is also a danger. So many men are distracted and anxious/upset about so many things trying to be the “super-hero, do everything” dad. Taking a page from Martha […]

  • The Apocalypse: Victorious Lamb 


      John is given a vision of the Lamb standing with believers in victory over Satan.  Here we find the Lamb’s name and his Father’s on the forehead of believers in contrast to the mark of the beast.  While this is an earthly scene it marvelously points to the future reality of when Jesus returns as King!    […]

  • The Apocalypse: False Trinity


    John now begins to see how the devil will wage war as two figures emerge on the scene to create a false trinity by the power the dragon gives.  The first beast emerges from the sea to deceive and mislead Christ-followers through all means possible and with great displays of power.   Revelation 13:1b-10 

  • The Apocalypse: Seeking to Destroy


    With a raging dragon, the war spills from heaven to earth where he seeks to destroy God’s people. So much of what we experience today of pain, hardship, suffering, and conflict is incited by the dragon.  Christians find hope, victory by Jesus’ blood and perseverance through the encouragement of other Christians.  The key is how […]

  • Godly Moms and a Godly Heritage


    There is a strong contrast between the world’s thoughts and ways and God’s.  Being a mom that follows Christ means that you have a new power, with a new mind that moves you to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.  God arms you to face all the challenges and hardships of being a […]

  • The Apocalypse: Living Courageously in the End Times


    The sign John receives opens up with a graphic picture of the birth of the promised Messiah and the dragon (the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan) ready to devour the child!   This sets up the spiritual battle in which we live as we discover the identity of the dragon and […]

  • New Community: Outward Focus


    The gospel shapes all that we do and is the engine of Fox Valley Church. But what is the gospel? Paul tells us very clearly the key features of this good news that our culture needs to hear and we need to live. This outward focus is the third purpose of the church that Jesus set […]

  • New Community: Inward Focus

    20/04/2021 Duração: 28min

    Relationships matter because people matter. Unity in relationships is a key mark of the Spirit. But relationships are difficult, whether in our families or the church. God knows this and still calls us to an inward focus with others through humility, gentleness, and patience. We live this out through Life Groups and our value of meaningful relationships.  Ephesians 4:1-6 

  • New Community: Upward Focus


    Jesus said, I will build my church. He did so with explosive power through the Spirit. This creates an upward focus; lived out by our values of the Word, worship and prayer. 

  • This Changed Everything


    Something happened 2000 years ago that changed the world.  It may even be said that Jesus would have been long forgotten if it wasn’t for one historical event—his resurrection.  People could not stop talking about it.  It changed lives; it changed eternal destinies.  

  • The Mission of Palm Sunday


    Jesus is on mission, fulfilling the Word.  Many see it, some miss it and some are frightened by it. We exemplify this same mission as we live out our four core values: Preeminence of God’s Word; Primacy of Worship and Prayer; Priority of Meaningful Relationships and Passion for World and Local Outreach. 

  • Telling and Showing the Story of Jesus


    Jesus is the pinnacle of God’s redemptive mission. Jesus is the only way into this new community of redeemed people.  Therefore, our mission, one given to us with great authority and power, is to tell and show the story of Jesus. 

  • Mission: The Fire in God’s Heart


    God’s heart is on fire for mission, a redemptive mission, not wanting any to perish.  Fox Valley Church is part of God’s redemptive work with our vision of a revolution of transformation by the power of the Holy Spirit. 

  • The Lord’s Supper: Then and Now


    Taking the Lord’s Supper provides opportunity to receive the grace of God that impacts us both in our vertical relationship with God and our horizontal relationships with each other. However, this time can be abused and misunderstood. The Apostle Paul unpacks the importance of love and unity in the church. 

  • Family Matters: Leading with Mission


    As in the church we lead with mission, so in our families.  It tells all in the family who is the real leader of the home (Jesus) and a key purpose: to make disciples.  He wants us to live life with others so that we can show them Christ in us. 

  • Family Matters: Communication in Relationships


    The Family structure is one of relationships. Relationships require communication and every family has its own style. As we listen to God and seek to love one another in the family, we need to develop healthy forms of communication. 

  • Family Matters: Loving by Faith


    Jesus said, “by this you will know my disciples, by their love for one another.  As we listen to God, we need to LOVE ONE ANOTHER.  With “love in the air” this Valentine’s Day we need to love by faith, love when we don’t feel like it, love when the world says you don’t have […]

  • The Spirit and Money


    There are two kinds of people: the one who does not have the Spirit and does not understand the things of God; and the one who does have the Spirit and understands the things of God.  However, three aspects of our humanity often get in the way of living by the Spirit: 1) fear; 2) […]

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