By Faith With Christine Hoover

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 596523:14:07
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In whatever were doingworking, parenting, serving, sufferingit can be difficult sometimes to see through the fog of the circumstances of life and to know with confidence that God is there, that Hes working in us, and that Hes working through us. How do we live this life by faith? In "By Faith," author and blogger Christine Hoover asks this big picture question by getting into the details and daily lives of her guests: men and women who are walking forward by faith.


  • Ministry After Covid (an interview with Kimberley McGibbon)

    06/11/2023 Duração: 35min

    When Covid hit, none of us could have imagined how far reaching its effects would be, nor for how long we would be grappling with the various issues raised by its influence in our lives. Toronto Send Relief Ministry Centre Director and church planter’s wife Kimberley McGibbon shares how Covid forever changed her life and ministry. She explains how God used Covid to return her identity to Christ, pushed her to reach out to others amidst isolation, and opened her eyes to the new opportunities for discipleship within her city. SHOW NOTES Isolation is deadly. Humble yourself and be willing to be welcomed by other ministry wives for much needed love and support. Allow yourself to grieve when people leave, but take that grief to Jesus. He knows better than anyone what it’s like to be left. Covid has made unchurched people question life like never before. The harvest is ripe for the church to minister in their cities! QUOTES “In the past 20 years, lots of times people have left for different reasons. Som

  • The Basics of Women’s Ministry (an interview with Kelly King)

    30/10/2023 Duração: 38min

    In its most basic form, Women’s Ministry isn’t about fancy events or complicated Bible studies; it’s about meeting women’s needs where they are. Lifeway Women’s Ministry Specialist Kelly King shares how we can create a lifestyle of women’s ministry that helps get women in the Word, providing encouragement and creating a deeply desired community. Kelly also gives us some practical ideas for troubleshooting challenges that may arise, along with basic leadership principles to help us grow as ministry wives in leadership.  SHOW NOTES Successful women’s ministries are centered on God’s Word and create an atmosphere of friendship and authenticity. When trying to start a new women’s ministry, look at the needs of the women in your church and community. How can you encourage them and lead them towards Jesus? If you are willing to listen to feedback, the Lord can help change you to love and lead others better. QUOTES “Number one, women need encouragement. So start there. How are we encouraging women, but a

  • Friendship Between Brothers and Sisters in the Church (an interview with Jen Wilkin and JT English)

    23/10/2023 Duração: 36min

    Love one another. Serve one another. The New Testament is full of commandments instructing us to engage in relationships with one another, including those of the opposite sex. The church must battle against the lie that men and women cannot operate as friends and recover brother-sister relationships within the body of Christ. Close friends and colleagues Jen Wilkin and JT English share today how their friendship is based on mutual respect and trust, the importance of spiritual maturity in this area, and how the church can become stronger and more effective by embracing biblical male/female friendships. SHOW NOTES We need to recover friendship between brothers and sisters in the church, encouraging one another, celebrating each other, and elevating one another’s gifts. Biblical friendship is dependent upon trust, respect, and spiritual maturity. Continue to offer the hand of friendship even in spaces where you don’t feel entirely welcome. QUOTES “The lie that has been told to a generation, not just

  • Revitalization and Burnout (an interview with Andrea Valenti)

    16/10/2023 Duração: 35min

    Churches all over the world are dying and God longs to see His churches revitalized, brought back to life, thriving as lights for the Kingdom. But along with the excitement of revitalization can come burnout from the intense emotional, physical, spiritual, and mental work of revitalization. Today, Andrea Valenti shares how she has walked through the highs of revitalization and the lows of burnout, learning to ask others for help and asking Jesus to revitalize her heart.    SHOW NOTES Revitalization requires patience, active listening, and meeting people where they are. Burnout can look like numbness, mental and physical fatigue, irritated responses, and a feeling of being overwhelmed. Try to prevent burnout through healthy boundaries and habits, but if it hits, seek counsel from other ministry wives and resources like the SEND Network. QUOTES “Part of the issue is that sometimes there’s so much stigma in discussing the reality of burnout and other mental health concerns. There’s almost

  • Intentional Rest in Church Planting (an interview with Vance and Kristie Pitman)

    09/10/2023 Duração: 36min

    Life as a church planter is rewarding and encouraging, but also spiritually, emotionally, and physically exhausting. It’s easy to completely burn out when we aren’t intentionally engaging in the rest Jesus commands us to take. Vance and Kristie Pitman share today how God brought them into a season of forced rest. What they found on the other side was trust in Jesus’ work in His church, stronger family rhythms, and freedom. SHOW NOTES Rest is as spiritual as work and a command that comes from Jesus Himself. Ask trusted believers to be gatekeepers in your life, protecting you from over-committing and forcing you to take times of rest. The primary call on our lives is not ministry; it’s intimacy with Jesus. QUOTES “We had to learn that rest is as spiritual as work. Jesus told the disciples to ‘Come away with me and rest for a while.’ In the Greek language, it’s an imperative, meaning rest is a matter of spiritual obedience.” -Vance Pitman “The primary call on our lives is intimacy a

  • Spiritual Warfare (an interview with James and Desiree Westbrook)

    02/10/2023 Duração: 41min

    The enemy hates any ministry that seeks to increase the kingdom of God. How do we recognize when we are in spiritual warfare, and how do we practically fight against it? James and Desiree Westbrook, planters of The Realm Church in Oakland, California experience immense spiritual warfare every day. They share with us how they battle warfare with Christ’s love, truth, and a right perspective, remaining dedicated to preaching the gospel no matter how the enemy attacks.  SHOW NOTES Spiritual warfare is anything designed by the enemy that seeks to derail, discourage, or destroy. Shift your perspective past what’s directly in front of you. There is a correlation between suffering and greatness in the kingdom of God. Fight warfare by gathering to pray, filling your mind with encouraging spiritual content, and intentionally taking time to rest. QUOTES “We have to be reminded that there is a correlation between suffering and service that leads to greatness in the kingdom of God. So when we are going throug

  • Serving in Spanish Speaking Ministries (an interview with Carolina Santander, Yessenia Jimenez, Andrea Valenti, Karla Cox)

    25/09/2023 Duração: 35min

    In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, this episode of the Ministry Wives podcast is being released completely in Spanish. Send Network Español is a branch of the North American Mission Board’s church planting ministry, Send Network. This ministry resources and helps support Spanish speaking church plants all over North America. Today’s episode features four Spanish speaking ministry wives sharing their heart for the Lord and their communities.  If you are a Spanish speaker, this episode is for you! If you are not, I encourage you to listen to the first few minutes, praising God for His mighty work in reaching every tribe and tongue and lifting up prayers for our sisters who are serving in Spanish speaking ministries.  Conmemorando el Mes de la Herencia Hispana, este episodio del pódcast Ministry Wives ha sido lanzado completamente en español. Send Network Español es una rama del ministerio de plantación de iglesias de la North American Mission Board, Send Network. Este ministerio provee recursos y apoya las pl

  • Maintaining a Tender Heart in Ministry (an interview with Amy Gannett)

    18/09/2023 Duração: 42min

    Seeds of bitterness can grow in our hearts for a myriad of reasons. Our own insecurities, criticisms, and the sheer volume of tasks that need to be completed can harden our hearts towards those we’ve been called to serve. We can even be tempted to harden our hearts towards God in the midst of difficult ministry seasons. Author and Discipleship Director Amy Gannett shares the work God has done in her heart, teaching her to humble herself before Him and softening her heart for others and the work of ministry.  SHOW NOTES The enemy is the number one reason there is a fight against bitterness. He wants your heart to harden. God wants your heart to be tender, so pray confidently that He will soften it! When practicing forgiveness feels unfair, remember that God knows your story and fights for you and that you are held in the nail-pierced hand of a Savior who knows what you are feeling. QUOTES “So much of the weight we bear on our shoulders and carry in our hearts in ministry is unseen. Part of that is God

  • Comparison and Competition in Ministry (an interview with Carla Sibley)

    11/09/2023 Duração: 44min

    Sinful comparison and competition can creep quickly into our hearts when we aren’t focused on Jesus. It’s easy to look at what other women are doing (or even what our husband is doing) and begin to compare what is “lacking” in our own life and ministry. On today’s episode, pastor’s wife Carla Sibley explains how God has taught her to shut down the world and turn her eyes on Jesus, refusing to give a foothold to the division that comparison and competition create.  SHOW NOTES Put on blinders towards the world, turn your eyes on Jesus, and ask Him to give you new eyes for your life. There’s no comparison or competition in God’s eyes. He has specifically gifted you and placed you where He can use you. Combat competition with transparency and by cheering other believers on in their ministries. QUOTES “What was purchased for me through Christ is so much more than anything earthly, anything temporary. So I don’t have to cling to those things I think I need or want, the accomplishments or the recog

  • Serving the Suffering in Your City (an interview with Cassie Hammett )

    04/09/2023 Duração: 43min

    When we look around our communities, we so often see the suffering of those living in poverty and homelessness. The fear of not knowing what to do frequently keeps us from doing anything. Cassie Hammett, Executive Director of The Hub Urban Ministries, shares how Jesus radically changed her heart for those in distress in her city. She explains how we can engage in our own communities, building friendships, meeting needs and allowing God to steer our ministries. SHOW NOTES Radical ministry can start when you allow Jesus to radically transform your heart. The fuel of community ministry is friendship. Once you know someone, you will better know what their needs are and how to meet them. Remove fear from encounters with those in need by taking practical steps to be prepared. QUOTES “I think what keeps people from engaging with individuals in different socioeconomic levels is that there’s an assumption of, ‘We are so different. There’s this chasm between me and her.’ We also make

  • Cultural Apologetics and the Ministry Wife (an interview with Trevin Wax )

    28/08/2023 Duração: 42min

    If we want to reach the culture around us with the good news of Jesus, we must first understand that culture and the motivations of those who live in it. Author Trevin Wax joins the podcast to explain how we as ministry wives can learn about the specific culture around us, enabling us to connect with and draw others to Christ.    SHOW NOTES As you get to know someone, ask deeper questions that help you understand how they narrate their life, where their desires lie, and what drives their anxiety. We must be reaching into the culture while building a strong culture within our homes and churches to invite others into. We are all leaders; we have all been given a sphere of influence. Determine what your sphere is and be intentional with how you cultivate it. QUOTES “Sometimes we think of culture as something out there that we are to engage with. But we don’t recognize that we are to make and create culture in our own families and churches. That in itself is a really powerful way of demonstratin

  • Entering Ministry Mid-Career (an interview with Emay Yeng)

    21/08/2023 Duração: 43min

    Sometimes God calls us into a new season of life and ministry when we least expect it. Navigating decisions about those new seasons can be scary and stressful, but ultimately, God wants us to lay it all at His feet. Emay Yeng shares today how she and her husband John navigated God calling them into vocational ministry from the corporate world. Emay and John learned to prayerfully walk into their new season, seeking unity of spirit and trusting that Jesus is better.

  • Sacrifice in Marriage and Ministry (an interview with Grace VanMaanen)

    14/08/2023 Duração: 36min

    Life as a ministry wife doesn’t always look like radical revivals. Often it’s staying home while your husband leaves to minister to others or answers nonstop phone calls that interrupt family time. Unless you’re constantly lifting your eyes heavenward, it can be difficult to see eternal reward in the daily grind. Grace VanMaanen joins me today to share how prayer, intentionality, and a heavenly perspective protect her from bitterness as a ministry wife.  EPISODE GUIDE Praying for one another creates intimacy, even when physically separated. Be intentional about talking with your spouse about one another’s needs, both at home and apart. Use the time that your spouse is doing ministry to engage in kingdom work of your own. BEST QUOTES “I think that’s what we forget: there is eternal blessing in the sacrifice. It’s that John 12:24 principle of a kernel of wheat falls to ground and dies and it produces many seeds. There’s fruit that’s born from that death, Christ being th

  • Ministry Training and Equipping (an interview with Tara Dew)

    24/04/2023 Duração: 36min

    Being a ministry wife is a vocation without a job description. So often, we know exactly what our husband’s roles will be within the church, but are uncertain about how we should be operating daily in our ministry roles. Tara Dew, Director of Thrive, a training program for ministry wives at New Orleans Seminary, joins me today to discuss the importance of being a lifelong learner and the joy that comes from learning to thrive. EPISODE GUIDE If God is encouraging you to pursue training, trust Him, even if you don’t know what the end result will be. Dedicate yourself to being a lifelong learner: utilize resources that help you thrive in the ministry God placed you. You are gifted and indispensable, essential to the work of the church. BEST QUOTES “I believe wholeheartedly that if we can encourage and equip ministry wives, then they’re going to help encourage their husbands, and their husbands will stay in ministry and the churches will stay as lighthouses in their communities.”  -T

  • Friendship in Ministry (an interview with Clancey Garcia)

    17/04/2023 Duração: 35min

    The challenges of navigating friendship as a ministry wife can make us want to shrink back from forming these life-giving relationships. Clancey Garcia joins me today to talk about how we can identify and develop friendships with other women in the church, intentionally grow them, and manage the hurts that can arise from friendship in a broken world. EPISODE GUIDE When seeking to make friends in the church, listen to the Holy Spirit and watch for good character and good conversation. Pursuing friendship requires intentionality and vulnerability. Friendship can come with hurt, but instead of closing yourself off, look for what God is trying to teach you. BEST QUOTES “When trying to make new friends, I look for consistency of character and good conversation. What were we talking about when we were together? Was it glorifying God? If I continue to see good character and good conversation, I push for more time with that person.” -Clancey Garcia “It sounds a little impersonal, but honestly

  • How to Counsel Other Women (Kristin Kellen)

    10/04/2023 Duração: 40min

    As ministry wives, we often find ourselves in situations where women come to us looking for counsel. It can be difficult to know how to point them to God while effectively journeying with them through struggles. Counselor Kristin Kellen joins the podcast today to share introductory How-To’s of counseling women. She shares when and how to speak, when to be silent, and when to seek outside intervention for the women in our lives.  SHOW NOTES You don’t have to have the right words. Sometimes you just need to sit and listen in silence. We cannot always provide a solution, but we can bring God’s Word into the midst of their struggle, reminding them of who He is, and that He sees them and is near. We help one another carry burdens for a season, with the intent to lay them at the feet of the One who has the answers. QUOTES “Give yourself the grace to not necessarily have to have the words, because it may be that this woman just needs to sit and process and think out loud. She may just need to h

  • Rhythms for a Lifetime of Marriage and Ministry (an interview with Jani Ortlund)

    03/04/2023 Duração: 43min

    The busyness of ministry and life’s ever-changing rhythms can make us feel like we are struggling not only to keep Jesus first but also meaningfully connect with our husband regularly. Today, author Jani Ortlund opens up about the rhythms and mindsets that have seen her through over 50 years of ministry and marriage.   SHOW NOTES Our life as a ministry wife is not a performance. We should minister because of Him, out of His fullness, not duty. Your relationship with Jesus must be first and most important. Be the type of woman who feels the lack in her life when you aren’t regularly connecting with the Lord. Rhythms constantly need adjusting as life and ministry change. Communicate with your spouse and look for creative ways to connect during those times. QUOTES “I’m not ministering for Jesus. I’m ministering because of Jesus. I’m not trying to return favors or earn anything from Him. It’s just because of who He is.” -Jani Ortlund “I think the thing that has

  • Navigating Transitions in Ministry (an interview with Lynley Mandrell)

    27/03/2023 Duração: 41min

    When God calls you to a new place, it won’t always be a smooth transition. There may be hurt and heartbreak over who or what you have to leave behind. Lynley Mandrell joins me today to share her story of a tough ministry transition, what she and her husband did well, what they did poorly, and how much the Lord taught them in the midst of the mess.  SHOW NOTES Just because the Lord calls you to something doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy. Find the balance between seeking counsel and allowing too many voices to pollute what God is saying to your family. Ministry is hard, no matter how healthy you think you are. Check-in with a Christian counselor on a regular basis. QUOTES “You take the things people say very heavily and then it makes you question, ‘Is that God speaking through this person? Are we doing the right thing or are we doing the wrong thing?’ This is when trust and faith in God comes in.”  -Lynley Mandrell “There’s a sense of ownership, right or wrong, that p

  • Building Relationships with Pastors' Wives in Our Own Church (an interview with Bailey Leitch and Meredith Miller)

    20/03/2023 Duração: 34min

    We long to have deep friendships with other pastors’ wives in our church. But how do we go about initiating and building those relationships amidst the busyness of ministry? Pastors’ wives Meredith Miller and Bailey Leitch share today how they have cultivated a deep friendship with one another by focusing on trust, honor, and Jesus.    SHOW NOTES Cultivate a culture of honor in the way you speak to and about one another. Building a team of ministry wives in your church requires safety, security, and support. Center your relationship around Jesus and loving each other as friends, not the church. QUOTES “It is a huge blessing because there’s mutual encouragement. We are experiencing the same things as pastor’s wives, both of our husbands are on staff and there’s a uniqueness to that that we get to go through and encourage one another and pray for one another. I think having this relationship and getting to go through the seasons of ministry together has been really sweet.” -M

  • Creating Healthy Rhythms of Rest (an interview with Gregg and Kelly Matte)

    13/03/2023 Duração: 49min

    The responsibility of ministry drains us emotionally, spiritually, and mentally. Rest is a vital component for our overall health, as well as the health of our ministry. Pastor Gregg Matte and his wife Kelly explain how they have created individual and family rest rhythms through scheduling their days, Sabbaths, and sabbaticals. SHOW NOTES Dedicate a portion of your day to the Lord, a portion to your ministry, and a portion to family and rest. Create an environment of peace and rest by allowing the peace of Christ to rule in your heart. Taking time for rest moves your ministry from fatigue to fired up with renewal. QUOTES “Responsibility is stressful, and this is one of the challenges of having a job with responsibility, and it happens to be ministry. I’m going to blame responsibility, not God for putting me in ministry. That’s where you end up with that spiritual burnout where people are at the end of their ministry,  and they don’t like their Christianity. I tell our staff all

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