Who is Xian'er? Robot Monk? Little Monk? Subscribe to "Robot Monk Xian'er" to learn wisdom to deal with negative emotions and afflictions in our everyday life. You might find out that Xian'er is not different from us, and we are not different from Xian'er.
True happiness in life 人生真正的快乐
13/04/2018 Duração: 01minTrue Happiness in Life The meaning of life lies not in enjoyment but in duties which are toward self, family, society, and even all sentient beings.Buddhism believes that everyone is in close connection with nature and the world.Such connection is highly profound and abundant as all sentient beings are interdependent with each other as well as with the environment.Thus, the meaning of life rests with our duties toward all beings.Learn to enjoy the things we ought to do.Taking on duties is what gives life its significance, not a burden.Take joy in doing things that are of help to others as what you do is valuable.He who overemphasizes his own happiness often loses happiness as he feels the world is against him. Whether we have a happy life depends on how we regard it.If no one needs you to fulfill any duty, you may not have anyone to love or show gratitude toward.So it is a blessing that we are able to take on duties. 人生真正的快乐人生的意义在于责任,而不是享受。对自己的责任,对家人的责任,对社会的责任,乃至对众生的责任。佛法认为,每个人与自然、与世界都是息息相关的,有着极为深层而丰富的联系,自他不二
How to Face Desires 如何面对欲望
13/04/2018 Duração: 01minHow to Face DesiresDesire means wanting something.All living beings have an instinctive need of seeking happiness and quitting sufferings.This is what drives desires that we wish to acquire the things we want.In other words, without desire we lose passion and hope in life.However, desire needs to be well set and managed for it can be either the source of energy or the root of afflictions.We ought to cultivate virtuous desires for kindness and truth.Such desires can help transform greedy desires for worldly affairs. Desires are not to be suppressed, but to be purified and transformed.Our mind always sets on something.If what’s good is not there, what’s evil sneaks in.When we don’t yet have the right view and mindfulness, it is impossible to suppress our afflictions, not to mention eliminate them.Therefore, one must eradicate evil and cultivate virtue at the same time.One should cultivate virtuous desires to transform evil desires.This is like planting crops in a field such that weeds have no place to grow. 如何面
Let go of afflictions and be true to beginner's mind 放下烦恼,守持初心
13/04/2018 Duração: 39sLet go of afflictions and be true to beginner’s mindLetting go is a method of our practice.What we let go of is afflictions, not everything.Only when we let go of all sufferings, favors and humiliations, can we regain purity in our smiles.Only when we purge ourselves of attachments to success and failure, can we be true to beginner’s mind that is ever bright and splendid. 放下烦恼,守持初心放下是对治法,要放下的是烦恼,不是一切。把一切伤害宠辱都忘掉、放下,才能回归心无旁骛的笑容;洗净得失成败的牵挂,才能守持灿烂光明的初心。
The body engaging in practice, the mind acquiring clarity 身体践行,内心清明
13/04/2018 Duração: 38sThe body engaging in practice, the mind acquiring clarityWhile science studies a world that is external to us,Buddhism studies our own mind.Buddhism teachings are classified into theoretical and practical doctrines.One can understand such as theory and practice.Those who practice according to the teachings gain experience and acquire increasingly more clarity, kindness, peace and freedom. 身体践行,内心清明科学所研究的对象是外物,佛法研究的对象是我们自己的心。佛法分为教法与证法,可以简单理解为理论和实践,真正依照佛法去实践并获得经验的人,内心就会越来越清明、善良、安和、自在。
Learn to be compassionate and responsible 学佛是学慈悲与责任
13/04/2018 Duração: 21sLearn to be compassionate and responsible Buddhist Dharma does not teach us how to judge the world, rather how to be with the world. The former defines and judges as a bystander.The latter participates and lives with compassion and responsibility. 学佛是学慈悲与责任佛法不是教我们怎么“看待”这个世界,而是教我们如何“对待”这个世界。前者是站在旁观者的立场去评判定义,后者是感同身受、同呼吸共命运的慈悲与责任。
How to let the soul shine 如何让心灵真正光明
13/04/2018 Duração: 48sHow to let the soul shineHappiness of childhood is not without condition, for children who are taken under parents’ wing face little hardships. The mind is relatively pure and simple.Once grown up, they have to face various pressures and unfavorable conditions in life. They come into contact with more negative information which causes more afflictions. The mind becomes increasingly burdened and polluted. Truth shines light on the soul; Faith is the destination for the soul; Peace and contentment are where the soul dwells. 如何让心灵真正光明 童年的快乐是有条件的,因为儿童在父母的羽翼之下,还没有面对太多艰苦的境界,而心智又比较单纯干净。成年以后,不得不面对种种生活的压力和不如意,接触到的负面信息越来越多,引发更多烦恼,令内心越来越染污与沉重。人的心灵需要真理的光明,需要信仰的归宿,需要净心和安心。
Taking a long-term perspective with decision-making at hand
13/04/2018 Duração: 39sTaking a long-term perspective with decision-making at handWhen driving, one takes the car on a straight path only when looking further ahead.Looking merely at what is close by makes the car swing sideways.In life, the same is true.A judgment is sound when a long-term perspective is taken.What impact does this decision have for the future: next year, next ten years, and even the next life.The challenge to decision making lies in our affliction and emotions, not in some details.用长远的眼光看眼前的抉择开车的时候,看得远才能开得直,如果只看近处,车就容易左右摇摆。做事情也是一样,眼光放长远一点,想想我现在做的选择对一年后、十年后乃至来生会有什么影响,许多判断就容易了。有些细节根本不是抉择的问题,是烦恼的问题,过不了自己心中情绪的坎。
How to hold your temper 如何才能让自己不发脾气
13/04/2018 Duração: 01minHow to hold your temper【Xian’ersays so: “hold it for 10 minutes before going off.”】Shifuasked Xian’er:“Why have you been taking a stopwatch with you?”Xian’er didn’t dare to answer.Shifu asked again: “Why do you keep looking at the stopwatch when I criticizeyou?”Again, Xian’er didn’t dare to answer.Shifu continued: “Don’t think that I don’t know if you keep quiet. You naughtykid, behave yourself !” Below are quoted from my Shifu’s new book, Say Good Things—Master Xuecheng’sinsight on the path to speaking like a Buddha.When you are about to lose your temper,Tell yourself: “Hold it for 10 minutes.”When you don’t have enough strength,Try not to confront the enemy affliction head-on, Avoiding its edge and blunting its drive. 如何才能让自己不发脾气【贤二如是说:十分钟后再发脾气】师父问贤二,你最近干吗老是带着块秒表?贤二不敢回答。师父又问,为什么我一批评你,你就看表?贤二还是不敢回答。师父说,你以为你不说我就不知道,你这个熊孩子,反了你了。以下来自我师父的《好好说话》脾气要爆发时,告诉自己:“十分钟后再发脾气。”力量不够时,勿与烦恼大敌正面冲突,避其锋芒、挫其锐气。
What to do when others curse you 别人骂你,应该怎么办
13/04/2018 Duração: 01minWhat to do when others curse you?【Xian’er says so: “When others curse you, what do you do?”】Xianyi noticed Xian’er was upset and sulky,So he asked: “What is wrong?”Xian’er said: “I was cursed by Wang Xiaowu. No fair!”Xianyi asked: “What did he say?”Xian’er replied: “He called me names, stating that I have broom-like eyebrows and Mung bean-like eyes.”Xiansan came to chat with Xianyi in English.Xiansan’s pronunciation is beautiful. Xian’er was very much impressed and asked: “Xiansan, you speak English so well no wonder Shifu always takes you abroad. What did you just say?”Xiansan said, “I just said that you do have broom-like eyebrows and Mung bean-like eyes.”Xian’er fainted.Below are quoted from my Shifu’s new book, Say Good Things—Master Xuecheng’s insight on the path to speaking like a Buddha.Only when you receive it, can a curse truly hurt you. If somebody curses you in a language that is foreign to you, What you hear is nothing but some sound that cannot make you angry. 别人骂你,应该怎么办【贤二如是说:别人骂你怎么办 】贤一看见贤二不高兴、
The more you care, the more hurt you get 越在意,受的伤害就越深
13/04/2018 Duração: 01minThe more you care, the more hurt you get.【Xian’er says so: “How not to care?”】Wang Xiaowu noticed that Xiansan is skinny. So he said: “Look at you, you are way too thin. This explains Buddhism is not good, and vegetarian diet is not good for you.”Xian’er responded: “Wang Xiaowu, it’s alright you are not a Buddhist. It is not OK for you to find fault with Buddhism. So what Xiansan is skinny.What does that have to do with being vegetarian. I too am a vegetarian.How do you explain that I am chubby?”Wang Xiaowu said: “Then you must be secretly eating meat at night.”Xian’er suddenly turned furious and was about to explode…If it is not for Shifu, I would have..…”Below are quoted from my Shifu’s new book, Say Good Things—Master Xuecheng’s insight on the path to speaking like a Buddha.The more you care, the more hurt you get.When you are calm, rumor will gradually die out. 越在意,受的伤害就越深【贤二如是说:如何才能不在意】王小五见到贤三比较瘦,就说:“你看看,都瘦成这样了,正好说明佛教不好,吃素不好,所以才这么瘦。”贤二说:“王小五你不信佛就不信佛,别没事总找茬。人家瘦一点,就说人家吃素不好 。那你看我这么胖,你怎么解释?”王小五说:“那你肯定是晚上偷偷吃
Do not dwell on bad things 不好的事情不能多想
13/04/2018 Duração: 01minDo not dwell on bad things.【Xian’ersays so: “think more of good things.】Wang Xiaowu tells everyone around him not to eat ice cream Xian’er made.According to Wang Xiaowu, it is the worst ice cream in the whole world. Look at Xian’er and his dumpling face,What good ice cream can come out of that face? Xian’er is very upset. Whenever he thinks of this, he gets more upset. When he is upset, he cannot sleep and thinks more about it. The cycle goes on to the point that he is about to collapse. Then it dawned on him that he should go talk to Shifu.Below are quoted from my Shifu’s new book, Say Good Things—MasterXuecheng’s insight on the path to speaking like a Buddha.The first arrow has fallen.It is us who keeps shooting the 2nd, the 3rd, and numerous arrows. Repetition brings great power, As drops of water can penetrate a stone, And grains of sand can accumulate into a pagoda.All comes into being as a result of repetition. This is why we are not to set our mind on issues and troubles.The more we think about them, t
Striving not for the outcome, rather to persevere during the process
13/04/2018 Duração: 01minStriving not for the outcome, rather to persevereduring the process. 【Xian’ersays so: “Progressing during the process.”】While making an animated film for the coming Children’s Day, Xian’er met many difficulties. It seemed that everything was problematic. Xian’er became depressed.“If I cannot make it on time, I will lose face. It would be a shame if it is not well done. If the story is not engaging, Shifu will not think much of me. And it would be even less likely for him to take me abroad.”Xian’er found himself in a serious predicament.Sitting in meditation that night,A flash of insight struck Xian’erThe insight came not from a book, but from his own mind,It goes like this: “If I don’t do well,will Shifu shoot me to death? Of coursenot! ”Later, Xian’er found the following passage from Shifu’s book.Below are quotedfrom my Shifu’s new book, Say Good Things—Master Xuecheng’s insight on the pathto speaking like a Buddha.Striving not for the outcome, rather to persevere during the process. Our path in life is not
Nothing satisfies everyone 没有一件事情能令所有人满意
13/04/2018 Duração: 01minNothing satisfies everyone【Xian’er says so: “There is no need to please everyone.”】Xian’er told Shifu champing with rage:“I don’t want to be a good boy any more. I am going to rebel, be lazy, eat a lot and sleep a lot. I will become the most disobedient little monk of all time.” Shifu asked: ”Why?”Xian’er said: “Because no matter how hard I try, others still aren’t satisfied. Some say I don’t scrub the toilet clean enough.Some say my ice cream doesn’t taste good enough. Some say my table manner is bad.They criticize every aspect of me…”Shifu told Xian’er the following which made Xian’er come to an understanding all of a sudden. Below are quoted from my Shifu’s new book, Say Good Things—Master Xuecheng’s insight on the path to speaking like a Buddha.Nothing satisfies everyone,Even the Buddha himself was criticized, slandered and even harmed. It is not necessary to aim for pleasing everyone. Our attention is usually biased. When there are ten positive remarks but one negative remark, we tend to hang on to the
Without criticism, there will be no opportunity to progress
13/04/2018 Duração: 01minWithout criticism, there will be no opportunity to progress. 【Xian’er says so: “It is a good thing someone criticizes you. ” 】Zhao Xiaocui often complains that Xian’er ice cream is not bright-colored. And it doesn’t taste romantic. And it is not cold enough. And its shape is too dull with just one ball. And why there is no ice crystals in it. Furthermore, Xian’er cartoon characters are too rough in their motions. And the story is just so so. And the stage props are far from being real…There was much gnashing of teeth when Xian’er asked: “Anything else?”Xiaocui Zhao said: “And the toilet you cleaned is not as bright and shining as you claimed.” Xian’er tossed and turned that night. He could not sleep and his nose bled. Till dawn, he thought of Shifu’s book and found the following. Below are quoted from my Shifu’s new book, Say Good Things—Master Xuecheng’s insight on the path to speaking like a Buddha.It is a good thing someone criticizes you Such that you will not become too conceited. Without criticism, t
Favorable and unfavorable situations 顺境、逆境,都是雕琢
13/04/2018 Duração: 02minFavorable and unfavorable situations are both opportunities to carve out greatness.【Xian’er says so: “Why doesn’t Shifu praise me?” 】Xian’er asked Shifu: “When I first became a monk,You spoke highly of me all the time. Why?You said that I was good natured with great potential. And you said that I was bright and kind-hearted,I was industrious and courageous, And I will make a great master someday. Plus that I was much more handsome than Wang Xiaowu. Whereas now I have been a monk for years, You rarely praise me anymore. You say that I lack virtue and potential, I am lazy, I eat and sleep too much and I am practically good for nothing. And you even said that I don’t stand a chance in comparison with Wang Xiaowu.Why ?Below are quoted from my Shifu’s new book, Say Good Things—Master Xuecheng’s insight on the path to speaking like a Buddha.As we continue to progress, Everyone of us will face more and tougher challenges. Along the way, if there is no ongoing encouragement from those around,One may not have the dri
The meaning of life is far from an accumulation of titles
13/04/2018 Duração: 01minThe meaning of life is far from an accumulation of titles. 【Xian’er says so: “I have been promoted.”】Shifu let Xian’er be in charge of toilets and urinals. He asked Xian’er to supervise the most important 22 trenches,And to look after purchasing and managing of toilet-paper. Such as what brand to purchase, what softness to get, and how costly it should be. And even how much to buy at a time, and how often to dispose used paper. Xian’er is authorized to make final calls on all that. Xian’er, who has been an underdog for years, can finally hold his head high. He thought to himself, “I am managing so many things and am finally someone with status.”Below are quoted from my Shifu’s new book, Say Good Things—Master Xuecheng’s insight on the path to speaking like a Buddha.The meaning of life is far from an accumulation of titles. Transcending these titles will allow us to enjoy freedom in this world. We will not be limited by the interest at hand, And we will develop more tolerance, clarity, and wisdom,What is more
This is how true happiness is like 真正的快乐是这样子的
13/04/2018 Duração: 01minThis is how true happiness is like. 【Xian’er say so: “How to be happy?”】Wang Xiaowu doesn’t think much of Xian’er.In his mind, Xian’er has a lot of shortcomings.Once, Xian’er talked about his ambition of attaining Buddhahood. Wang Xiaowu burst into laughters.He questioned Xian’er:”You? You want to be a Buddha?”This made Xian’er very much depressed.Later Xian’er found something in a book by Shifu.Below are quoted from my Shifu’s new book, Say Good Things—Master Xuecheng’s insight on the path to speaking like a Buddha. How we face contempt and dispproval from others,Determines whether we are in suffering or happiness.If the mind is weak, It is as if it rains stones and little birds cannot bear it. If the mind is solid with clear goals and aspirations, with calmness and positive attitude, It is as if it rains flowers, showering an elephant. Adverse situation cultivates virtues; whearas favorable situation brings freedom. 真正的快乐是这样子的【贤二如是说:怎么才能快乐 】王小五非常看不起贤二,认为贤二有很多的缺点和毛病。有一次,贤二说自己的理想是觉悟成佛。王小五连鼻涕泡都笑出来了,说:“就你?还想成佛
How to identify you own coordinate 如何找到自己的坐标
12/04/2018 Duração: 01minHowto identify you own coordinate'Self' is a temporary phenomenon which consists of the body, feelings,perception, and consciousness etc.. It is ever changing and it is indeedimpossible to find a permanentself. This ‘Self' is relative to‘others’, therefore playing various roles according to various objects. Without ‘others’ the self is nowhere to beanchored.Many are afraid of losing the ‘Self'. However few have thought about what the‘self’means. Buddhism teachesselflessness for the “self” that many are firmly attached to is nothing but atemporary existence that are made of countless cells and ever-changingconsciousness. There are good and evil, purity and indecency in our minds. To practice is toeliminate these evil, impurity, and attachment. It is only through elimination of these parts, can one obtain liberation andenlighten.Taking a time perspective, we recall our ancestors and have future generationsin mind. This is to return the favor of the former and to take responsibilitiesof the latter. Taking a
Buddhism sheds light on sufferings in life 用佛法之灯照亮人生的苦
12/04/2018 Duração: 01minBuddhism sheds light on sufferings in life.Those who have afflictions tend to relate them to evil things, and resist virtuous things. Thus, they doubt and criticize good deeds and good people. Precisely because of such tendencies, the practice and promotion of virtuous dharma is very much needed. Actually, with Buddha’s nature in us, we all long for truth, goodness and beauty deep down. And we all feel the pain that is brought by flaming afflictions. Therefore, we ought to be the one who lights the lamp.Do not define success as reaching certain external objectives. When the mind keeps seeking outward, we will become lost. By doing more, the more we achieve, but the more afflictions we have and then the more karmic obstruction we make. Then, how can we possibly acquire peace and happiness? Living this life, we must cultivate virtues and seek wisdom. Mindfulness is the way to a better future.The sword of wisdom cannot eliminate afflictions without its sharpness. Therefore, we must listen, reflect, and practic
What is a meaningful pursuit in life 什么是有意的人生
12/04/2018 Duração: 01minWhat is a meaningful pursuit in LifeBuddhism teaches that all is impermanent and empty in nature. When happiness disappears into the past, suffering follows right away. The happier we felt, the more suffering we feel. Was that real happiness? No, it was rather the origin of suffering. Thinking along this line, one realizes that there is no “perfection” that is without hidden issues and there is no “happiness” that can be captured for good. Does this make life pessimistic? Not really. Upon further reflection one realizes that the root cause of all sufferings is not the “loss”, but “attachment”. With that, there is hope that we can eliminate suffering. Of course, it will not be easy to let go of attachment. One must recognize it first. “Impermanence” is a universal rule that is independent of anyone’s wishes. Having a right perspective on “impermanence” will allow us not to be attached to certain situations. Namely, not to be too attached to things we like, nor to resent things we don’t like. We ou