Unextraordinary dazzling guy who love movie, music and books!
Podcasting Life and Truth (hopefully). Podcasting Lifestyle and Trivias (sometimes). Podcasting Laugh and Trolling (ALWAYS!)
Satu suara satu nada Cover art photo provided by Jason Zeis on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@zeis
Podcast mblarah Cover art photo provided by Samuel Zeller on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@samuelzeller
Podcast yang berisi hal-hal yang menarik untuk tidak diperbincangkan.
Welcome to Etatips episode while anyone can talk and share anything about our GenMX (generasi milenial) coz we make and break the differencies...
Merupakan serial podcast Sukma Robby tentang opini dan puisi untuk meminimalisir halusinasi dan memaksimalkan imajinasi.bicara keresahan terkini dari politik sampai kamar mandi...