Como Tirar Proveito Dos Inimigos - Plutarco

Plutarco (46 -119) foi um filósofo, historiador e biógrafo grego. Estudou matemática e filosofia na Academia de Atenas, a mesma estudada por Platão, e se dedicou à política,...

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B. J. Harrison Reads Plutarch's Lives, Volume 2 Of 2

This second volume of "Plutarch’s Lives" introduces the reader to even more important figures of the ancient world. Sertorius, Eumenes, Pompey, Alexander, Caesar and Cicero are...

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B. J. Harrison Reads Plutarch's Lives, Volume 1 Of 2

If you want to start a study of the classical world, this is the right book to begin with. Written by one of the greatest biographers of all time, "Plutarch’s Lives" tells us...

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Parallel Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans Vol. 3 by PLUTARCHUS, Lucius Mestrius

Parallel Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans is a series of biographies of famous men, arranged in tandem to illuminate their common moral virtues or failings. The surviving...

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Parallel Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans Vol. 2 by PLUTARCHUS, Lucius Mestrius

Parallel Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans is a series of biographies of famous men, arranged in tandem to illuminate their common moral virtues or failings. The surviving...

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