La Constantin

It was about seven o'clock. Three gentlemen were seated at one of the tables in a low, smoky room. They had already emptied several bottles, and one of them seemed to have just...

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If our readers, tempted by the Italian proverb about seeing Naples and then dying, were to ask us what is the most favourable moment for visiting the enchanted city, we should...

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Urban Grandier

On Sunday, the 26th of November, 1631, there was great excitement in the little town of Loudun, especially in the narrow streets which led to the church of Saint-Pierre in the...

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The Man In The Iron Mask

In this final volume of The Three Musketeers series, Aramis plots a coup d’état to replace Louis with Philippe and recruits Porthos to assist, although Porthos is unaware of...

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The Black Tulip

The city of Haarlem, Netherlands, has set a huge prize to the person who can grow a black tulip, sparking competition between the country's best gardeners to win the money, honour...

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Le Capitaine Paul

Inspiré de John Paul Johns, capitaine de marine, héros de la guerre d’Indépendance américaine, Le Capitaine Paul est à la fois roman...

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La Tulipe Noire

En 1672, Guillaume d’Orange prend le pouvoir en Hollande, profitant du massacre par le peuple des frères Jean et Corneille de Witt accusés de tractations...

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Les Mohicans De Paris

Comment, lors du Mardi Gras de 1827, trois compères (Jean Robert le poète, Ludovic le médecin et Pétrus le peintre) font la connaissance de Monsieur...

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Othon L’archer

Année 1340. Le comte Ludwig, landgrave de Godesberg, vit les tourments du doute et de la jalousie. Le poison du soupçon l’a envahi : son jeune fils Othon...

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Aventures De John Davys

John Davys est le fils de Sir Edward Davys, un ancien capitaine de frégate anglais, contraint d’abandonner la carrière militaire à la suite d’une...

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