Lord Dracula

Dracula author Bram Stoker was born on November 8, 1847 in Dublin. Stoker was bedridden with an unknown illness until he started school at the age of seven when he made a complete...

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Drácula es una novela publicada en 1897 por el irlandés Bram Stoker. Cuando Jonathan Harker viajó a Transilvania por asuntos de negocios, nunca imaginó el peligro que corría....

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Bram Stoker was an Irish author and Dracula is his most famous book. Dracula was published in 1897. It was not the first vampire novel. For example, it draws on Carmilla by...

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La Joya De Las Siete Estrellas

"—Dispénseme el señor por haberle molestado, pero tenía órdenes muyestrictas. Además, me dijeron que no perdiese un momento y que no dejarade llamar hasta que acudiese...

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La Madriguera Del Gusano Blanco

"Imagínese un monstruo semejante en esta región y en seguida podráhacerse una idea de los «gusanos» de las leyendas, que posiblementefrecuenten las grandes marismas que se...

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B. J. Harrison Reads The Judge's House

A student arrives in a small town willing to find a quiet place where he can prepare for his exams. An old mansion seems like a great option for him. The locals warn him that...

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Bram Stoker's Dracula

"Dracula" is an 1897 Gothic horror novel by Irish author Bram Stoker. Famous for introducing the character of the vampire Count Dracula, the novel tells the story of Dracula's...

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During a business visit to Count Dracula's castle in Transylvania, a young English solicitor finds himself at the center of a series of horrifying incidents. Jonathan Harker is...

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Dracula's Guest: Audio Book Bestseller Classics Collection

A menacing tale from one of the masters of horror fiction!Today only, get this audio bestseller for a special price.Listen on your PC, Mac, smart phone, or tablet device.If you...

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La Squaw - Dramatizado

Nuestra historia comienza con dos turistas, Amelia y su marido, a los que se une un tal Elias Hutcheson. Están visitando el castillo de Nuremberg, para ver las cámaras de...

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