The Turn Of The Screw

Do you want to listen to The Legend of Sleepy Hollow? If so then keep reading…Widely recognized as one of literature's most gripping ghost stories, this classic tale of moral...

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The Turn Of The Screw

The Turn of the Screw is an 1898 horror novella by Henry James that first appeared in serial format in Collier's Weekly magazine. Classified as both Gothic fiction and a ghost...

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Daisy Miller

 Daisy Miller, scritto nel 1878, è considerato uno dei capolavori dello scrittore americano Henry James. Ritratto intenso di una giovane americana che, nella buona società...

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Il Giro Di Vite

 Nomination  al XIX Premio Voci nell'Ombra, Sez. Audiolibri Una giovane istitutrice viene assunta per prendersi cura di due orfani in una antica dimora della campagna inglese:...

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Daisy Miller: A Study

Daisy Miller by Henry James. Daisy Miller, a young woman from Schenectady, New York, arrives in Switzerland with her mother and younger brother to visit her aunt. They are on...

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The Ambassadors

The Ambassadors by Henry James. First published in 1903, the novel follows middle-aged Lambert Strether as he is dispatched from Massachusetts to Paris by his wealthy...

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Washington Square

Washington Square by Henry James tells the story of Catherine Sloper, the plain, obedient daughter of the widowed, well-to-do Dr. August Sloper of Washington Square. When a...

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La Leyenda De Ciertas Ropas Antiguas - Dramatizado

-Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Viola y Perdita son dos jóvenes muy bellas de buena familia que, sin poder evitarlo, se enamoran del mismo hombre: Arthur Lloyd. Y...

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What Maisie Knew

`What Maise Knew‘ (1897) should perhaps have been titled `Divorce for Dummies` instead. In this tense and clever novel, Henry James lays out with perfect clarity what not to do...

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Roderick Hudson

Originally published in 1875 as a serial in The Atlantic Monthly, Roderick Hudson is a One has the money but not the talent. One has the talent but not the money. It would seem...

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