Cartas para Noel - Ho Ho Ho - Uma Antologia de Natal

O trenó puxado por renas traz alguém especial. É Noite de Natal! A Travassos editora apresenta A Antologia: Cartas para Noel. Sente-se, aconchegue-se e ouça o bom velhinho a...

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Mark Twain's Speeches by TWAIN, Mark

Spanning the time between 1872 and the year before he died, this collection of after-dinner speeches, random thoughts to the press, etc. clearly documents, once again, the truly...

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Oliver Twist

Inglaterra, século XIX.Oliver Twist chegou ao mundo numa noite fria e adversa. A mãe morreu em seguida, e ninguém tinha a menor ideia de quem fosse o pai. Órfão e pobre, o...

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Oliver Twist

Oliver Twist" é um romance clássico escrito por Charles Dickens, publicado pela primeira vez em 1838. A história começa com o nascimento do protagonista em um asilo para...

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Oliver L.

O que você diria se uma maquiavélica criatura o convidasse a um mundo completamente estranho, tendo como recompensa, ao final, a explicação de todo o mistério que ronda sua...

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Mark Twain A Secret Life

Samuel Langhorne Clemens known by his pen name Mark Twain, was an American writer, humorist, entrepreneur, publisher, and lecturer. He was lauded as the "greatest humorist the...

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Who Is Mark Twain?

“[Twain] was, in the phrase of his friend William Dean Howells, ‘the Lincoln of our literature’... At the heart of his work lies that greatest of all American...

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Mark Twain Speaks Podcast

I was born humble, but it wore off! Mark TwainWelcome to The Mark Twain Speaks Podcast. My name is Don McNeill and my goal is to bring the wit and wisdom of Mark Twain back to...

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Ho, Ho, Ho

<p>El Nadal, a casa d’en Lluc, sempre havia estat més una qüestió d’imaginació que no pas d’il·lusió. Un llimoner en...

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Roughing It By Mark Twain

The semiautobiographical travel memoir records Twains, more or less, personal journey across the Wild West in search of adventure while exploring variable locations. Accompanying...

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