A Bíblia King James-Uma breve história de Tyndale até hoje

Conheça as bases que serviram de subsídio para a versão da Bíblia mais admirada e influente em todo o mundo: a BKJ.David Norton, professor de língua inglesa na Victoria...

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Bíblia Sagrada King James Atualizada: Kja 400 Anos

A Bíblia Sagrada KJA é a tradução dos manuscritos canônicos originais em hebraico, aramaico e grego por um Comitê Internacional com mais 50 eruditos. Cuidado com imitações!

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Dear Martin

'Absolutely incredible, honest, gut-wrenching!' Angie Thomas, author of The Hate U Give‘?Painfully timely and deeply moving, this is the novel the next...

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Martin Guerre

We are sometimes astonished at the striking resemblance existing between two persons who are absolute strangers to each other, but in fact it is the opposite which ought to...

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Matthew Martin

Welcome to Matthew Martin, where amazing things happen.

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Martin Kelley

Welcome to the Martin Kelley podcast, where I dont know what Im doing.

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Colt Martin

Welcome to the Whiskey with friends podcast, where amazing things happen.

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Eldridge Martin

Its like people know about it

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Martin Rosario

Welcome to the Martin Rosario podcast, where amazing things happen.

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Martin Larose

Podcast by Martin Larose

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