Le Miniere Di Re Salomone

 Allan Quatermain, esperto cacciatore di elefanti, viene ingaggiato dal gentiluomo inglese sir Henry Curtis come guida in una spedizione nel cuore dell'Africa alla...

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Ayesha: El Retorno De Ella

Una de las primeras novelas del género del "mundo perdido", Ayesha relata las aventuras de un profesor de Cambridge y su hijo adoptivo. El profesor, llamado Horace Holly y su...

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Heart Of The World

This romance set in Mexico tells of the journey of a native and a white man in search of the fabled Golden City of the Indians.

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Allan And The Holy Flower

Brother John, who has been wandering in Africa for years, confides to Allan a huge and rare orchid, the largest ever found. Allan arrives to England with the flower and there he...

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Allan Quatermain

In this adventure novel we follow Allan Quatermain, a character appearing in other Haggard novels. Allan finds English cities and climate unbearable, he prefers to spend most of...

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Ayesha: The Return Of She

Nearly twenty years have passed since their first adventure in Africa, but he and his ward Leo Vincey are convinced that Ayesha did not die. Following their dreams, they wander...

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The People Of The Mist

The People of the Mist tells the story a British adventurer seeking wealth in the wilds of Africa, finding romance, and discovering a lost race and its monstrous god.

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