The Evil Guest

An unwanted guest visiting an isolated home is murdered. A dark tale of secrets, manipulation and tragic fate with many intriguing and mysterious characters.

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Two Ghostly Mysteries

My mother died when I was an infant, and of her I have no recollection, even the faintest. By her death my education was left solely to the direction of my surviving parent. He...

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Stories Of Lough Guir

"Stories of Lough Guir" is a short story by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu.Joseph Thomas Sheridan Le Fanu (1814-1873) was an Irish writer of Gothic tales and mystery...

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"Carmilla" is a Gothic novella by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu and one of the early works of vampire fiction, predating Bram Stoker's Dracula (1897) by 26 years.Joseph...

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Ghostly Tales: Laura Silver Bell

In the five Northumbrian counties you will scarcely find so bleak, ugly, and yet, in a savage way, so picturesque a moor as Dardale Moss. The moor itself spreads north, south,...

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The gothic story is narrated by a young woman Laura preyed upon by a female vampire named Carmilla, later revealed to be Mircalla, Countess Karnstein. Laura lives in a picturesque...

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Ghostly Tales: Schalken The Painter

When Schalken studied under the immortal Gerard Douw, he was a very young man; and in spite of his phlegmatic temperament, he at once fell over head and ears in love with the...

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A Stable For Nightmares

About thirty years ago I was selected by two rich old maids to visit a property in that part of Lancashire which lies near the famous forest of Pendle, with which Mr....

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Ghostly Tales: The Mysterious Lodger

Take my word for it, there is no such thing as an ancient village, especially if it has seen better days, unillustrated by its legends of terror. You might as well expect to find...

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In A Glass Darkly: Carmilla

In Styria, we, though by no means magnificent people, inhabit a castle, or schloss. A small income, in that part of the world, goes a great way. Eight or nine hundred a year does...

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