Music And History - Tony Bennett

Anthony Dominick Benedetto é um dos maiores cantores americano. Lutou na Segunda Guerra Mundial como atirador, foi garçom. Usou drogas e quase morreu em uma overdose e já fez...

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Toby Tyler or Ten Weeks with a Circus by OTIS, James

Toby Tyler tells the story of a ten year-old orphan who runs away from a foster home to join the traveling circus only to discover his new employer is a cruel taskmaster. The...

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Fervor: A Novel

A chilling and unforgettable story of a close-knit Jewish family in London pushed to the brink when they suspect their daughter is a witch.Hannah and Eric Rosenthal are devout...

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Unlimited Success: Book One

Unlimited Success. Success that astounds and Amazes. Success that keeps multiplying. Keeps taking your life to higher and higher levels of excellence and accomplishment. Levels...

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You Can't Think Your Way To Success

You Can't think way to Success. Not what you wanted to hear. Right? Particularly after Napoleon Hill and his book - "Think Yourself Rich." Not to mention the continuing avalanche...

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Rich: Thinking Isn't Enough

Rich - thinking isn't enough. Depite the tsunmai of books, courses, videos, DVD's and "experts", getting rich is not soley a quation of mindset.Yes, of course you must have a...

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The Power Of Success Thinking

Success Thinking. Do you have it? And, more to the point - what is it exactly?Thinking that you'll be successful? And doing nothing else? Waiting for a bolt of inspirational...

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God Fearers: Gentiles & The God Of Israel

Historians, scholars, and theologians agree that first-century Christianity was a sect of Judaism, but where does that information place first-century Gentile Christians? What did...

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Get Rich - Here's How

Get Rich. It seems to be the one thing that almost every wants to get. Doesn't it? But, what really is "Rich?" Is it a dollar amount? A sense of security and well being? Or...

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Think Yourself Rich

Think Yourself Rich. Is it really possible? I'm sure you've heard the old saying: "Happiness is in your mind?" - so why not wealth creation? If you have a happiness mindset -...

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