Movers + Mavericks

Reconnecting the body to its Movement - Episode 126 - Dominik Koch



Hey there and welcome to the weMove podcast . The next episode in our exploration of the nervous system, this week Chris talks Dom Koch, one of the practitioners we have worked with for many years, about how the nervous system is the governing body for our movements, but when it feels unsafe or from past experiences, it might reduce the number of options available to the body.  The body is always giving you the truth, telling you where you are at. How we respond to that truth is crucial in moving forward.  Do you force yourself to move or do you let your body move into place? Allowing our bodies to move, the body will more likely move in the way you want it to. Forcing anything, never really works.  There is no right or wrong in movement but there are options, many of which might be forgotten, ignored, shut off from due to pain, memory, past experience   Your body will use what it has and deems safe, but it might not be the most efficient. If there is then pain then it creates limitations on how the body can