Movers + Mavericks

Cold Water is our simple connection to the outdoors - Episode 120 - Gilly McArthur



Hey there and welcome to the weMove Podcast. Today we are following on from Simon Jeffrey's podcast on resilience taking excuse the pun, a dive into cold water immersion and wild swimming with Gilly MacArthur, who has a long background in the outdoors being a climber and a face within the industry but she's also the co-founder of @bluemindmen and @wonderfulwildwomen both initiatives to get people inspired and maybe excited to discover the benefits of getting in the water, even better when it's cold. GIlly has been and still is a massive advocate of getting in cold water, particularly up in the Lake District, and using it as a way to, as always raise awareness for mental health or mind health as i am preferring to call it. And I just wanted to get another take rather than the obvious ones in the Wim Hof world, etc. Of what getting into cold water really does and how it really benefits. And Gilly has had an interesting history in that she had a big fall whilst climbing over in the states and with