Movers + Mavericks

Cycling with Emotional Durability - Episode 123 - Universal Colours



New podcast up.In a sea of brands, I find it more challenging than I thought to find those with genuine energy for inclusivity, united by a true love for the pursuit/movement they practice, in this case, cycling. And Universal Colours does just that.So much of creating something is about the intention of choice and this is often ignored because it takes time. Yet there is a great power and transference of energy when intentional decisions in design are made. It can be felt, not necessarily needing to be understood by those who come across it. Some brands just feel right and in an increasingly uncertain world, Universal Colours feel increasingly right.We catch up will Inge and Will, the brand and creative leads behind UC. Getting into how and why they started. Where the idea of “emotional durability” fits in, how that idea is transferred from the physical pursuit to the product range itself and what and how they see inclusivity in a sport/pursuit that can be seen as liberating and exclusive in equal measure.Bu