Fox Valley Church

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 0:28:00
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Sermons from Fox Valley Church


  • Christ at the Center of our Mission 


      The Christmas season affords us new opportunities to live on mission.  By telling the story of Jesus as God opens the door, it allows us to bring light and hope to people.  A big part of keeping Christ at the center is praying, planning and preparing for ways to tell people about the real […]

  • Romans: Faith or Grace? 


    Passage: Romans 4:1-25  Theme:  Chapter four becomes an illustration of God’s righteousness through the great patriarch Abraham.  The Thrust is that we are made right with God through faith for there is no other way.  But it is not “faith” that saves, but faith in God’s grace.  Thus, it is grace and grace alone!  We are so […]

  • Romans: The Righteousness of God


    Passage: Romans 3:21-31  Theme:  The Righteousness of God (also in 1:17) has been revealed through faith in Jesus Christ.  We could dwell on that one statement and never appreciate all that was done through our Lord against all unrighteousness. Being right with God is 1) by his grace, 2) through the Cross and 3) by faith. It […]

  • Romans: No One Righteous


    Passage: Romans 3:9-20  Theme:  Every human being throughout human history is found to fall short of God’s glory, for there is NO ONE RIGHTEOUS.  There is an “anti-God” posture in all of us; we are rebels by nature and by choice. There is a de-godding of God, a dethronement and then a move to make ourselves front and center.  We rob God of […]

  • Romans: Seeing Self in Self-Confident Jews 


    Theme:  With the critique of all people, the focus shifts to self-confident Jews.  There is a pride that comes with being Jewish: relying on the law, bragging about a relationship with God, knowing God’s will, approving what is superior, instructed by the law, and understanding truth and righteousness.  There can be an unhealthy ethnic pride in […]

  • Romans: Our Problem, God’s Solution 


    Theme:  Since we all have a “past,” we try to find ways to remove our guilt and shame, but it is not by our efforts, but by faith in God’s provision—Jesus Christ.  Our greatest problem is we are under the wrath of God because of our sin.  God alone provides the way forward and frees us from our shame.  What joy! […]

  • Romans: Paul’s Obligation to the Gospel 


    Theme:  The Apostle Paul tells the church that he is “under obligation” to  tell the story of Jesus, eager to get out there and do it!  And he is not embarrassed or ashamed to name the name of Jesus every where he goes. Do you have those same obligations to the gospel? Passage: Romans 1:14-17

  • Romans: Paul’s Prayer For The Church


    Paul’s prayer was not mere “throw away” words or just a polite beginning to the letter, but a reminder of the deep connections in this church because of Christ and through the gospel.   Romans 1:8-13

  • Romans: What The World Needs To Hear


    Theme:  What makes the good news so powerful is that the bad news is so very bad!  The pinnacle of the good news is the person of Jesus Christ, God dwelling among us in human flesh.  He wants to change us, our families and even the world. Romans 1:1-7

  • Making Things Right


    We all have a sense that this is not the way things are supposed to be.  We ‘know’ when something is not right, good or just.  Somehow, we have an innate passion, even if vague and not well put together, for justice and some of us even dream the dream of justice—where things are made […]

  • Church and Family: Finding Rest and Living in Freedom 


      Jesus gives his followers two invitations: come to him those who have burdens of fears, anxieties, lack of purpose, temptations, responsibilities, loneliness and more. He will give rest. Then, take his yoke and learn from him. That is, become a student and learn from him how to live in freedom. Matthew 11:25-30  

  • Church and Family: History Proves It 


    The forty-five year history of Fox Valley Church speaks to a spiritual people who have persevered to tell and show the story of Jesus. “God has acted, he has done it” will reverberate around the world. All of this is built on the character of God who is good and His steadfast love is always faithful.  Psalm 22:30-31 

  • Church and Family: Building a Resilient Faith 


    It is not easy to build a resilient faith. It is in our family unit that we learn to worship, pray, build relationships and tell and show the story of Jesus. It is never easy. God has given us a “playbook” so that we can develop the skills, creatively work as a family and lead […]

  • Church and Family: Do Not Grow Weary in Doing Good 


      We are members of God’s household. As Spirit filled members we are to do good to all people. The church is uniquely positioned to do good because God has revealed himself to the Church through Jesus.  Galatians 6:7-10 

  • Church and Family: God’s Plan to Bless the World 


    At Fox Valley Church our vision is a Christ-centered Revolution of Transformation by the power of the Holy Spirit.  But what does that look like on Monday morning, at 6 o’clock, when the alarm goes off and you have to go to work?  It is often in the context of marriage and family that we […]

  • Jonah: The Disappointed Prophet 


      Jonah was displeased and angry that God’s mercy could extend to even the Assyrians.  He tasted God’s grace but did not want his enemies delivered from destruction.  Living with disappointment and anger is never the way of God.  God’s way is a one of FAITH, not doubt.  Faith is the satisfied assurance that God […]

  • Jonah: The Dynamic Prophet 


    Jonah obeyed the Lord and went to preach in Nineveh. Though his message is brief, Jonah becomes a dynamic prophet by God’s power.  God uses people that are faithful, intentional and teachable.  He sends revival as he pleases.  God will use us as we are in step with his Spirit.  Jonah 3 

  • Jonah: The Discipled Prophet


    Jonah: The Disciplined Prophet  God gets Jonah’s attention (it’s called discipline!) Jonah turns to God, but there is a lingering question, “just how repentant is Jonah?” We can easily see ourselves in this narrative. Repentance precedes revival.    Jonah 2 

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