Creating Beyond Reality ~ Heather Nichols



Inspired Choices Network What if you know way more than you acknowledge about what is possible in this world? So often, our judgments of ourselves stem from a knowing that we have that may be unique to us....that we turn into a wrongness because we don't see it in others. Heather Nichols


  • Prying Open the Doors to Your Child-like Dreams ~ Guest ~ Stephanie Richardson


    What dreams have you had for your life that you’ve never been willing to ask for? What have you decided is too big of an ask, or too much, or impossible—that if you asked for it, it just might start to show up? What if you could actually create way more than you have ever acknowledged? When you were a child, what were your visions for your life? What dreams did you have, that you decided were no longer relevant or ‘realistic’ when you reached adulthood? What did you actually know as a child that you could now allow yourself to remember, and to be? Join Heather Nichols and Stephanie Richardson for this juicy conversation that will ignite and inspire the wonder, the joy, the delight, and the ease of creation that is available to us always—not just as children! Stephanie Richardson ~ “the AHA Catalyst” is also a Certified Facilitator of Access Consciousness®, Artist, Photographer, Creative Specialist, Energy Worker and Radio Show Host. Her natural inquisitiveness and her spirit of adventure allow her to see the

  • The Phenomenance of Relationships ~ Guest ~ Jennifer Windsor


    Have you ever had a truly phenomenal relationship? One where you are committed to your life, and to supporting the other person’s joy, no matter what that looks like for them? When you can show up in relationships committed to expanding possibility and creating something greater in the world, this is when you can start to have a truly phenomenal relationship. What if you and your enjoyable other could create together ten times what either of you could create on your own? And what if you had the space, the intimacy, and the allowance to support each other in thriving in every area of your lives - whether it includes each other or not? Join Heather Nichols and Jennifer Cramer Windsor for a dynamic conversation about what is truly possible with relationships beyond this reality. Jennifer and Heather have each created alive, phenomenal, out-of-the-box, thriving relationships that contribute to the expansion of every area of their lives. Jennifer Windsor is an Internationally Best Selling Author, Conscious Relatio

  • The Power of Vulnerability ~ Guest ~ Pratima Nagaraj


    What have you misidentified and misapplied vulnerability as that it isn’t?  For so many, vulnerability is perceived as being weak, susceptible to threat, powerless, or fragile.  What if everything is the opposite of what it appears to be?  What if the willingness to be vulnerable will give you access to the power and potency of YOU in a way you have never been willing to be before?  What if being vulnerable actually allows you to perceive more, receive more, know more, and be more?  What if vulnerability is a gift to the world, and a space of immense creation? Join Heather Nichols in this interview with Pratima Nagaraj, an Access Consciousness Facilitator, Talk to the Entities Facilitator, Joy of Business Facilitator, and author of the newly released book:  Vulnerability as the Road to Change. Pratima Nagaraj is an author, speaker, hypnotherapist, transformational coach and an internationally known facilitator with the dynamic body of energy transformational work called Access Consciousness®. She is a lifesty

  • Right Happy for You! Guest ~ Lisa Henriksson


    A number of surveys show that unhappy people are much more self-centered. They more often withdraw, worry, and exhibit hostile behavior. Happy people, on the other hand, are more social, flexible, and creative. They’re more capable of dealing with complex and difficult situations in their everyday lives. Happy people are also more loving, helpful, and forgiving. Now, that doesn’t sound like a very self-centered goal, does it? So how do you achieve happiness? What if your possessions, accomplishments, wealth, and relationships are not the only solution, maybe not even THE solution. What if there is a different way than the one you learned? Join Heather Nichols and Lisa Henriksson as they explore “being happy” and the differences between trying and choosing happiness. Lisa Henriksson  is the co-founder of Wisdom Stockholm and the founder and CEO of yoga and health centers Egen tid. She is also the author of I Was Supposed to Be Happy and an Access Consciousness® Certified Facilitator. Lisa has made it her missi

  • Beyond Competition: Business on the Innovative Edge ~ Heather Nichols


    What if there is a possibility with business where contributing to others, their businesses, and their creations could create more for you and your business as well? What if your business could benefit from the growth and expansion of the businesses and entrepreneurs around you? When we recognize that competition is a lie and not even possible, we begin to create from a totally different space. What if you have a ‘monopoly’ on YOU? When you truly be you in your business, it is not possible for others to compete with you. When you truly contribute to others being themselves in their businesses, everybody can thrive and grow and expand with everything they are creating! What if a win-win-win with business is the new reality? Are you willing to be that possibility? Heather Nichols has been playing in the field of personal growth and transformation as a teacher, therapist, lover of bodies, and entrepreneur since she finished graduate school in 1997. She has owned multiple businesses, taught movement and somatic a

  • The Seduction of Possibilities ~ Guest ~ Melanie Clampit


    What if you could have way more ease, elegance, and fun creating more possibilities in your life?  What if expanding your life & living was more about the seduction of what you would like your life to be like rather than the force, hard work, and effort that so many of us think is required to have more?  What invitation can you be for more possibilities to show up as if by magic in your world?  Are you willing to have that much fun? Join Heather Nichols in an interview with Melanie Clampit, Access Consciousness Facilitator and Seduction Coach on what is truly possible when you are willing to play with energy, perceive possibilities, and be the irresistible, seductive invitation for so much more to show up in your world. #heathernichols

  • Having it All ~ Guest ~ Megan Hill


    Is this the year for you to create more in your life than ever before?  What if you could actually have everything you would like to have as your life?  Do you see that as a possibility?  Join Heather Nichols and Megan Hill for this conversation of what is truly possible when you are willing to choose your way into new possibilities and new realities in your life & living. Megan Hill is an Access Consciousness certified facilitator, member of the Access Consciousness staff, a media consultant, and a brilliant leader in the world for a different reality.  Megan lives in Louisville, Colorado, and has created a thriving life, family, marriage, and career doing what she loves, and creating more joy and possibilities all over the world! #heathernichols

  • Are You Killing Yourself with Food? Part 2 ~ Guest ~ Sadie Lake


    Wow! The first round of this conversation was SO Amazing, we are going to explore some more! Heather welcomes Sadie back to play with more possibilities with food and with what our bodies can let us know about what they require to be thriving.  What would it be like to have ease with tapping into what your body prefers? And ease with choosing foods and energies that truly nurture your body?  Would you be willing to have that with your body?  Join us for more conversation, powerful insights and Access Consciousness clearings, and let's see what else we can change with our relationship to food! Sadie Lake is a Certified Facilitator of Access Consciousness® a dynamic catalyst for change. The only thing she loves to do more than dance is facilitate herself and others to MORE… more awareness, question, choice, and possibilities. What do YOU know about that? #heathernichols

  • Being the Choosing One ~ with Heather Nichols


    What if you could be the one who chooses everything that shows up in your life?  When you really allow the elegance of creation to show up in your world, so much of it is about acknowledging that *you* actually have total choice over what your life looks like in every moment.  Are you waiting around for the universe to take care of things for you?  Or are you waiting for others to choose you — in business, relationships, etc?  What if you could actually choose to be the choosing one, rather than waiting for others to make you the chosen one? When you are the choosing one in business or in relationships, you choose what works for you.  You choose who you would like to play with and what gets created.  When you are the chosen one, you make yourself subject to the points of view and choices of others—as if you are at the mercy of what they will or won’t choose in regards to you.  When you are willing to be the choosing one in your life, you become an energy that is unstoppable and irresistible—you empower yourse

  • Are You Killing Your Body with Food? Guest ~ Sadie Lake


    Food is a very interesting subject in this world, and certainly one that has many, many points of view attached to it. Add the holidays to an already complicated area of life for some, and your body may not be very happy with you! What is possible with and beyond food?  What if the points of view you have about food determine the impact it has on your body way more than what is actually in it?  And what does your body know about food and how you can use food to exponentialize your body's energy, rather than destroy, numb, dull, and suppress it? Join Sadie Lake and Heather Nichols as they share insights, awareness, powerful Access Consciousness clearings, and new possibilities with you that will allow you to have a joyful, easeful time with your body over the holidays and step into the new year feeling fantastic rather than weighed down. Sadie Lake is a Certified Facilitator of Access Consciousness® a dynamic catalyst for change. The only thing she loves to do more than dance is facilitate herself and others t

  • Intimacy and Creation with Heather Nichols


    The Access Consciousness 5 elements of intimacy are one of the greatest sources of change, creation, and possibility that we can include in the creation of our lives. They are: allowance, gratitude, vulnerability, honor, and trust. When you can have and be these energies with yourself, you can create anything! And when you can have them with yourself, you can have them with everything and everybody. In this show Heather will share some potent questions, tools, and stories for how these powerful elements of intimacy—and being—can be used as the powerhouse energies of creation that allow you to truly be the magic of you, and create, have, & receive all that you desire and beyond. What if the willingness to never judge you, and to be vulnerable as you, are huge invitations to a completely different possibility with creation? And what if gratitude was one of the most generative energies on the planet? And with these elements of intimacy, there’s so…much...more…!!! #heathernichols

  • What Does the Planet Have to Do with Your Business? Guest – Rebecca Hulse


    Join Benevolent Capitalists Heather Nichols and Rebecca Hulse for a cutting edge conversation about business on planet earth in the 21st century.  What if your business could be a contribution to the planet?  And what if the planet could contribute to your business?  How can we express stewardship of the earth with our business activities and create thriving, profitable, sustainable businesses as well?  And what if this is what is required in order to have a planet that will not only survive, but thrive?   Heather and Rebecca are both Benevolent Capitalism Alumnae, Joy of Business facilitators, and leaders in the creation of business as way to generate and create more possibility on and for the planet.   Rebecca Hulse is a go-getting, risk-taking millenial. She is also a best selling author, creator of magnitude, International Speaker, and  Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator. Rebecca loves shaking up the supposed hard-set realities and paradigms kept in place over lifetimes. She sees a different reali

  • Bodies and Beyond! Guest Jeni Be


    Where has traditional treatment failed you & your body? Where have learned about any pain or disease you have encountered,  Has it been from professionals? The Internet? Or another source? What is it you actually perceive  about that pain? What have you been told about pain, disease etc , that is NOT true? What if you have all the power within you to stop and change disease? Would you like to know more? Come adventure with Heather Nichols and her guest Jeni Be as they discuss bodies & beyond- when everything is the opposite if what it appears to be! Jeni Be is an access consciousness® Certified Facilitator , Talk to the Entities® Facilitator, and a Psychotherapist who has been working with clients for over 22 years. Specialising in Clinical depression, anxiety , OCD , grief, bulimia /anorexia and long term illness as well as energetically exploring relaxation, bodies, self esteem and energy work, Jeni  facilitates a space of depth and ease for clients to explore and choose more. www.Jenibarber.accessconscious

  • A Different Possibility with Family; Guests ~ Julie and Christy Perkins


    Family can be a not-so-fun area of life for so many people, and for so many reasons, and with the holidays that is often amplified!  You may be spending more time with family you’d prefer not to be with, or missing family, wishing you had a family, or just wondering what it would take to have ease in this area.  What if this reality’s version of ‘family’ is inherently not easeful for people because of all the expectations and projections that come along with it?  What if there was a totally different possibility with family that includes allowance, honoring, gratitude, vulnerability, and trust?  What if you could have no judgment of your family even if they judge you? Would you be willing to have a different possibility with family regardless of whether your family chooses it or not? Join Heather as she interviews Julie Perkins and her 14 year old daughter, Christy Perkins on the difference they have created with and in their family. Christy Perkins is an Artist, Creative Writer, Musician and Singer/Songwrite

  • Ease with Money; Guest ~ Blossom Benedict


    What if money could be a contribution to your life rather than an area of stress?  Do you feel as if you are a slave to money, always trying to find it, get it, and never having enough of it?  What if there is a reality with money where you can actually choose it, be it, and create it with ease?  What if money was more available to you than you’ve been willing to know?  If that seems inconceivable to you, join Heather Nichols and Blossom Benedict for a dynamic conversation around money, ease, and possibilities. Blossom Benedict is an international speaker and transformational coach who has touched thousands of lives with the dynamic tools of Access Consciousness®. She spreads the message that anything you desire can be changed – and that it can actually be done with ease, joy, lightness, and – heaven forbid – even a little humor. A radio show host, empowering facilitator, and an accomplished actress – Blossom uses a unique combination of skills to get people out of their stories and into creating their life!

  • The Path of Unlimited Adventures; Guest – Betsy McLoughlin


    Is there an area in your life that you desire something different?  Something more to show up?  What if it was easier than you imagined?  Join Heather and her guest Betsy McLoughlin as they discuss different paths you can choose. Betsy McLoughlin is a best selling author in  the newly released book “I’m Having It”. She is also the author of several upcoming books.  Betsy is an Access Consciousness® Certified Facilitator and change agent of magnitude.  She believes in the possibilities of creating the life you desire to live and works with her clients to release self-limiting beliefs.  Betsy has seen amazing transformations in their lives and is honored to witness their changes.Betsy is also a co-host of the Radio Show “Imperfect Brilliance” on where she and her co-host Sadie Lake explore embracing your supposed imperfections to create beyond.

  • The Elegance of Sales and Marketing Part 2; Guest Christopher Hughes


    Heather and Christopher are getting together for more conversation about a different perspective on sales and marketing. Christopher brought so many fabulous questions, introducing us to totally different possibilities with the elegance of sales and marketing, and how they can actually be a contribution to your life and living, far beyond your business. Could that be fun for you? Christopher Hughes is the managing director and curator for The Antique Guild, a bastion of luxury in Brisbane, Australia. The Antique Guild ( curates a remarkable collection of exceptional jewelry, furniture, silver, art, and much more. The vision of The Antique Guild is to invite people to a lifestyle of decadence, luxury, and elegance.

  • Energetic Regeneration of the Mouth ~ Guest, Dr. Tom Kolso


    What if you could re-grow teeth as needed? Banish plaque and tooth decay? Restore receding gums and bone? In Happy Mouth, everything in the mouth is looked at from a totally and completely energetic point of view. This is definitely different dentistry! Life time after lifetime, the mouth has an intimate relationship with survival - you communicate with your mouth, you take nourishment with the mouth, have sex with the mouth, and breathe with the mouth - so there's a whole lot of energy that can be 'stuck' or impacted here. Tom Kolso has been a dentist for 20 years. For the 17 of those years, he's been using Access Consciousness energetic tools in his practice, and has developed the Happy Mouth system. He always thought that something else ought to be possible with dentistry! Dr Tom’s website is

  • Perfectionism is the Killer of Creation; Guest – Kathy Williams


    How many projects are you waiting to start?  How many relationships are you not choosing?  How many adventures are you not letting yourself have?  Are you working really hard to get it all perfect before you even let yourself play with the energy or the possibilities of what it could be? Join Heather and Kathy as they dive into what perfectionism actually creates... or doesn't create.. whichever the case may be.  What else is possible beyond getting it perfect? Kathy Williams is a Best Selling Author and a Certified Access Consciousness Facilitator, Transformational Coach, Speaker, and Yoga Therapist. For over 15 years Kathy has been sharing tools and techniques to empower people to move beyond physical & emotional pain and into lives of joyous possibility.  From new businesses & careers, to raises, from meeting a partner to creating a life, Kathy is a master at helping people get what they want. Reach her at

  • Creating with Elegance; Guest ~ Kass Thomas


    Heather and Kass are bringing you a taste of their upcoming class this week ~ Elegance in Creation: Living with Symphonic Ease. Inspired by Gary Douglas, who says that elegance is minimum effort with maximum result, and Dr. Dain Heer, who talks about the Symphony of Possibilities that is available when you are Being You, this class will be an exploration of what else is possible beyond hard work, effort, and limited choice. What if the Universe stands ready to respond to your every desire and is simply waiting for you to ask, with the willingness to Be? And what if you are totally capable of creating in a way you have never acknowledged? Does creating your life with ease sound like something you might enjoy? This is your invitation to play with that.

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