Patience & Hustle Daily



Patience and Hustle Daily is designed to share daily tips, and motivation for those starting out with their side hustle, and to those full time entrepreneurs.


  • Patience & Hustle Daily - Going Into The Work Week

    23/04/2018 Duração: 01min

    Going into the work week can be stressful. Don’t let it be. Embrace it. It’s an opportunity to make a difference, and move closer toward your goals.   Yes, it will be full of useless paperwork, meetings going longer than they should, technical problems, incomplete assignments, and just the general fires that must be put out on a daily basis. But you know what? It’s going to be okay.     This is your week. This is your career. This is your life. This is your opportunity.   Here are three quick things to focus on this week:   1: Making a difference. Focus on making a difference, not just in your life, but those around you. 2: Learn something new. Seek out knowledge in your endeavor. A little more knowledge never hurt anyone, in fact it does quite the opposite. 3: Getting things done. Just that. Get stuff done. Don’t waste time sitting around the coffee maker, or sitting in the break room. Stay focused on the work at hand, and get stuff done.   --- Support this podcast:

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - Believe In What You're Selling

    22/04/2018 Duração: 01min

    Believe In What You're Selling I don’t do design, and content creation work for everyone. I have to believe in your product, and your message before I will agree to work with you. When I started studying graphic design back in 2007, I made a decision I was never going to use design and marketing to promote products that I didn’t believe in. I saw the power behind design, the influence it can have, and the outcome it could cause.  Think about how many lives tobacco companies have affected, or even war propaganda.  Marketing, and design, is a powerful tool.  Now, not taking every prospect out there is the opposite of what some would tell you. Some may tell you to take every opportunity to start making some money and building a power base. I may lose in the short term by taking the opposite approach, but it’s a choice I have made. I will not lower my morals, or standards, for a quick buck. I challenge you to do the same.  Never sell a product you don’t believe in. If you do not believe it is of the highest quali

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - Create Content Daily

    21/04/2018 Duração: 03min

    How to create content daily. Figure out your mission. That’ll take so leg work if you don’t know it already. What’s the thing you stand for? What problem are you’re going to solve? I teach people to create content daily.  Why? You need more exposure to get more customers. More customers mean more money. More money and financial discipline, means you become financially confident  I teach you the 5:1 method of content creation, so you can get more exposure, and more customers, and more money.    5:1 method: Long form video. Video audio converted to podcast. Long form video condensed to 1 minute video so social sites. Audio from video, transcribed to a blog. Quotes in the blog designed into quote posts for social media.   You will find though, a fair warning, it is time consuming. You can do it all your own. My question to you though, is how much is your time worth? You can’t make more time, but you can buy time. That’s where I come in. People pay me to help them create the content, because by me giving you ti

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - Bulletproof Mindset: Learning

    20/04/2018 Duração: 03min

    What does learning do for you? Jason Howland explains how learning, can actually change the chemical makeup in your brain, to promote happiness! Listen to learn more! Twitter: Instagram: --- Support this podcast:

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - Give Something Away

    19/04/2018 Duração: 02min

    Here’s a fun way to create content... Give something away. What you give away is up to you. It could be knowledge, tip, tricks, something tangible, something digital, a service, recognition. It’s up to you. Creating content around giving something away, can help spark up engagement. Especially when you ask a question. Not just any boring question, get creative with it. I brought some traffic to my brand by doing something silly. I videoed myself hold a Patience & Hustle coffee mug, and asked people to guess what was in the mug, and the first person to guess right would win their very own mug. The point of doing that was not so much to raise awareness that I have these awesome coffee mugs for sell, but really just awareness to my brand. I show people how to create content, and the only way to show these skills is to …well…create content. What am I giving you today? This fun way to build brand awareness. Give something away. Give your product or service to away. Find a fun and creative way to do it, that ge

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - Guest: Stacy A. Cross - Get up, Get out, Get it done

    18/04/2018 Duração: 03min

    On this week's episode of #DontGetWeekWednesday, Stacy A. Cross reads an excerpt from her new book "Your Journey To Success: How To Change Your Life Using Tools You Already have."   Get the book: on Amazon: Email: Twitter: Instagram: Web:   --- Support this podcast:

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - Just Be Human

    17/04/2018 Duração: 01min

    Just be human   When a coworker comes into your office upset about a life situation, or a client calls you frustrated about something that happened, just be human. Actively listen. Empathize. Look for ways to either directly solve it, or move them towards a solution. When you make the effort to really make that connection with people, you can really give value, and gain trust. I have experienced positive results from taking time to really just be a human to people, and not a “sales person, or supervisor.”  Like Jason Howland said on a Fridays episode, “Don’t show interest, BE interested.” Actually BE interested in what it is your customer or employee is upset about, or excited about, or is intrigued about. You need to invest that interest into them. Without them, you don’t have a scalable business. So, just be human. Show empathy, interest, intrigue. Those people matter to you, and your business matters.   --- Support this podcast:

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - Rethink Your Content

    16/04/2018 Duração: 02min

    Rethink Your Content I see so many videos, and ads, a lot of people trying to sell their stuff, and position themselves as experts. I know all they’re doing is trying to sell me. I’m turned off by that and I just keep swiping. I did an experiment Saturday, where I made a video of me drinking from my signature Patience & Hustle mug, and proposed a giveaway. The first person to correctly guess what I was drinking, would win their own Patience & Hustle coffee cup. This video, as of recording this podcast, had 117 views, 55 likes, 41 comments, 8 profile visits and 1 click on link in my bio. It reached 275 accounts, left 370 impressions, and gained about 9 followers. Now, RULE #1 of creating content… DO NOT get too hung up on Insight analytics. “But Lance, you just read all that stuff off. You hypocrite!” Stay with me, there is a reason I did that. I know you are staring at the analytics on your social, and yes they do hold some value, but honestly the likes, the impressions, the shares, all of that, it do

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - Support Your Circle

    15/04/2018 Duração: 02min

    I just got my copy of Stacy A. Cross’s book “The Comfort Killers – Your journey to success: How to change your life using tools you already have.” It’s about 91 pages of pure value. I cannot wait to really deep dive into this thing, but the book is not necessarily what I want to talk about today. What I want to talk to you about, is the importance of supporting those in your circle. The people in your circle should be supporting one another. Sharing content, engaging, collaborating, pushing one another, encouraging. There should be a trust built up, to where each person can call each other out on their BS when needed. If you don’t have that, find it! Seek out people who are on the same mindset, reach out to them, and start conversation. Find ways to bring value. So support those in your circle, every day!!   Get the Book: --- Support this podcast:

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - Using vs Being Used By Social

    14/04/2018 Duração: 02min

    Are you using social media, or is social media using you?   I will be honest. I get on a social site like Facebook or Instagram, and can sometimes find myself lost in consuming content. It is so easy to access tons of content, but you have to ask yourself “am I using social media, or is social media using me?”   There are 3 types of people on social. Those that just want ot consume, those that just want to create, and those that want to create and consume.   You need to be in the “create & consume” category with your business. When you consume content though, don’t get lost in all the garbage. Consume to learn new things, to better understand your target market, to study trends, to find out what your followers are posting about so you can engage in conversation with them.   This will then help you also create. You can start to discover voids, maybe common issues they’re having, they may be seeking information. You can use that data to create content to then bring value. It shows that you are interested in

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - Don't Show Interest, Be Interested; Guest: Jason Howland

    13/04/2018 Duração: 02min

    "Don't show interest in your customer, BE interested in your customer" - Jason Howland Twitter: Instagram: --- Support this podcast:

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - Networking

    12/04/2018 Duração: 02min

    When you are trying to move up in life, work, business, anything… you have to start networking with new people. Not just for connections though.   As you are moving up, you have to make sure you surround yourself with people who challenge you, can mentor you because they have been where you are. They may have tools, resources, or skills that you don’t have but need, and you may have tools, resources, or skills that they don’t have but need.   These people you network with should be on a level equal to and higher than yourself, to learn from them, or consider advice.   Simply put, as you move up…your circle should move up too. --- Support this podcast:

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - Starting Your Business

    11/04/2018 Duração: 03min

    You want to start your own business? You need to first listen to Stacy's podcast on some tips to doing so. She recently jumped off the 9-5, and into the world of entrepreneurship full time. She shares some incredible tips to help you make the transition.   Twitter: Instagram: Web: Podcast Episode: --- Support this podcast:

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - Fourth Step: Success

    10/04/2018 Duração: 01min

    Have you defined what success means to you? If not, you need to.   Ask yourself, what kind of lifestyle do I want to live? How much money will it take to live that lifestyle? What kind of legacy do I want to leave behind?   This is all foundational to Success, and this is also the 4th part of the fundamental elements to build the foundation of success. Here are my mindset actions: I have defined what success means to mean, and I work towards it every day.   I know that it is my duty, obligation, and responsibility to become successful. Success gives me freedom, and options.   I know that having money is not what makes me successful, money is a tool that helps me achieve the success that I want. I redefine success, as soon as I reach it. When I reach a goal, I set new, and higher ones.   I never settle for mediocre. I know that I could do more, therefore I do more. --- Support this podcast:

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - Third Step: Give Back

    09/04/2018 Duração: 01min

    This is the third installment of a series I have been doing on fundamental elements that I have used, to build the foundation of success. The first piece of the foundation is mindset, the second piece is Self-Improvement.   A key part of success is not just getting the things that you want, but also giving back.   I teach others what I am learning, because I want others to be successful.   I give without the expectation of getting anything in return. I genuinely enjoy giving value to others.   I will never be satisfied with the amount of giving I have done. I will seek out new ways to give more.   I will give only the highest quality information that I can provide. I give what I know, that has been proven effective through my personal success.   I never give advice, or direction, on anything that I do not do personally. I will set the example for those around me.   Repeat back those 5 things to yourself each day, focus on giving, and always look for ways to give more value. --- Support this podcast: https:

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - What is the 5:1 Method?

    08/04/2018 Duração: 58s

    Well, it's a method of content creation that takes out all of the excuses that you have of creating content. So let's dive in. Step 1: You got an idea? Write it down. Step 2: Make a video You want to state your opinion and you want to give actionable motivation. Step 3: Blog You want to transcribe your video into a blog. Step 4: One minute video make your video into a one minute video for social media Step 5: Quote Post Create a quote post based off of pieces of your content. Step 6: Podcast Turn the video audio into a podcast.   So there you have it. It's really simple. Six steps, and you can create content, so you now have no excuses. So all you got to do is press record.     --- Support this podcast:

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - How bad do you want to succeed?

    07/04/2018 Duração: 01min

    How bad do you want to succeed? How badly do you want that lifestyle you have been dreaming of? More importantly, what are you going to do to get that lifestyle? --- Support this podcast:

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - You Need More Money

    05/04/2018 Duração: 03min

    YOU NEED MORE MONEY Social Security will not save you. 401k will not save you. A pension, or anything else, will not save you. It's time to get your money right. Start today. Pickup Matt Manero's book today for help on how to get started, and why You Need More Money.   This was a tough podcast to get through. This subject really hits me when I talk about it. I'm sorry it's not as smooth, and clean sounding as other podcast episodes   Matt Manero "You Need More Money" Twitter:     --- Support this podcast:

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - Trust the process, Guest: Stacy A. Cross

    04/04/2018 Duração: 03min

    #DontGetWeakWednesday TRUST THE PROCESS I would have I could have I should have You need to trust the process! The world needs someone like YOU to solve it's problems. Be that someone!   FREE 30 Day Online Coaching : Signed Copy The Comfort Killers Book: --- Support this podcast:

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - Sencond Step: Self-Improvement

    03/04/2018 Duração: 03min

    Read the First Step: Mindset HERE This is the 2nd part of this mini-series on some foundational elements for success. Today, it is about Self-Improvement. I will consume information that challenges me, and helps me grow. You have to invest your time, money, and energy, every single day to improve yourself. I take self-improvement seriously, and work on it every single day. Make time for this. The old excuses of “I don’t have time” are gone, and spent up. Make time. I see the investments in myself, as the greatest investments I can make. The investments in yourself, will always have the highest ROI (return on investment). Why? By improving yourself, your skills, your mindset, you start leveling up. Gaining access to new money, and new opportunities. I will never lose sight of my potential, and will see to it that It is constantly growing. As you’re improving, you have to push the ceiling up, and push the walls out. Always be pushing yourself further. That potential of yours will always, should always, be just

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