Patience & Hustle Daily



Patience and Hustle Daily is designed to share daily tips, and motivation for those starting out with their side hustle, and to those full time entrepreneurs.


  • Patience & Hustle Daily - What You Learned About Money

    15/05/2018 Duração: 03min

      There is a gap in the educational system, that doesn’t teach people how to handle money. They don’t teach how to make it. They don’t teach how to keep it. They for sure do not teach how to multiply it. #1 Sales is not a bad trade. We all have had bad experiences with sales people, or maybe with ourselves in sales. It’s because the salesperson didn’t know what they’re doing, so they had to use bad techniques which turned into a bad experience. #2 It’s ok to get your money right. It’s not greedy. You shame people who have wealth, while we sit here and struggle financially. Would you still shame a wealthy person if you suddenly found wealth? If you were no longer struggling with finances, and could help your family financially, would you still hate that people are wealthy? No. You wouldn’t. So stop hating and focus on your life, and getting your money right. #3 College education is becoming more and more inefficient. It’s not a guarantee you’ll get a job. I talk to so many people who have degrees, that no l

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - Taking Your Own Medicine

    14/05/2018 Duração: 01min

    I took the weekend to myself. I talk about taking time to reboot, recharge, and reset, but I hadn’t been practicing what I’m preaching. My body started feeling weak, muscles were tense from stress, I needed a recharge. Have you felt like that before? You have to take time out, to unwind. Not every weekend. Not the whole weekend. Just enough to reboot. After a weekend of not doing any work, watching some movies, spending some much needed time with friends I haven't seen in a while, I’m recharged. I hope you took time for yourself this weekend. The new week is about to begin. Are you ready? --- Support this podcast:

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - Find Your Style

    13/05/2018 Duração: 01min

    Find your style and run with it. You’re unique. You know what you like, so why hide it? Why not just be you? That’s the best version anyway. Trying or wanting to be like everyone else, never resulted in someone standing out. Do you remember that Apple commercial, where everyone was in an auditorium wearing all gray clothing, and watching this person on a big screen. Then this lady runs in with bright red shorts, and a bright white shirt, throws a sledge hammer smashing the screen? Inspired by George Orwell’s 1984. Challenging the status quo. Disrupting the norm. Be yourself. Find your style. --- Support this podcast:

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - #BulletProofFriday "Counterintuitive"

    11/05/2018 Duração: 02min

    Jason Howland's #BulletProofFriday is exclusively featured on Patience & Hustle Daily. In this episode Jason shares about counterintution. What does it mean to be "Counterintuitive?" Is that even a word? Jason explains... Twitter: Instagram: --- Support this podcast:

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - Cut Out, Then Add More

    10/05/2018 Duração: 02min

    Sometimes it’s better to cut things out, rather than trying to add more. There is a time for more, but that is not what this episode is about. This episode is about learning when to cut things out of your life that are not adding value. What to look for: If people in your life are adding drama, and stealing your time, it’s time to have that serious conversation with them that you cannot spend as much time with them, and sometimes not any time with them. Your time is precious, it’s limited, and you have no time for their drama anymore. What about how you spend down time? You may need to cut those time wasting video streaming programs out. I know for me, I would sit and binge on a show for hours every single day. I love movies, and tv shows, but what ends up happening is that I take moments for myself, and end up taking a few hours. Those services make binge watching very easy, and it can be very addicting. Cutting things out is a lot more challenging than adding more. The benefit though is far greater. Cutting

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - The Attitude of 'Stop Trying & Just Start Doing'

    09/05/2018 Duração: 03min

    The Attitude of 'Stop Trying & Just Start Doing'   Stacy A. Cross talks about setting goals bigger, better, higher, pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. Stop trying, and start doing.   Email: Twitter: Instagram: Web:   Grant Cardone: Twitter: Instagram: Web: --- Support this podcast:

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - Your Other Passions

    08/05/2018 Duração: 01min

    Taking time for your other passions is important. You may have a passion for what you’re doing on the daily, but you have other passions. Making time for them can spark creativity in your other passions. You may love videography, but also have a passion for drawing. Do so drawing each day. Let your brain reset for a short moment. It’ll disrupt your day if you’ve been focusing on a project all day long. That disruption is like getting up and walking away to get a fresh look, except now you’re causing your brain to get creative in a different way. Try that next time you find yourself stuck in a slump when working on something. Break away from it, get the creative juices flowing with other things, then come back to the project with rejuvenation. --- Support this podcast:

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - The Biggest Obstacle

    06/05/2018 Duração: 01min

    Hard lessons, but necessary lessons to learn Life isn't fair You’re not owed, or entitled to anything You have to be willing to do things you don't want to do Despite all the trouble of the economy, life, competition, you are your biggest obstacle You have to get over the mentality of “I don't like this,” “I can't do this,” “I'm no good,” or anything else negative. You have to have a “Can Do” attitude. The only reason you would hate something like singing, dancing, working out, reading, Sales, or anything else, is because there's something about it that you don't know. YOU are your biggest obstacle. No one else is keeping you from doing what you want in life. You cannot blame anyone else, and you cannot feel owed or entitled. --- Support this podcast:

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - How To Get Opportunities

    05/05/2018 Duração: 01min

    How do you get opportunities? By solving problems If you can first solve a problem, then teach others to solve that problem, you will land opportunities, and new doors will open.   It starts with your attitude, and mindset. This means No excuses. No whining. No complaining. No blaming others, or other things. Accepting responsibility for your outcomes. Having patience. Putting in the hard work that no one else is willing to do. There are no bad days. Does the hard work pay off immediately? No. The energy you put in, the work, is all an investment. You position yourself as the expert at something, by solving the problem consistently. In fact, you become so knowledgeable about how to solve the problem, that at some point others begin to seek out your advice. They reach out to you, rather than you trying to reach out to them to help solve that problem. So ask yourself problem do you solve?  Or, what problem do you want to solve?         --- Support this podcast:

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - Jason Howland talks about "Procrastination"

    04/05/2018 Duração: 02min

    Jason Howland shares #BulletProofFriday, and talks to us today about the cause of procrastination. Twitter: Instagram: --- Support this podcast:

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - Energy and Potential

    03/05/2018 Duração: 02min

    The misplacement of energy, and potential is what throws you into places that do not benefit you, and rob you of what you’re capable of. But how do you get out of it? You have to divert your energy elsewhere, because where energy flows, there your life and circumstances go.   First you have to make a decision. A decision to make a change. What’s something positive, beneficial, fulfilling, rewarding, what is that one thing you really want to do deep down inside of your being? This will require some soul searching, some self-awareness, and some testing. Once you start figuring out some ideas of what it is you want to do, you have to start doing, and adjusting.   Once you have that thing figured out, then your energy can fully be poured into it. There won’t be any “free time”, you’ll realize that time isn’t free. Time cost you money whether you doing something with it, or not. You could be building on this idea you have, being productive.  Or you could be binge watching tv which would be wasting your time. You’d

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - Stacy A. Cross & Grant Cardone on BOBA

    02/05/2018 Duração: 02min

    Stacy A. Cross from The Comfort Killers speaks with Grant Cardone on his book, Be Obsessed or Be Average. This is an incredible episode with the legend himself, Uncle G.   Full Podcast Episode: Email: Twitter: Instagram: Web:   Grant Cardone: Twitter: Instagram: Web: --- Support this podcast:

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - Sales Is Service

    01/05/2018 Duração: 02min

    Sales is about service. It’s not about slamming someone with products, trying to force them to buy. You have to find out what their problem is, so that you can then present them with a solution. If you’re talking with a prospect, who has never purchased from you before, probably doesn’t even know who you are, do you think laying on high pressure tactics is going to close a deal? No. It’s not. If I were to ask you if you enjoyed sales, you would probably tell me you hate sales. The truth is, sales is every conversation you have, and the commission is whatever outcome you’re looking for. If every conversation were high pressure, intense, it’s all about your way and no one’s else’s way, you would not be having very many conversations. People would avoid you. If you can bring value by giving, and giving, and giving, when it comes time to ask you’ve got a lot better chance than you would have ever before. Get creative. What products, or services do you have that could build value today, to help you land a sale to

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - Monday Marketing Tip

    30/04/2018 Duração: 02min

      Would you rather have 10,000 followers, with and average 2-3 comments per post, that are probably just spam, or would you rather have 2,000 followers, with 5-10 average comments from people who add value, and regularly engage? Honestly, we would all rather have both. The follower count and engagement.   We want people to follow our brands, be engaging, and maybe even purchase our products or services. More often than not, we get hung up on the numbers. You constantly look the follower count every day, hoping it goes up, like that solves any problems. If you have 8,000 followers who don’t engage, probably are not real, don’t comment, and don’t purchase, then are they even really truly followers?   What can you do? 1: Be more engaged with your audience first. Don’t expect other people to be engaged if you’re not 2: Stop worrying about the numbers. The follower count doesn’t mean anything If they’re not truly following, engaging, and if you’re really good enough, buying.   So, for your Monday Marketing tip, Be

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - Just Do

    29/04/2018 Duração: 01min

    If you have an idea, or something you’re wanting to do. Just do it.   I want to make this message as clear as possible for you. Stop overthinking this thing you want to do or try, and just do it.   You have nothing to lose. If you try, and fail, you simply are right where you started. You’ve lost nothing.   This is the how you get this idea out there, and start doing. Press Record on your phone. Record a short video of you doing this thing, this idea. Documenting.   If you’re good, the market will tell you. If you’re bad, forget what people think. If you really want to do this thing, you will keep doing it over and over, failing and failing, learning and learning, doing and doing.   That’s it. Short and sweet. Just do.   --- Support this podcast:

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - Push Through

    28/04/2018 Duração: 01min

    Even when you do not feel like it, still do it. You may not feel like writing that blog. You may not feel like making that podcast. You may not feel like calling that client. Do it anyway. You will feel so much better finishing that task for the day. Don’t put it off for tomorrow, when you know you need to do it today. To be honest, I didn’t want to do a flash briefing. It’s Friday night, I had a long day at work, then a long evening working on some editing projects. I’m tired. Plus, it is difficult to come up with content every single day. By pushing through though, I’m able to finish the last task of my night. By pushing through those mental barriers that tell you to just quit, to cut it short, to stop while you’re ahead, to take it easy, to not take that last phone call, to not help that last client, to not create that last piece of content for the night, by pushing through you push out that weakness. You push through that average thinking, because you know you that you can’t stand out if you’re just stand

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - Bulletproof Mindset: Be Yourself

    27/04/2018 Duração: 03min

    No one likes getting a sales call at 5pm, while you're eating dinner with your family. What if you could change the way you make the call, so that the receiver would be more willing to listen? Jason Howland shares some tips with us today on how to achieve this. Twitter: Instagram: --- Support this podcast:

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - Thriving Under Pressure

    26/04/2018 Duração: 01min

    It’s take a certain personality type to stay calm under pressure, and chaos. Like when the building is burning down, you’re the person who is calm and directing people where to go. You thrive in those high pressure situations. The more chaotic the better.   It’s a unique feeling one has, when things start going crazy around you, but you remain calm. It’s like you’re in this happy spot where you’re functioning at 110%. You’re in your element. When things go down everyone else starts looking for that person to guide them with what to do, and where to go.   Being this kind of person takes a lot of responsibility though. You, being the one the others look toward for direction, have to be willing to take on responsibility for anything that may go wrong per your direction. Not many are willing to accept that responsibility.   I don’t know if this type of personality is something that is genetic, or something that can be learned or even taught, but I do know that those who possess it, should embrace it. --- Suppo

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - Self Control & Discipline, Guest: Stacy A. Cross

    25/04/2018 Duração: 03min

    From the 9-5, to full time entrepreneurship, Stacy A. Cross of the Comfort Killers talks about why you need self control and discipline. You have to respect, and honor your time to get things done. When you no longer have that comfortable paycheck rolling into your bank account every two weeks, you have to stay focused on your time, and working your revenue streams.    Get the book: on Amazon: Email: Twitter: Instagram: Web: --- Support this podcast:

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - Between The Idea & The End Result

    24/04/2018 Duração: 02min

    Take action on your ideas! With GUSTO!!!  Which is “enjoyment or vigor in doing something. Style of artistic execution” Write down that idea, and get in the habit of taking action. But how? By doing. Sounds easy enough, and it is! This is a like a muscle, you have to work it, on a regular basis, in order to build its strength, or to tone and define it. Here’s an example: I had this idea to put my podcast logo on a coffee mug, and on the other side the customer could customize it to have their name, favorite hashtag, quote, or whatever on the other.  Do I know how to make this really work? No. But, I took action, and will figure it out as I go. It’s a cool idea, and I acted on it. If it works out, awesome. If not, awesome. I took action on an idea, a cool idea at that. I lose nothing, but could gain a lot. Think about all of those ideas you once had. Maybe you had this idea where instead of people calling a taxi cab, they can call you for a ride instead. So instead of getting a taxi that had cigarette burns in

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