Da Guerra - Carl Von Clausewitz

Carl von Clausewitz (1780-1831) foi um general prussiano que teve como um de seus principais legados a obra clássica: "Da guerra" que ainda hoje é uma referência obrigatória...

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De La Guerra

Carl von Clausewitz (1780-1831) fue un general prusiano, uno de los más influyentes historiadores y teóricos de la ciencia militar moderna y que tuvo como uno de sus principales...

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On War

‘On War’ by the Prussian general Carl von Clausewitz (1780–1831) is a classic of war and military strategy published in 1832. Some of the key concepts discussed in the book...

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On War - Carl Von Clausewitz

Carl von Clausewitz (1780-1831) was a Prussian general author of the classic: "Vom Kriege" - On War, still a mandatory work on wars and military strategies today. In addition to...

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De La Stratégie En Général

Mort en 1831 après avoir succombé au choléra, le Général Carl von Clausewitz laissa derrière lui une oeuvre monumentale, non...

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Les Arts De La Guerre (premium Ebook)

**** Cet ebook possède une mise en page optimisée pour la lecture numérique ****Cette édition spéciale propose trois traités...

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On War

Vom Kriege is a book on war and military strategy by Prussian general Carl von Clausewitz (1780–1831), written mostly after the Napoleonic wars, between 1816 and 1830,...

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