Fique Comigo - Um Conto Erótico

Ela não acreditava em amor à primeira vista até encontrar com Martin. Em pouco tempo, Martin conhecia o corpo, os sentimentos e os desejos de Anna melhor do que ela mesma. Mas...

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Stay With Me - Erotic Short Story

Anna had never believed in love at first sight until she met Martin. In no time, Martin has gotten to know Anna’s body, feelings and desires even better than she does herself....

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Bleib Bei Mir: Erotische Novelle (ungekürzt)

Auf einer Party von gemeinsamen Freunden lernt Anna Martin kennen. Martin ist witzig, aufmerksam und wahnsinnig sexy. Die beiden durchleben für einige Monate ein aufregendes,...

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Stay With Me - Erotic Short Story

Anna had never believed in love at first sight until she met Martin. In no time, Martin has gotten to know Anna’s body, feelings and desires even better than she does herself....

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Quédate Conmigo - Relato Erótico

Anna nunca había creído en el amor a primera vista, hasta que conoció a Martin. En poco tiempo, Martin logra conocer a Anna, su cuerpo, sus sentimientos y sus deseos, incluso...

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