Jacques Rancière E A Revolução Silenciosa Da Literatura

Partindo do estatuto da literatura e da escrita na obra de Jacques Rancière, este livro discorre sobre a "revolução silenciosa", expressão cunhada pelo filósofo para...

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Diálogos E Dissidências: M. Foucault E J. Rancière

A partir de leituras comentadas de textos de Michel Foucault e Jacques Rancière, o livro Diálogos e Dissidências: M. Foucault e J. Rancière coloca em debate as tensões e...

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Prima di iniziare a raccontare desidero di mio proposito rivolgermi a te, anche se non ti conosco. In questo preciso momento hai aperto il mio libro e ti stai apprestando a...

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Reading Rainbros

Monthly pod covering the Amazon best-seller book list.

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Ranger Danger: A Power Rangers Podcast

Were on a mission to see, summarise and size-up all 800+ episodes of Power Rangers. Its a crazy goal, but its a crazy show and were crazy people. If you are too, subscribe to...

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A Texas Ranger

How a member of the most dauntless border police force upheld the law, saved the life of an innocent man after a series of thrilling adventures, followed a fugitive to Wyoming,...

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Record Ranters

Candid discussions regarding music of every genre ranging from Rock and it's bazillion subcategories, the Funkiest of Funk, Classical and Opera, Hip Hop, and beyond!

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Inglorious Ranters

We discuss todays trending topic and stories and give our unique take on them, regardless of what is the popular opinion or whats politically correct. Hosted by Freddie Nero and...

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Ramiro Sonsaint

Podcast by Ramiro Sonsaint

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Rangers Rumblings

One-man podcast bringing you discussion and analysis on the Texas Rangers and Major League Baseball in short, digestible episodes. Bring your thoughts to me on Twitter!

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