Winter: A Dirge by BURNS, Robert

LibriVox volunteers bring you 20 different recordings of Winter: A Dirge by Robert Burns. This was the weekly poetry project for the week of January 13th, 2008.

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Robert Burns 250th Anniversary by VARIOUS

Robert Burns, the national bard (poet) of Scotland was born on the 25th January, 1759. Scotland and all Burns fans the world over, including Librivox, were celebrating the 250th...

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Robert Lepage: Conversas Sobre Arte E Método

Editado por ocasião da exposição homônima, o livro foi elaborado em diálogo com a mostra, de modo que sua linguagem gráfica traduz a dimensão das obras fílmicas e sua...

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Ensaios De Robert Musil, 1900-1919

Celebrado por O Homem Sem Qualidades, uma das mais marcantes e importantes criações literárias do século XX, Robert Musil tem produções igualmente notáveis, mas pouco...

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As Decisões Contrárias Às Leis Na Teoria Robert Alexy

Em tempos de instabilidades institucionais e de incertezas jurídicas, que perpassam pelas decisões judiciais, que às vezes despertam na população sentimentos de injustiça,...

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A Teoria Compreensiva De Robert Alexy: A Proposta Do Trialismo

Este trabalho consiste na apresentação, de forma panorâmica, da obra de Robert Alexy, enfocando como o autor articula a moral ao Direito e como elaborou um dos mais...

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Dechon Burns

The True ins and outs of football, ranging from Recruitment to being drafted and all in between. We will discuss technique, skill set, camps, the P

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Completely Burns

In celebration of the 250th anniversary of Robert Burns - over 300 poems have been recorded by actors from all generations. Visit for more from Robert Burns.

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Burns & Gambo

Burns and Gambo bring hard hitting opinions and the latest information on the Valley sports teams every afternoon. When news breaks, they are reacting to it and telling you what...

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Burns & Gambo

Burns and Gambo bring hard hitting opinions and the latest information on the Valley sports teams every afternoon. When news breaks, they are reacting to it and telling you what...

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