Short Story Machine

We've found this strange looking machine. Through experimentation we have found that if you insert a short story into it, it begins to play an audio version

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Short Story Thursdays

A brief an engaging introduction which leads seamlessly into a reading of a classic short story. Get a short story a week into your life.

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One Short Story

One Short Story Podcast

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Press start: gamificação como nova ferramenta de marketing

Você conhece alguém obcecado com jogos de celular como o Candy Crush? Já sentiu um frisson depois de completar uma tarefa e, talvez, uma grande alegria quando marcou uma...

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Press start: gamificação como nova ferramenta de marketing

Você conhece alguém obcecado com jogos de celular como o Candy Crush? Já sentiu um frisson depois de completar uma tarefa e, talvez, uma grande alegria quando marcou uma...

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Toy Story 3

Enquanto Andy se prepara para ir à faculdade, Woody, Buzz e os outros brinquedos imaginam como será o futuro sem ele. Poderá a Creche Sunnyside ser o novo lar que eles tanto...

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Milf - Erotic Short Story

" ‘... I want sex and no obligations.’They are silent. Had she said to much? She had just let all of those thoughts inside her head break out and run wild. Just like that. She...

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Milf - Erotic Short Story

" ‘... I want sex and no obligations.’They are silent. Had she said to much? She had just let all of those thoughts inside her head break out and run wild. Just like that. She...

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Patience - Erotic Short Story

"I‘m going to let you fuck me now, Max. Be gentle, be slow, make it last"Max Campbell is used to having things his way. Eddie Patterson is used to giving it to him. Lovers and...

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Valentine - Erotic Short Story

Viktoria and Valentine don’t know each other – not really. They are both secretly in love with each other. But none of them have the courage to tell the other. Their desire...

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