Jogos De Empresas: Uma Nova Perspectiva De Aproveitamento E Uso No Ensino E Pesquisa

Promover aulas interessantes sobre gestão de empresas e negócios, propiciar ao aluno oportunidades de atuar de forma ativa e participativa, aprender a organizar um processo...

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Entre Botânicas Decoloniais – As Frutas Silvestres De Henry David Thoreau E Frutas Brasileiras

Entre botânicas decoloniais: as frutas silvestres de Henry David Thoreau e frutas brasileiras reúne três traduções inéditas de textos botânicos de Thoreau, um...

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Contos de Fadas - Irmãos Grimm

Retirada da ampla coletânea de contos doslendários folcloristas alemães Wilhem eJacob Grimm, esta seleção reúne narrativasclássicas e atemporais como A BelaAdormecida,...

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Contos dos Irmãos Grimm

Adaptação de Contos escolhidos dos irmãos Grimm Alva Neve e Rosa Rubra, A Bela Adormecida, A Gata Borralheira, A Rainha das Abelhas, A Raposa e o Gato, A Serpente Branca,...

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Gibt Es Keinen Tod?: Hat Hans-wilhelm Müller-wohlfahrt Recht?

Der bekannte Sportmediziner Hans-Wilhelm Müller-Wohlfahrt hat in einem Interview behauptet, dass es keinen Tod gibt und die Seele nach dem Sterben weiterlebt.Was ist von...

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Snowdrop and Other Tales by GRIMM, Wilhelm and GRIMM, Jacob

Many of these tales were published in English in 1909, the Brothers Grimm tales in this book were published separately in 1920 with illustrations by Arthur Rackham (1867-1939)....

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Introduction To The Philosophy Of History By Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

The introduction to Hegel’s lectures on the philosophy of world history is often used to introduce students to Hegel’s philosophy, in part because Hegel’s sometimes...

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Personal Collection of Short Tales compiled by Carmie by GRIMM, Jacob & Wilhelm

This is a selection of the fairy tales (in English) written by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Karl Grimm in the early 19th Century. These stories are fantastical and although...

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Komische Lyrik von Busch und Morgenstern by MORGENSTERN, Christian and BUSCH, Wilhelm

Dies ist eine Auswahl von deutschen Gedichten komischer Lyrik von Wilhelm Busch und Christian Morgenstern. This is a selection of German comical and nonsense poems....

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Kalif Storch / Der Kleine Muck (ungekürzt)

Ein märchenhafter Hörspaß! In der lebhaften Hörbuch-Lesung von Irene Marhold enthüllt sich der Zauber des Morgenlands: Magische Pantoffeln, mit denen man blitzschnell an...

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