Patience & Hustle Daily

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 15:17:41
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Patience and Hustle Daily is designed to share daily tips, and motivation for those starting out with their side hustle, and to those full time entrepreneurs.


  • Patience & Hustle Daily - On The Road Podcast Ep 1

    21/06/2018 Duração: 02min

    Health, Wealth, and Happiness. Why am I focusing on these things?   This is episode 1 of a new series I will be posting once, or more a week, where I record a podcast episode on my phone while driving. Sometimes my best thoughts come to me when I'm on the road, so I'm going to start documenting those. --- Support this podcast:

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - #DontGetWeakWednesday The Struggle

    20/06/2018 Duração: 02min

    Stacy A. Cross brings on guest, Dionna Walker, founder of Business Mom Inc. She shares her mindset on some of the struggles, and how it's levels to getting what you want in life. You have to go through the levels, and Dionna shares that insight on how to handle it.     Dionna Walker is From Dayton Ohio, she is the Founder of DIONNA HELPING HANDS, a non-profit that help low income families in my city with clothes, food, furniture and more! Dionna is also a mother 6 kids and married. She is the founder of BUSINESS MOM INC, a Business Management Firm for Mothers looking to start a business! Dionna has 3 published books and her most recent book is called THE MOMMY HUSTLE, a book that will inspire and uplift women and business women in all areas of life.   Website: Dionna Helping Hands Facebook: Links:  Sponsorship / Questions Email:  Subscribe: Join The Comfort Killers : www.thecomfortkill

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - Have Integrity

    19/06/2018 Duração: 02min

    Bitcoin - The New Nigerian Prince It seems like at least 2 times a week, I get a message from someone claiming they can get 200, 300, even 400% returns on investment. I already know what they’re trying to sell me…something about bitcoin, and mining bit coin. It’s a scam, we all know that. These bitcoin scammers are the new Nigerian princes. It is a total waste of my time to sit there and humor them, by replying back. They usually open up conversation with something about an opportunity, and I simply reply back “Send me your best pitch.” Then the fun begins. They tell me all about this big scam, and send me these pictures of text messages from supposed investors. The thing is, they’re all using the same photos of these text streams. The exact same photos. You can read these fake text streams, and be like “Yeah, that’s fake…” Then after you humor them for a short bit, you call them out, they get angry, then block you. With all that being said, this is what I want to tell you about. Have integrity. Sell somethin

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - No More Trying

    18/06/2018 Duração: 02min

    Stop Trying Start Doing   The word "TRY" and all of it's synonyms are hereby removed from my dictionary. I will no longer use them, as they are only a crutch to hold myself back. --- Support this podcast:

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - #DontGetWeakWednesday Virtues

    13/06/2018 Duração: 02min

    Stacy A. Cross brings another incredible edition of Don't Get Weak Wednesday. You will not want to miss the full episode, where Stacy goes through the entire list of 13 Virtues.     Personal Growth.  Spiritual Growth. Entrepreneurial Growth. Grab your free book: Buy my new book:   Email: Twitter: Instagram: Web:   --- Support this podcast:

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - Rejection

    12/06/2018 Duração: 01min

    When you’re doing sales, and you keep getting rejections, you can start to think “what’s wrong with me?” You have a great product, you ask the right questions, you bring a great amount of value, but you keep getting rejection.   The truth is, it may just not be the right time for the buyer.  It may be the right product, it may be the right price, everything is good…it just legitimately is not the right time. That’s why persistence, and follow up, and rapport building are so important.   Staying on the mind of the prospect, continually giving value when you follow up, is important. One day, that prospect is going to need your product, and will be in a position to invest in your product, and you best be the first one on their mind when that happens.   If you’re worried about not obtaining this one prospect, if you’re freaking out, then your pipeline is too small. You need to be hammering on doors, punching digits on a phone, typing out tweets, snapping some chats, being on facebook, Instagram, youtube, everywhe

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - Healthy Body Healthy Mind

    11/06/2018 Duração: 02min

    Healthy body, healthy mind   Since June 1st, I have been exercising regularly, eating a lot healthier, and I’m feeling the results.   Overall, I feel healthier. I have not eaten any greasy fast food, or a lot of sugary junk food. I have had a couple of chocolate chip cookies though, but it’s a lot more under control than it was before. So what kind of changes can you expect when you start exercising, and eating right?   Well, what I have experienced so far is that I have more energy, more focus, I’m sleeping better. I feel getting more sleep has actually helped me with remembering things better as well. I usually have to write things down, or I will forget, but I am noticing better retention which I attribute to be more rested. My sinus allergies have also been under control. Usually this time of year, I’m popping allergy pills just to breathe. But by eating cleaner, cutting out the grease and the sugar, I’ve noticed improvement.   I was a struggle in the beginning. Usually starting is the hardest part. I cha

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - Stop Breathe Reset

    09/06/2018 Duração: 02min

    We are desensitized to alarms. Their urgency of emergency no longer registers in our minds. We hear a whistle, it’s simply a whistle. Not an alarm of emergency. We hear a siren from a cop or ambulance, it’s just a siren. We hear a car alarm go off, we don’t run outside to see if someone is breaking into a car. We just want the alarm to stop.    This month of June for me, is about health. Not just physical, but mental health as well. This really made me start thinking about the alarms that our body gives us, to tell us when things are just not right. When it’s time to stop…breathe…reset…   I have personally found these alarms to come in the form of lower energy, frequent headaches, tense muscles..especially around the neck and shoulders, inability to focus, becoming easily agitated…I know this is starting to sound like one of those medical commercials with all the side effects…but the point is, sometimes we ignore these alarms that our body and mind are giving us, and in return our body can crash hard. If you

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - #DontGetWeakWednesday - Health

    06/06/2018 Duração: 02min

    Stacy A. Cross talks about starting at your own pace when it comes to healthy personal development. You do not need to listen to people who tell you that you need to do cross fit, or some other exercise program. You just need to start, jump in for the sake of jumping in.   Personal Growth.  Spiritual Growth. Entrepreneurial Growth. Grab your free book: Buy my new book:   Email: Twitter: Instagram: Web:   --- Support this podcast:

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - You Need A Game Plan

    04/06/2018 Duração: 02min

    You need a game plan.   The month of June for me is about Health. This health, Wealth, and Happiness challenge came about from a friends of mines podcast, The Stacy A. Cross Show. She talks about health, wealth, and happiness in her shows, and really got me to thinking that I need to work on this myself.  So I’m challenging myself to make a change in June, to improve my health by eating better, exercising more, and growing in knowledge. Growing in knowledge, I’m doing fine with. Reading books, doing training daily. The eating healthy, and exercise part has been a bit more of a struggle. The first 3 days, I didn’t really eat healthy. I was getting away from junk food, and eating out, but I did both of those things. The big problem is that I did not have a game plan. I have no direction, no clear goals, and those are vital to making a change, and setting new habits. You need a game plan. Here is how you build a game plan. You first need an overall goal. You need to define very clearly, and precisely what you wa

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - Guest: Jason Howland, Consumers & Creators

    01/06/2018 Duração: 03min

    Jason Howland shares how there are two types of people. There are the consumers, and the creators. Which one are you? Twitter: Instagram: --- Support this podcast:

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - Your What, Not Your Why

    31/05/2018 Duração: 01min

    What is your “Why”…you know what, on second thought, forget your “WHY”. Focus on WHAT you’re going to do. You talk about your “why” all day long, but without the “WHAT you’re going to do”, you WHY means nothing.   Layout an action plan and take action on it. Don’t plan on taking action, as soon as you write down your step number one, take it. Don’t hesitate. Remove time from the equation. If Step One about WHAT you’re going to do about your WHY, is call on 10 people, call them right then and there.   There’s no waiting. There’s especially no whining. Don’t whine about not having the time. In the amount of time, you were whining about not having time, you could have used that time to do what you were whining about not having time to do. There. End of podcast… If I were on Brad Lea’s “Dropping Bombs” Podcast, there would be an explosion sound for that. I’m not going to copy him though haha.   Layout step one of WHAT you’re going to do about your WHY, and take action on it. --- Support this podcast: https://a

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - #DontGetWeakWednesday: Stacy A. Cross with special guest, Delto Eli Alcantara

    30/05/2018 Duração: 02min

    Stacy talks with Delto Eli Alcantara about how his military experience has helped him in his civilian life.   Subscribe on: Website: Itunes (Apple): Stitcher: Google Play (Android): ------ Main Content:  Delto Eli Alcantara is an U.S army veteran who founded Elite Credit Consultants, a credit repair and consultant agency ( Elite Credit not only repairs your credit but builds financial freedom. Contact them today for a free consultation. Links:  Sponsorship / Questions Email:  Subscribe: Join The Comfort Killers : Be My Guest: Books Mentio

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - Healthy Habits Challenge

    29/05/2018 Duração: 01min

    Are you taking care of yourself? My good friend Stacy A. Cross, talks about Health, Wealth, and Happiness in her podcast “The Stacy A. Cross Show.” And this inspired me to do something. I’ve been working on improving my health, but have struggled to really focus on that. I eat healthy for a few days, then fall back into the junk. I’m trying to exercise more, but not having healthy eating habits in a way reverses the work you do. It’ll keep you from really progressing. So I’m challenging myself over the next 3 months to focus on Health, Wealth, and Happiness. Starting in June, I’ll be focusing primarily on eating healthier, and exercising more. If something is worth doing, it’s worth doing every day. To build up that habit When you take care of your body physically, you in turn are taking care of yourself mentally as well. If you eat right, and exercise, you’re going to sleep better, you’re going to have more energy, and you’re going to feel better overall. My challenge to you, is to look at what you are eatin

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - Handling Internal Objections on #BulletProofFriday

    25/05/2018 Duração: 02min

    The toughest objection you get in the sale, is the same objection you have internally. Jason shares how to overcome that objection, and win in the close. Twitter: Instagram: --- Support this podcast:

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - Passive Income

    23/05/2018 Duração: 03min

    Thelonious C. Jones, and Stacy A. Cross come to you today for #DontGetWeakWendesday. Thelonious talks about passive income through rental properties. This was specifically geared toward truck drivers, as a means for them to make supplemental income in the times that trucks break down, and they cannot be on the road. The important facts that Thelonious talks about though, are important for everyone to listen to.     Personal Growth.  Spiritual Growth. Entrepreneurial Growth. Grab your free book: Buy my new book:   Email: Twitter: Instagram: Web:   --- Support this podcast:

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - Yanny or Laurel, #Hashtags

    22/05/2018 Duração: 03min

    This was the context to my Yanny VS Lauren post. There's nothing really special about it, except for the fact that I hopped on a trending topic, and used trending hashtags. The results were what was interesting. ---- This is pretty interesting. Remember that whole “what color dress is this”, thing? Well. Now we have another one, and this time I can explain it. • When people hear his audio, some hear the name “Yanny”, and others hear the name “Laurel”. #yannyorlaurel #laureloryanny • Being a sound guy, I knew I could figure out what’s going on. • Here it is 1: An audio clip of the word “Yanny” and “Laurel” are playing at the same time. Yanny at high frequency, Laurel at a lower frequency. 2: Depending on the quality of your speakers, it may not pick up the lower frequencies. 3: Depending on your ears sensitivity to frequencies, you may only hear one or other even with good speakers. • I cut the Lowe frequencies out in the video to where you hear “Yanny” more clearly, and the. Cut the high frequencies out, whe

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - Recovered

    21/05/2018 Duração: 03min

    I'm now recovered after a few days of resting, getting re-energized, re-committed, and re-focused.   Here is an excerpt from my latest blog to talk about what happened:   I dropped a cookie on the floor   Kind of a strange name for a blog, I know. This really happened though. Twice. In the same evening. It’s currently Saturday morning, 00:34 or 12:34am, as I am writing this. This week has left me physically, and mentally exhausted. Mid way through the week I was feeling drained. I couldn’t hold myself together it seemed. The best way to describe how I was feeling, was that I dropped two chocolate chip cookies on the floor. I love chocolate chip cookies. What a waste of a good cookie. That’s when I knew my body was feeling the wear of the work, and time I have been putting in. Working a day job 7-5, then working out 30min-1hr after work, then doing another 2-3 hours of my side work. I’ve been doing this routine for a while, and I could feel my body needing rest. I continued to push through regardless.   Read t

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - Gray Skies

    18/05/2018 Duração: 02min

    Not every day is a sunny day, but that doesn't mean you can't make it a sunny day. Jason Howland brings us bullet proof friday, talking about how to make gray skies, into sunny days. Twitter: Instagram: --- Support this podcast:

  • Patience & Hustle Daily - #DontGetWeakWednesday "Don't Get Fooled By Gurus"

    16/05/2018 Duração: 02min

    Stacy A. Cross is back, and is on fire! Raw, no fluff, pure energy, is what she is now bringing. Bringing it on her terms, and no one else's. In today's episode of #DontGetWeakWednesday, Stacy talks about running your business, and life on your terms, and not being controlled by the outside world.     Personal Growth.  Spiritual Growth. Entrepreneurial Growth. Grab your free book: Buy my new book:   Email: Twitter: Instagram: Web:   --- Support this podcast:

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