Who is Xian'er? Robot Monk? Little Monk? Subscribe to "Robot Monk Xian'er" to learn wisdom to deal with negative emotions and afflictions in our everyday life. You might find out that Xian'er is not different from us, and we are not different from Xian'er.
Why are you so easily swayed by outside conditions 为什么你总是很容易被外境改变
28/03/2021 Duração: 57sWhy are you so easily swayed by outside conditions? Our purity and kindness are the same as that of our good-knowing advisors. The only difference is the duration. Our moment of clarity of the mind is transient and can be easily wrapped up by outside conditions and afflictions. Whereas, our good-knowing advisors are capable of maintaining this complete kindness and purity all the time. To learn from our good-knowing advisors is to acquire this capability with which we may keep our mind in its purest state all the time so that we can keep on cultivating good habits without being hindered by the rising and ceasing of sensations. 为什么你总是很容易被外境改变? 我们的清净、善良都跟善知识是无二无别的,所不同的是,人内心中的清明觉悟时间很短,很容易被外境改变,被烦恼覆盖;而善知识能够一直保持这种彻底的善良和清净。 向善知识学习,就是让我们拥有这种能力,能够一直保持内心最清净的状态。持续不断地修行,不要在意感觉的起伏、生灭。
Whom to compare with What to compare with 和谁比,比什么
24/03/2021 Duração: 48sWhom to compare with? What to compare with? Comparisons are not all wrong.The key is to compare what,And with what purpose.We should compare with the sages on virtue,wisdom,Vows and resolution.Thus, to have high esteem and hope for oneself,And to strive to emulate the sages,laying the foundation for the arising of wholesome dharmas. If we compare with others on fame and fortune,status, appearances, and entertainment,we will become either proud or humbled, and afflictions will follow,inviting shadows for a gloomy life. 和谁比,比什么? 比较不一定都是错误的,关键看比较的是什么,目的何在。与圣贤比,比福德、智慧、愿力、意志,自期自尊,努力效仿,是善法生起之根本;与他人比,比名利、地位、形貌、享乐,或傲或卑,烦恼丛生,是人生黯淡之缘由。
Turn the mind to a new direction 把心转一个方向
21/03/2021 Duração: 01minTurn the mind to a new directionThe Buddha Dharma believes that “the mindis like a painter.” Everything in the world, beautiful or ugly, good or bad, areall drawn by our mind. Take for example the photo of our parents, it is nothingbut a piece of paper in others’ eyes. For us, however, it is a symbol of heart-warminglove. At the sight of it, a range of virtuous thoughts such as longing for them,repaying their kindness and shame for not being there for them, will arise to softenour heart, to give us more strength to forge ahead. The outside circumstances are reflectionsmirrored in our mind. One is apt to view what lies there in one’s mind. We seeindifference when our heart is icy; we see selfishness when our heart is shutfrom the outside world. Only when our heart is bright and generous, can we seethe warmth and hope of the outward circumstances. Therefore, do not repel the outside conditions,nor ourselves. All we need to do is to turn the mind to a new direction, toreflect upon the beauty. &n
17/03/2021 Duração: 01minTranquility If your mind is agitated, afflictions are stirring up.Tranquility in the Buddhist context is achieved due to wisdom’s capacity to subdue afflictions. No outside changes can sway the mind. Massive power is hidden in such quietness. Humans are like this, easily swayed by conditions. It might be easy to remain calm and get along with the world wisely when one’s energy is sufficient. Otherwise, one world be tipped over easily and a tiny undertaking could be feared as a heavy burden. This must be the performance of an untrained mind. To practice the Dharma is to guide our mind to tranquility for a longer time, with more joy, and with more power. The basic way is to keep on practicing regularly. For example, read sutras or chant the names of Buddha every day, without interruption. This helps our mind to settle down. 寂静 心不能静,是烦恼尘埃泛起。佛法所说的寂静,是以智慧堪破烦恼,故不为境界所动,这种平静中蕴含着很大的力量。 人就是这样,状态总是起起伏伏的。心力高的时候,比较容易保持平静,为人处世也就比较有智慧;反之,心力低时内心就容易动荡,很小的事情都会变成沉重的负担。没有经过训练的心肯定会这样,而修行就是让我
The stuff of “I” is no good “我”可不是什么好东西
14/03/2021 Duração: 01minThe stuff of “I” is no good Some people are greedy for money, some for good reputation.The latter ones are chained to vanity, and not able to be at ease. Once we are aware of such a state,It will stop proliferating. Furthermore, we need to consider: There are one hundred of “I”s in one hundred people’s minds. The perfect images one tries to maintain never exist. When interacting with other people, we are often caught by a situation unconsciously.All people become vague background.“My impressions of them” turns into “what they think about me”. That is to say, most of our impressions of other people are related to “I”.“I” is the starting point of all thinking and all judgments. This is due to our timidity and lack of great aspiration. If we can let go too much attention to “I”, We may receive and evaluate incoming information more precisely, and to better shoulder our responsibilities and to benefit others. “我”可不是什么好东西 有的人贪利,有的人贪名,虚荣心重、爱面子,就是贪名的体现,它犹如一个沉重的枷锁,把我们锁住不得自在。当我们
Not talking about other’s fault 不说人过
07/03/2021 Duração: 01minNot talking about other’s faultWhen facing problems, most people would blame others for it right away,and seldom reflect on themselves,especially when the other person did do something wrong.Then, they will scold others with an afflicted mind, instead of considering how to change and improve the situation. The teaching of “do not talk about others’ fault” in Buddhismis aimed at solving this type of problem.When we see others’ fault,we should think of ways to help them correct their mistakesand face the outcomes in a positive manner. A saying goes like this:the best people are those with competence and no temper; the second-best are those with competence and temper; the third-best are those with no competence or temperand the worst are those with temper and no competence.The Buddhism idea of “not talking about others’ fault”is encouraging us to become the best.It does not mean turning a blind eye to faults,but rather having no afflictions after seeing them,and then,dealing with people and matters with a p
Happy and fearless 欢喜又无畏
03/03/2021 Duração: 01minHappy and fearless We may feel extremely tired if we regard doing something as a task that has to be finished, or, if we do it in the hope of getting a good result. While dangling between gain and loss, our heart is greatly distracted. Only when we clearly understand the meaning of what we are doing instead of craving for a certain result, and only when we do it whole-heartedly, may we feel happy and fearless. Responsibility and capability are related. Great capability brings about more responsibility. On the other hand, greater responsibility pushes for more capability. Thus, it is good for both others and oneself. Do it with joy,with no complaints or regret. Enjoy it! 欢喜又无畏 一件事情,当作任务不得不去完成,就会觉得非常疲惫;或者为了追求好结果,而患得患失,心也会很烦躁。唯有当自己清楚地认识到这件事的意义,并不攀附某个结果,只是尽心尽力去做时,内心才会欢喜又无畏。 责任与能力是配套的,能力越大,责任越大;反过来,越大的责任,才能激发出越强的能力,这是自利利他一体的事。欢喜去做,无怨无悔,乐在其中。
A truly beneficial friend 真正的益友
01/03/2021 Duração: 01minA truly beneficial friendIn order to make a truly beneficial friend who dare to give you critical advice, one has to have a big heart. The law of related karma applies here, too. One need to put in great efforts to cultivate one’s own virtue, to aspire for virtuous friends, and to be modest and eager for learning. Then, gradually, virtuous friends would gather around you. On the contrary, if you are arrogant and always be little people around you, you won’t be able to recognize virtuous friends even if they stand right before your eyes. To cultivate for our spiritual growth, we need not just good friends but beneficial friends. A truly beneficial friend is someone who helps us with our spiritual growth instead of being a refuge of emotions and a listener of our painful stories. 真正的益友欲得忠言逆耳之益友,当有虚怀若谷之心胸,这也是业感缘起的道理。归根到底还是从自己身心上努力,发希求善士之愿,努力培养谦虚、好学之德,渐渐就能感召善友。反过来,若总是觉得身边的人都不如自己,贡高我慢,即使善友就在眼前也不认识。修行,要有“益友”而不仅是“好友”。真正的益友,是能够帮助自己成长的朋友,而不是一个情感的依赖处、烦恼的安慰者。
The key to spiritual cultivation 道理对了,就对了吗?
24/01/2021 Duração: 02minThe key to spiritual cultivationTo be the oretically right does not meanone’s heart is “right”. The key to spiritual cultivation is to be mindful of this heart all the time, observing whether it is good or bad, sad or happy.When it is not happy, it is suffering. Then it is time to change. How to change one’s perception, thoughts and behavior? Instead of criticizing others, one should discipline oneself. Transform the heart of repulsion to one of compassion. Replace words of indifference to those of warmth.People are often trapped by afflictions. It is no use to reason. When we insist on reasoning to find right or wrong, we,too, fall into the big pit of afflictions. When the afflictions from the two sides encounter and mess around, how can we have a peaceful mind? When we are really peaceful in mind, whatever verbal abuse is merely like a gust of wind,passing by without leaving any trace. It is just like when we are in a happy mood, we won’t mind at all even to meet someone who is disrespectful to us.In fact,
The harder the merrier 面对困境,你可以这样做
20/01/2021 Duração: 01minThe harder the merrierEveryone can do easy things. However, it is from accomplishing challenging things that one grows up. Stuck in the comfort zone, we turn lazy and careless little by little, hard to sober up again.Initiate the inner strength first. Then learn to make plans, improve efficiency and overcome difficulties. Gradually, our abilities will build up. Don’t be anxious for a result. The more we rush for a result, the more pressure we will feel. Try our best everyday. Work through our plans on time. Learn from others,make up what is lacking in ourselves, and make amendment in our future work. Be the conditions favorable or unfavorable, always treat everything with the mentality of going through a process. In our practice, study and work, we need to train a determined mind, a mind not to be cowered under any circumstances.Challenges come up for everyone, one after another, day after day, piling upgradually. Yet, once we are determined to take them one by one, nothing would be so challenging anymo
Melting and leaching 后悔药和忏悔药,你吃哪个药
17/01/2021 Duração: 01minMelting and leachingThe element of gold is contained inside the ore, mingling with other minerals from the very beginning. It is not the case that gold is pure originally but is defiled suddenly one day. To extract gold from its ores, the mineral processing of leaching and melting is needed. It is the same with our mind. On the one hand, we need to burn our afflictions with the fire of repentance, and on the other hand, the water of good dharma is needed to flush away the impurities and to moisten our pure mind. The core of repentance is to admit the sins we have committed and vow never to commit again. Repentance is different from regret. It is just like washing clothes. The more we wash, the cleaner clothes are. The more we repent, the more relieved we feel at heart. It is the creation of wholesome karma instead of the repetition of sufferings. 后悔药和忏悔药,你吃哪个药金元素蕴藏在矿石之中,一开始就是真金与杂质共存,并不是最初清净无染,某一天突然变得染污了,要从矿石中获得真金,要经过铸炼。 人心也是如此,一方面用忏悔之火去烧,一方面用善法之水去冲洗、润泽,才能有效去除烦恼。 忏悔的核心是内心知错、誓不再造,忏悔与后悔不同,忏悔
Dedication and aspiration 念念不忘,必有回响
13/01/2021 Duração: 01minDedication and aspirationDedication is made to where our true aspiration lies. It is an echo to our aspiration. Aspiration is made before avirtuous act, as a motivation, while dedication is to strengthen that aspiration. It’s like when we want to obtain something and make money for it. Rather than squander the money, we keep the goal in mind and save up the money for that purpose. Without dedication, a lot of virtues and merits may be lost. The meaning of dedication is to remind ourselves the original vows we’ve made, which is to conduct good deeds and to cultivate our mind. Dedication is also to enlarge our heart. When we dedicate our merits to others, it is like holding a mirror to reflect the sunlight to other places. It’s also like lighting a lamp so that many more lamps can be lit. 念念不忘,必有回响内心中真实的希愿处就是回向。 回向与发愿是一致的,发愿是在做善行之前,策励自己为了什么去做;回向是做善行之后,再一次稳固这个愿力、这个方向。就好比你想去做某件事,为此去赚钱,赚钱之后不要随便花掉,而是心心念念记得自己的目标是什么,把钱都攒起来用于这件事。如果不回向,我们的很多善行功德就会散失掉。 回向的意义,在于提醒自己不要忘记了行善、修行的初发心,在于培养我们广大的心量。 回向给
Courage comes after action 戒了吧!拖延症!
10/01/2021 Duração: 01minCourage comes after actionProcrastination is a typical irrational behavior. Time is wasted while we are slaved by emotions. With more anxieties piling up, we become more emotional and are caught in a vicious circle.Negative emotions do not come from unfinished tasks, but from the one most important thing that waits to be done. This one thing has become a burden,falling heavily on our heart. Many people prefer to do the most challenging thing at the end. It's an escape in disguise.The huge pressure brought by fear, guiltand worry, which are hidden deep down in our heart, makes the task look more challenging and fearful. The way out is to confront the problems face to face.Take action and do the thing that weighs the heaviest in your mind. Courage will grow after an action is taken. Not the other way around. 戒了吧!拖延症!拖延症是一种典型的不理智行为,被情绪所控制而白白浪费许多时间,越是如此心中焦虑越深,于是情绪越重,形成恶性循环。负面情绪的产生,不是事情太多,而是最重要的一件事情没有做,一直沉甸甸地压在心头。许多人喜欢把最难的一件事放在最后去做,其实是一种潜在的逃避。内心深处的畏难、愧疚、担忧慢慢堆积,便形成“压力山大”,越发感到困难和畏惧。解决办法就是去直面问题,去做最重要的、自己最惦记的一件事情
Beat depression 找回,内心的温暖
06/01/2021 Duração: 01minBeat depressionThe first step is not to be too guilty.Accept yourself, accept the pain. Let the restless heart calm down first. You may light a lamp, imagining breaking the darkness in the mind with the light of wisdom. Make a wish to the sunshine every morning, wishing that all the people who are suffering as you are can walk out of the shadow as soon as possible. Be happy for yourself whenever you do a virtuous thing, such as picking up rubbish or showing strangers the way. You may also try something out of your comfort zone, such as make a dish that you’ve never tried, or say “I love you” to your parents courageously. In this way, we may call back our inner brightness and warmth. 找回,内心的温暖//打败抑郁打败抑郁,第一步不要太愧疚,接受自己,接受痛苦,让烦躁不安的心先平静下来。 可以去附近的寺庙点一盏灯,作意以智慧的光明破除内心的黑暗。每天清晨对着阳光发愿,愿一切与自己类似的人都能早点走出阴霾。生活中,要随喜自己做的每一件善业,哪怕随手捡一个垃圾,给陌生人指路等。还可以试着做一些突破自己的小事,例如做一道自己没有做过的菜,鼓起勇气对父母说“我爱你们”,在点滴中找回内心的光明和温暖。
A grateful heart 哪些人,真的对你好
03/01/2021 Duração: 01minA grateful heartWe often say, acknowledge kindness, cherish kindness and repay it. For example, our parents have compassionate kindness for us. They give birth to us, raise us up, and educate us to be accomplished and good citizens. Our parents nourish us mentally and physically in many ways. We should acknowledge and repay their kindness instead of always venting grievances over their slippage. On the contrary, we need to reflect on ourselves. What and how much have we done for them? Buddhism emphasizes repaying four types of kindness, namely, the kindness of our parents, the kindness of our motherland,the kindness of the Three Jewels, and the kindness of all sentient beings. If we know who are kind to us and determine to repay their kindness all the time,we would see the world with a quite different mentality. 哪些人,真的对你好//报恩我们常常讲,知恩、念恩、报恩。比如说父母对我们有恩,父母生了我们,育了我们,培养我们,让我们成才,让我们成人,成为一个有作为的人,成为一个好人;父母给我们很多物质方面的、精神方面的滋养。 对父母要念恩、报恩,不要总是看到他们的过失,反过来先看看自己做了几分?自己做得如何? 佛教讲报四恩,父母恩、国家恩、三宝恩、众生恩。我们如果知道
Whose business 去私心,平己见-私心
30/12/2020 Duração: 02minWhose business?In our daily life, we often see many things that “should” be done but are left undone. In a sense, it is very easy for usto see others’ negligence. The truth is, firstly, we may not totally understand why he behaves in such a way. Maybe he has his own reasons and considerations,or he is in trouble and thinks only for himself; or he lacks experience. The most important point is: what is our state of mind? What standing point? What attitude? Are we willing to try our very best to solve the problem for the teamor are we content with just handling our own business well? If people are opposed to each other,starting a tug of war, both will consider the other side selfish. The other side of the coin is that when we judge others as selfish, we are mostly under the sway of selfishness ourselves and not happy with our “self "left unsatisfied by others. In a family, if we all calculate who contributes more and everyone emphasizes his small self, then it is very hard to create harmony in the fami
The source of light 让自己成为一颗善的种子-人生的意义
27/12/2020 Duração: 01minThe source of lightTo understand the meaning of life, firstly we should know what life is. For human beings, where does birth come from and where will death lead us to? To be alive is to be in a state, a state of ceaseless striving forward, of aspiration and hope. Our life is propelled by karma. To be alive is to create better karma, to make our surroundings more appealing, and to benefit all being. Everyone has the responsibility and the ability to promote himself, his family and the world which he lives in to a better state. The value of a human being is determined not by his status, fame or wealth, but by what he offers. Constantly keep noble intentions, speak kind words, do good deeds. Be a seed of virtue. Be the source of light. Here lies the meaning of our life, also the power of our life. 让自己成为一颗善的种子//人生的意义要了解人生的意义,先要知道什么是人生。人,生从何来,死往何去?生,是一种状态,自强不息、充满希望的状态。人的生命走向由业力推动,我们活着就是要让自己的生命不断进步,也让自己所生存的环境越来越美好,让一切众生都因为自己的存在而得到利益。 每个人都有责任,也有能力让自己、家人以及所生活的这个世界变得更好,一个人的价值大小不是由他的地位、名气或财富决定的,而是由他所付出
The pure land 心清净,到处都是净土-极乐世界
23/12/2020 Duração: 32sThe Pure LandPure Land is nowhere to seek from the outside world, but a holy palace to be created from the inside, where one has no sorrow, no loneliness, no greed, no hatred, no delusions, and no afflictions, only the clean, pure, sweet and joyous kindness, and peaceful happiness. 心清净,到处都是净土//极乐世界极乐世界,不是外在极乐,而是内心的极乐——没有痛苦,没有孤独,没有贪嗔痴,没有妄想烦恼,有的只是清净、纯洁、充满善意的欢喜和宁静的快乐。
Powerful good karma-善有善报,不仅仅是一句广告-业
13/12/2020 Duração: 01minPowerful good karmaKarma is the intentional acts of our body, speech and mind. We create karma every and each moment, leaving traces behind. The invisible and untouchable karmic seeds are hidden and potential forces which will function when outside conditions are favorable. This is just like the quiet growth of a seed. From the surface, no changes can be detected. However, with proper conditions, it will break through the soil, sprout, growup, even blossom and bear fruit. Thought itself is also karma, a seed that can grow. When it is strong enough, it will lead to actions of the body and speech. Advertisement actually takes advantage of this principle. Therefore, we should not neglect the tiniest seed of virtuous or evil thought. Never think that an evil thought is only a thought. Remember that it can produce negative effect in our mind, and the accumulated power will be great. On the opposite, we must cultivate the seed of virtuous thought. Moreover, we need to encourage ourselves to put the virtuo